forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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(Same XD, also sry my response is pretty short)
The guard nodded, watching Loki's face and deciding from his reaction to the letter that waiting for a response could happen, "No problem, as long as I can possibly be told what was in that letter that made you so happy?" Magnus didn't seem to mind his request at all, especially since all he was missing was more patrol around the castle. Waiting to deliver a letter back to Avalin didn't bother him at all.


(nah it's oki!)
He smiled up at him, his magic that was floating around the room earlier was a deep gold color and floating steadily now, creating a dream like setting despite being in a cage. "Avalin is to have a child soon." he explained, trying not to trip over his own words as he still tried to process everything. "she found out today." He finally found some paper and started to write. He had to admit it was nice having another person to talk to again, one to share his new found joy with. Usually it would have been Thor but since they weren't necessarily talking, Loki was fine with sharing with Magnus for now.
"My dearest Queen, my love, my goddess,
You have no clue how absolutely happy it makes me feel to hear that you bear our child! I'm afraid I can't find the right words to express my happiness but please know that I am. The only thing that would make this perfect is that if I could hold you once again. Soon my love, sooner than you may think. I swear to you. I'm glad to hear about the wonderful news but please don't work to hard. If anything happens, please tell Magnus. These letters bring great comfort to me my love, I'm glad mine do the same, though I'd love to say this all to you in person. I love you Avalin, more than anything. i await your next letter my love. Stay safe.


Magnus's face split into a joy-filled smile at the news, "Congratulations Loki, I'm happy for you two!" He waited patiently for his letter, grabbing it and adding on one more thing as he held onto the letter tightly, "I know it's not much, but I give you my word that I'll watch out for her until you're able to meet again." The guard nodded to him and turned with his last words, an extra bounce in his step that wasn't visible before.
Avalin hadn't been able to think of anything but the news after being told she was pregnant, even as she worked, currently reshelving books in the library, her mind turned over the information. She hoped Loki would be happy. Even though her entire body told her that he would be overjoyed, a tiny part of her still held onto the possibility that he wouldn't be happy. Her work and thoughts kept her occupied until she was tapped on the shoulder, the movement startling her until she recognized that it was Magnus, holding out a letter to her.
"Congratulations, Lady Avalin," He said gently, smiling at her.
Instantly she smiled back and took the letter, wasting no time as she read it over. She was overjoyed to read that Loki was happy about all of this, and she couldn't help but smile at his request for her not to work too hard. "Thank you, Magnus," She said, earning a nod in return, "I'll have a letter to go back tomorrow morning, but thank you for all of your help."


"Thank you Magnus, for both delivery the letters and for keeping Avalin safe." he replied, waving a hand to settle the wisps of magic. They slowly melted away, leaving behind a soft shimmering. He layed back on the cot and shut his eyes, imaging how their life would be after he got out of the cell. He wondered if he would be able to leave before Avalin gave birth. He wanted to be there for her, if not for the full pregnancy then at least for the birth. He thought over his previous life before Avalin and wondered if he would be a good father, especially considering his own upbringing. Shaking the thought away, he swore to Valhalla that he would cherish and protect his wife and child for all of eternity, no matter what the circumstance.


(Timeskip possibly? Just to like two/three months later? :) There's a scene that I think would be really fun if you're cool with it)


(I was thinking that somehow Avalin finds a way to visit Loki with Magnus help somehow? Either at his cell or some other way? Idk, just think it would be fun :D)


(ooohh I like that idea! would Thor somehow find out or something? maybe in his cell or at least in the dungeon since that would be less risky? unless you want it to be risky…)


(Ooo I like the idea of Thor somehow finding out! In the dungeon works unless you want to add some risk? If they didn't meet in the dungeon it would definitely be easier to incorporate Thor finding out?)


(true, true, I'm thinknig they meet outside of the dungeons maybe in the study/library or in the servants quarter, somewhere that would be supposedly safe?)


(Meeting in the servant's quarter would be funnnnn, and it would be really surprising for Thor to go there, but maybe he does because he's looking for Avalin and wants to talk to her? )


(Yeesssss!!! I like where this is going, also maybe Magnus gets in trouble or something since he let Loki out?)



In all three months that Avalin had been working, she hadn't been able to see Loki once. She had asked Thor countless times and had even finally shared the news that she was pregnant to try to sway his answer, and still, he had said no. And so, she had taken things into her own hands. It had taken forever to set up, from begging Magnus to help (Which he agreed thankfully) to waiting for a day that all of the servants would be busy, but finally, she was going to be able to see her husband. There was a party in the palace and so she was sure that it was the safest it would ever be to meet with him, but even then, she waited until after dinner rounds to prisoners would go around for Magnus to do his part of the job.

Now all she had to do was wait in the servant's quarters and wait with nervous happiness.

Magnus walked through the rows of cells, acting like the guard he was supposed to be. In his arms rested a cloak as well as a letter from Avalin explaining to Loki what was happening. "How was your dinner?" He asked casually once he reached Loki's cell, slipping the cloak and the letter through the pod.
Please go with Magnus love, I promise everything is alright, just trust him. The cloak is to help hide your appearance, but if you can disguise yourself as a guard, you don't have to wear it. We don't have a lot of time nor can I go into much detail in this letter, but it'll be worth it. I love you.


Loki has been meditating again, his magic staying the light green ever since he had gotten the news that Avalin was pregnant. He opened his eyes slowly when Magnus cane to his cell and stood up, his magic dissipating into thin air. “It was fine.” He replied, arching an eyebrow when he saw something the pod. He flicked his gaze to the guard and walked over, seeing that it was a cloak with a note resting on top. He read it over silently to himself before looking up at Magnus once more in surprise. He took a moment to think it over, shaking the thought that his brother had finally come to his senses and actually allowed him to see his wife. If so then why all the secrecy? He set the note down on the bed and pulled on the cloak as well as changing his appearance so he looked like a member of the guard. He looked to Magnus and nodded, ready to get out of the cell.


Magnus nodded back, pressing his thumb to a button outside of the cell and watching as the barrier between Loki and him disappeared. "Don't do anything stupid, please," The guard said, waiting until he was out of the cell before putting the barrier back up and walking alongside Loki as they headed out of the cells, "Avalin is putting everything on the line to talk to you, as well as my job, so if you could, please don't try to leave the castle. It'll earn all three of us solitary for the next century." His words were quiet and rushed, making it clear just how much was on the line. The pair walked the halls, and for once Magnus was happy that the servant's quarters weren't terribly far from the prison.

Avalin waited patiently, quietly sitting on the edge of her bed and trying not to pace around the room. Every time she heard footsteps in the hallway she wished it was Loki and Magnus, though four different times it hadn't been them. She sighed and fiddled with the edge of her cleanest (But still not clean) dress, well aware that worrying about how she looked was just something to keep her mind occupied while she waited.


He pulled the hood up as the yellow-is barrier disappeared from view. he had known only the tint of yellow for months now. Seeing Magnus in the colors of royal guard instead of yellow washed version was comforting to Loki. Stepping down from the cell he smirked and shook his head, following Magnus through the halls of the dungeon. "Since when do you know my actions to be anything else than calculating and precise?" He turned forwards and adjusted his appearance slightly to better much with Magnus, the only giveaway would have been his eyes, now a serene emerald green. His heart skipped a beat when Magnus mentioned Avalin and a chance to see her again as well as the potential danger this could put all of them in. "Thank you Magnus, for everything you've done for both me and Avalin. I know you've risk your position here as a guard countless times just speaking to me, but know it is very much appreciated and I do hope the best for you in the long run." He nodded his head in respect to guard as they entered the Servant's quarter, his eyes darting around in hopes of spotting his dearly missed wife


"I did it for Avalin's sake more than anything, but you're welcome. I'll be outside the door and I'll knock twice if anyone is coming. You have around an hour at the best I would guess." Magnus gave Loki a tight smile, opening the door to the servant's quarters and waiting until he was inside before closing the door behind him. Now they just had to hope that Thor stayed at his party as long as he normally did.

Avalin's head snapped up when she heard the door finally open and she met eyes with Loki instantly. Even though he was disguised as a guard, she knew his eyes on sight and a relieved smile broke over her face. "Loki," She whispered, standing slowly and making her way towards him. Unlike herself, he looked perfectly fine, even as a guard, where she looked exhausted. There were faint circles under her eyes and her hair was tied up in a hasty bun, her dress was dirty and to top it all off she was clearly close to four months pregnant.


He nodded in thanks once again and looked around the halls once more before entering the servants quarter, shutting the door behind his quietly. He dropped the façade and quickly walked over to Avalin, carefully scooping her up in a hug and hugging her close, burying his face in her hair. he pulled away gently and pressed a sweet kiss to her lip. "My Queen." he whispered softly, scooping her up entirely in his arms and walking over to where she was sitting, holding her in his lap. " I promised you this would never happen again, yet I've managed to break that promise, as I do with many. I'm sorry my love." he sighed softly and pressed his lips to her head. He glanced down at her slightly swollen belly and smiled faintly, his eyes filling with adoration and love for both the baby and his wife. "And I can see that this little one has been keeping you busy, is that right?" he cooed gently, resting a gentle hand on her stomach.
He smiled at avalin and kissed her once again "my precious Queen," he murmured with a smile "is it too much to ask that you stop working for a bit, if not to take care of yourself first. You're exhausted, especially with this one taking half your energy. Have you ask Thor for a leave, even just for a few days?"


She looped her arms around him as soon as he hugged her, not letting go even as he picked her up and sat down where she had been sitting moments ago. It had been too long since she had been able to be with her husband and she didn't want to waste any moment that they were together. "It's alright my love, you don't try to break your promises, and this was out of your control," Avalin replied with a soft smile, "And yes, this one has been trying their hardest to keep me busy." Her own hand moved to rest gently on top of his and she returned his kiss.
A tiny frown appeared on her face at his questions but her smile appeared seconds later, "My love, you know why I won't stop working, and I'm taking care of myself as much as I can. I won't deny that I'm exhausted, but that's not a good reason for me to stop working. Your brother has made it clear that any days I take leave for are more days you're stuck in your cell, and I hate knowing that while I'm resting, you're stuck in that terrible place." She rested her head on his shoulder as she talked, gently tracing whorls over his hand as it rested on her stomach.


He sighed and shook his head, lacing their hands together and pressing a kiss to hers. "And how do you think I feel, staying in that cell all day while you spend your days and nights working. I'll be fine if I have to spend a few more days in there, knowing that you took those days to rest and take care of yourself." He pressed a kiss to her head and hugged her close. "I'm sure Thor would understand the reason for your leave. He's strict but so much to let you work yourself to the point of near collapse, especially with a child on the way." He reasoned gently, pressing kisses to her brow. He pressed his hand to her stomach once again and shook his head "Maybe you can convince her, hm?" he smiled, the loving look in his eyes never leaving, even when he tried reasoning with Avalin. "have you come up with any names for the young prince or princess?" he asked, looking at his Queen once more.
(i keep forgetting that they won't have a child…this is getting sad!!)


(lol I knowwwwww… I gotta keep myself from getting too attached….I really want them to eventually have a kid tho)
"I've been trying my best to not have to speak to your brother," She admitted softly, a half-smile on her face, "But if it gets to the point where I'm close to collapsing from work, I promise you I'll take a day off and rest even if it means I have to break my silent treatment. As much as I don't like it, I feel like I'll have to take more days off as our child grows." As she talked, she gently pressed kisses to his jaw, only stopping when he mentioned names. "I only have a few names that I've thought about, and I don't want to decide on any without you having a say in the matter." Her eyes held the same loving look as his as she glanced at her stomach, "Do you think they'll be a boy or girl?"


(same!!! they need a child!!!)
he chuckled softly when Avalin mentioned giving his brother the silent treatment. "I would never have guessed you to be the one to hold a grudge my love. I'm proud." he nuzzled her temple and beamed down at her "Thank you though, for willing to ask. I'm sure you will need that time off, you deserve it, my dear." he hummed softly and held her closely and tilted his head "what did you have in mind?"he asked, resting his hand on her stomach and smiling "I can check if you want, though that would spoil the surprise."


(Definitely! :D)
Avalin laughed lightly and shrugged, hugging him tighter for a moment, "Well, I learned from you, my King." She looked up at him and gently reached a hand up, running it through his hair with a smile, "I would love to know if they're a boy or a girl, if you want to check. Then I can stick to the names that will fit them, saving you from listening to me rattle off all the names I've been dying to tell you." Before he could respond, she pressed a light kiss to his lips, then settled back against him with her head on his shoulder.