forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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"Brother," Thor started, stopping infront of the barrier and looking calmly down at him. He didn't say more for a minute, just looked over Loki and motioned for the guards that had joined him to leave. "You look tired." It was a passable sentence that wasn't going to start a fight, though it didn't involve anything about leaving to be with Avalin at all.


(Things are goin down….)
He shrugged “being in a cell away from your dearly beloved doesn’t that to you.” He’d refrain himself from any further jabs but some pent up feeling just had to come out. “Other than that, I’ve been through far worse…well, maybe not as bad as losing my wife for five years but you get the point.” He narrowed his eyes and walked back to his bed area. “How was your little trip?” He asked, voice clipped and accusatory


Thor shrugged, leaning against the barrier and continuing on easily, "It was good, truce negotiations are never fun, but it was productive. I hope that the few negotiations will keep things from boiling over before I get a solid idea worked out." He seemed to be skimming around the topic of Avalin, though from the tension in the air, he did know about her situation.


Loki nodded slowly. He had always had an interest in realm politics, finding it interesting how each realm decided to govern themselves while also being under one ruler. He also found that information usefull in case he would have ever needed it to conquer a realm. He shook the thought from his head, telling himself he was beyond conquering realms. “I’m sure things will work out. The other realms were never keen on starting a fight with Asgard. They have little reason to do so now.” He mused, voice growing softer than it was moments ago. “They won’t do anything of extremes without your permission.” He looked up at the ceiling and sighed softly, missing the days when things hadn't gone to hell and Thanos had ruined the worlds. He wouldn’t apologies for destroying cities in search of his wife. He knew anyone and everyone in his position would have done the same. He looked back towards Thor and tilted his head. “They’ve told you. Didn’t they?”


"They might not fight with Asgard, but between themselves..that's much more likely. And as the King, it's my job to keep the peace before anything like before breaks out," He replied, shaking his head, "Just because the power shifted from father to me doesn't give them the room to riot and cause problems." Thor studied Loki, acting like he didn't know what his brother meant, "Told me about what in particular?"


He hummed softly and nodded “that is true. Though it is fun to see them play it out. No true harm comes from a little fight. You and I are the options of that.” He laughed to himself before standing once more and shaking his head “don’t play stupid with me Thor. As you said, you’re the king of Asgard. You have to know the going on Saturday of your own kingdom, more so if they happen within your palace. Though some things do slip your grasp.” He grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. “Surely you can’t be that blind.”


“I’m not blind, brother, I know what is going on. All I’m wondering is if you know what’s going on? Enlighten me,” Thor said calmly, having much more patience with his brother than from before. The last time he has talked he had gotten too angry and this time he was determined not to. “This is your time to ask me for anything you’d like brother, otherwise I’m going to go work on peace treaties.”


Loki scowled and slowly made his way over to the barrier “are you really going to make me beg for what I’ve wanted for the past 9 months? To be with my wife who’s about to have our child?” He smirked “you think too highly of yourself brother.” He shook his head and clasped his hands behind his back. “Fine. Chain me up, do whatever you feel necessary. I don’t care. Just let me see them.” He gritted our for what felt like the hundredth time in those 9 months. He hated begging for anything to anyone but if it was going to allow him to see Avalin then he’d swallow any pride he had just to do so.


Thor kept a straight face, listening to Loki talk and replying after he had finished, "Do you swear not to use your magic in the palace and that you will not try to escape with Avalin and your child?" He took a small step away from the barrier, tipping his head to the side in slight question, "If you swear to that and that you won't injure anyone, then I will let you see her."


He rolled his eyes and gave his brother a lazy grin “how did words ever become so important?” He shook his head “yes, I swear I won’t use magic to harm anyone in the palace or try to escape with Avalin or the baby.” He repeated, eyes alight with greens and gold, waiting anxiously to Ben finally let free, even just for a few hours


"You get no longer than one day to spend with her and your child. Then you'll be escorted back here," Thor said, meeting Loki's eyes, "If you put up a fight I will add time to your sentence, time that Avalin can't work off." He pressed the button outside of the cell, watching as the barrier slowly went up and the wall between them dissappeared.


He restrained a jab at the mention of just having one day with his family but he’d take it. “24 hours with Avalin and the baby. No magic. Fine.but she has has to take a leave for a few months to take care of the child. Don’t make her work while also having to take care of him.” He replied after a short while, standing as the barrier came down. He stuck husband hands out, readying for the heavy weight that formed in his gut whenever restraints were put on him.


Thor nodded, waving his hand dismissively as Loki stuck his hands out, "I trust your word brother, and if you keep that trust there's no need for cuffs. Don't make me regret that decision." He watched the other male, starting out of the cells with his cape flowing out behind him, "Go be there for your wife, I'll arrange for her to not work for a few months."


(I’m just looking back through responses and DANG I can’t spell..I’m so sorry)
Loki slowly dropped his hands and looked at his brother skeptically. “Are you alright? Did you tumbled around in the bifrost a little too hard? Usually you never trust me.” He shrugged, and made his way out of the cell. “Not that I’m complaining or anything.” He stood there for a while before Thor started walking away and breathed a sigh of relief “thank you Thor. Despite what’s been going on these past few years. Thank you for this. He said, following his brother out of the cells until he broke off to find the infermery.


(Lol it's all cool! Sorry this post is so short)
"It's a gift, in celebration for you and Avalin," Thor replied, nodding gently, "Tell your wife I say hi, and don't make me regret this decision to trust you." Then he walked off, leaving Loki to walk on his own to the infirmary.

Avalin and Magnus were already in the infirmary, with the former guard pacing around infront of one of the rooms. He looked nervous, but seemed to be trying to calm himself down, and Avalin was nowhere in sight.


(Ah thank for putting up with me XD also it’s alright!)
Loki started to jog around the castle, a bit disoriented from not being out of the cell for so long. Eventually he finally found the infirmary. “Is Avalin here?” He asked, stopping the guard and looking around frantically. “Please, my wife, she a going to have a baby.” He explained, slightly out of breath


Magnus spotted Loki out of the corner of his eye, rushing over as he emerged out of one of the rooms. "Loki," He called, walking over and running a hand through his hair nervously, "Avalin is here. She went into labor about an hour ago, but they rushed her off because something wasn't going right just a few minutes ago. They wouldn't let anyone go with." He let out a slightly shakey breath, looking up at him and waiting for his reaction.


He looked up when Magnus called to him and faced him. A pit settled in his stomach but he tried not to let that worry him. “Where? Where did they take her?” He asked, slowly growing more desperate. “Did the doctors ever say what was happening?” He ran a hand through his hair, hoping to calm his racing nerves. please, I beg you keep her safe. Keep the baby safe. Hurt me all you want but please keep them safe. he prayed, watching as everyone moved far too slowly for his liking.


"They didn't say anything besides that I had to stay out here, she's in the back of the infirmary," Magnus said, letting out one more shakey breath before reaching out and resting a hand on Loki's arm. "She'll be alright, the doctors know what they're doing, let them do their job," He replied, stepping in between Loki and the path to Avalin, "Please. This is what I'm asking in return for watching over Avalin."


Loki looked down at the guard, battling between desperately wanting to see his wife and be by her side and honoring Magnus’ wishes. “I hope you never have to go through this in the future.” He said, voice strained as he reluctantly took a step back and slumped against the opposite wall, determined to stay in place until he was allowed in, no matter how long it took. “Has she shown any sign of discomfort before? Anything that would be slightly concerning now?” He asked softly


"She never mentioned much about how she was feeling," Magnus replied, trying to think back as he chewed at the inside of his cheek, "But from what she did tell me, she didn't seem to be in any discomfort that wouldn't be normal for being pregnant." He walked over to Loki, taking a spot next to him and resting his head on his hand, "She came in for checkups whenever she had enough energy to do so, and nothing seemed concerning."


He nodded slowly as Magnus explained Avalin’s health over the past few months, laughing softly as he mentioned Avalin not mentioning her wellbeing. “Probably to keep from being put on a leave.” He replied, realizing that was mostly his fault.
He was glad to here that she occasionally came in for check up she though he didn’t be more relieved if she had done them regularly. “If nothing seemed concerning then, then everything should be fine now, right?”


He nodded slowly, a nervous look still on his face as he replied, "Lets hope everything is alright." Magnus stood up again after a moment, sighing and pacing infront of Loki as he chewed his lip, "I should've asked about how she was feeling more often, something could've been wrong and I would've never even known." He shook his head, glancing towards where they had taken her and pausing in his steps.


He watched as the young guard got up and started to pace. “She most likely wouldn’t have told you anyways, not wanting to stop working, that or not wanting to worry you.” He followed his gaze towards the infirmary window and slowly stood “we really should Ben in there with her.” He said, not moving towards the door but truest wanting to Ben by his wife’s side


Magnus sighed and glanced at the guard stationed in the infirmary, then back at Loki, "Go see her, she's been missing you. If they have a problem with it, I'll deal with them." He nodded towards the hallway, "She's in the last room down there, if I remember correctly."