forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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(mind playing Thor after this response?)
His brother just stared at the two for a few moments, never reacting to Loki's taunts, just thinking.
When he realized he wasn't getting a reaction from Thor, Loki's smirk dropped and he straightened slightly, all forms of taunts and playful demeanor gone from his appearance. "I've said it once to you and I'll say it again. She has nothing to do with this."


(Sure! No problem)
"She's the reason you left, Loki, she has everything to do with this," Thor responded straightening on the throne and looking down at the two of them, "Don't try to bargain your way out of her not getting a punishment as well. I won't give in. I'll end up lengthening her sentence if you do." He didn't wait for Loki to shoot back with a response, just sighed barely and looked at his brother to try to think of a good punishment for him.


Loki was going argue that the only reason he had left in the first place to look for Avalin was because of Thor stopping the search but when he heard him speak of a punishment for her. He suppressed his urged to yell and curse him to the depths of a fiery hell for fear that he'd raise the consequence. His breathing became hard and ragged, his suppressed magic causing him to shake from effort. He stole a glance at Avalin and then at his brother, waiting for his decision.


(Oh gosh, I just looked back to see how long we've had this RP going for and it's been going for well over a year straight now. It's officially the longest-running RP that I've ever been in lol. Also, I didn't realize just how bad my responses were when I first started doing these things XD)
"Loki Odinson, you are a disgrace to the royal family, and have broken almost every rule set in place. For that, I should sentence you to nothing less than a life sentence." Thor finally said, glaring down at him, "But you are also my brother, and the fact that you did all of this for one woman has to count towards something. For that, I sentence you to a length that I will decide as time goes on, in the royal prisons." He waited silently for Loki to say something, expecting something in response.


(XD No! They’re not bad! I’m glad we could keep this alive for so Long!)
Loki narrowed his eyes at his brother as he spoke but kept his mouth shut, knowing better than to contradict everything his brother had said, especially since Avalin’s sentence would be affected by his actions and words.
“And for her? You said there was a punishment for her.” He said, nodding his head towards his wife, his hands tightened slightly, hating that she would would be affected because of his wreckless actions


Thor turned his attention to Avalin, seeming to think for a while before finally talking, "Avalin, since you have also broken a considerable amount of rules, you should receive a long sentence, but you are also family to me in a sense, so I can try to lighten up your sentence as well." He didn't look over at Loki, knowing too well that this was going to make him quite mad, "You will start in solitary isolation as a baseline sentence. If I decide that you will behave well enough to go to a regular cell, then you will be transferred and can start working off whatever your husband still has on his sentence by going back to your job as a servant."
Avalin's eyes widened at the thought of solitary confinement. Even just the words brought her back to the five years she had been nothing more than ashes, eternally alone. And Thor wanted her to spend more time in a situation like that, in punishment for wanting to be back with Loki. She absolutely hated Thor now, though that feeling was hidden by her visible unease and worry as she thought about solitary confinement.


Loki held in his arguments and anger as much as he was able to when Thor mentioned Avalin's punishment. His eyes started to turn a coal black around the green iris, only brightening the color to a emerald. Was his brother so much of a coward to not look him in the eye when speaking about his wife, the one he knew full well he would give his whole life to? The air around him hummed with suffocated power, his hands as well as the chains trembling with effort as he tried to keep himself controlled for his wife's sake.
"Leave her to be a servant. I'll take on whatever allotted time she has in solitary confinement as an add on to my punishment." he offered, finally finding his voice admits his anger and hatred. He was glad hat it was strong, instead of wavering and weak, glad that he sounded like he had some authority.
"She spent five years alone. She doesn't need more time like that ever again. Let her be free at least in the castle as a servant and let me take on that portion of that punishment." He didn't look up at his brother, knowing that what little control he had over his anger would be lost if he looked up at him. He wouldn't risk snapping, not when he had a chance to reduce her sentence.


"Loki, no," Avalin protested, forgetting for a minute that she had guards around her as she went to walk to him, "I won't-," She could see how much control he was putting towards not having an outburst, at how hard he was trying to stay calm for her.

"Quiet, Avalin," Thor shot back as the guards grabbed her and yanked her back to where she standing, their grip on her arms anything but light. He thought for a minute then studied his brother, "Let me tell you now, if you take on that part of the punishment, she will not be able to work off that part of her sentence. If you try to escape that part, she will immediately be put in solitary and will have to endure the full length of what she's supposed to spend in there. If you agree to this brother, you won't be able to reverse it. Choose carefully." He leaned back on the throne, seeming unbothered by how much power was thrumming around his brother.

"No, I won't let him take on my punishment," She fought again, both arguing with Thor and fighting against the guard's grip. It would be torture to spend time in solitary, but she didn't want to let Loki take on her punishment, no matter how much it would save her from things she didn't want to remember. "Please, don't do this," She pleaded, her attention now on her husband and trying to get him to not agree.


(Haaaah this breaking my heart! )
Loki's hand's clenched at his font as Thor snapped at Avalin, as he saw out of the corner of his eyes the guards yanking her back into place. He would kill them himself if he ever found out that they so much as bruised her. He returned his gaze to the dais and nodded slightly "I understand."
He looked back at Avalin when she started to protest again, his anger easing in a soft smile. "My love, I must. You don't deserve any of this. If i can reduce that sentence then I will." He looked back up at Thor, his smile dropping almost immediately. "I agree to the sentence. I only ask one more favor. Let me have five minutes alone with my wife without chains. If you wish, you or a guard can stay to make sure nothing happens." he requested, eyes dulling to an olive green as he spoke, showing that his power was unstable yet still alive. "what have you become Thor? The brother I knew would never have done something like this." he shook his head slightly and looked back down at the ground


Thor nodded, "You can have five minutes with her, alone, but guards will be right outside the entrance and this room is spelled so you can't escape. If you attempt to, Avalin will be put in solitary even with our deal." He waved his hand and all the guards but the ones holding Avalin left, then he answered his brother again, "I'm king, brother. I have to do what's best for Asgard, no matter how much it hurts me to do it." Slowly, he stood, watching as one guard walked to Loki and unlocked the chains before he left the room, trailed by everyone but Avalin and Loki.

"No," Avalin whispered as the brothers sealed the arrangement, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe what was happening. The guards released her arms and she just sat on the floor, rubbing the sore part of her arm that they had been gripping onto. "You shouldn't have taken on my punishment," She choked out, looking over at Loki and trying to imagine what solitary was going to do to him, how long Thor was going to keep him in there.


He nodded silently and held out his arms so that the guards could release him. The humming of his magic still hung in the air but he managed to keep it in check for now. "Don't pretend like this does you any sort of pain, brother. You revel in seeing this happen." Loki growled as Thor left, waiting until everyone was gone before going to Avalin's side and scooping her up in his arms, burying his face against her neck "I would do it a million times over just so you wouldn't have to endure that kind of torture ever again." he pressed his lips to her temple and sat on the stair of the dais with her. "You'll get through this my love. It's going to be alright." he hated himself for lying. In truth, he didn't know if things were going to be alright. He didn't want to know how long his brother planned on keeping him in solitude for. He could only hope he'd keep his word about Avalin remaining only as a servant for her punishment and nothing more. He pressed a kiss to her lips and nudged her head so he could see her features. "I told you at our wedding and I'll tell you again, I love you Avalin. You are my goddess. I will do anything and everything that ensures your safety."


She clung to him as he scooped her up, her arms wrapping tightly around his chest. "But I don't want you to have to deal with being alone for that long. It's terrifying," Avalin whispered, "It changes you." His assurance that everything was going to be alright calmed her slightly, but she pulled away slightly, concern visible in her eyes, "I'll get through this, but will you? I love you too much to let you get hurt, you are my world, my happiness." She kissed him back gently, memorizing his face before pressing another kiss to his lips, this one not as gentle.


He gently brushed aside her hair and smiled teasingly, trying to lighten the mood "love, it's not like i haven't been in confinement before. I think I'll be alright. I'm more worried about you, dear." He hugged her tight, wanting to dispel any fear and worry from her. He kissed her back, gently at first but then more desperate and passionate, wanting the moment to last forever but knowing that it never could, at least not for now.
"I love you Avalin. more than anything. " his whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple and humming softly, just wanting to hold her close to his form for a moment longer


(Dang I just got a really sad idea of something that could happen while Loki is in solitary ;-;)

"We'll get through this, I'll be back by your side soon enough, I know it," She mumbled, tightening her hold on him and burying her face in his shoulder. Being this close to him was something she wanted to get every moment from, even if their time ended only a minute later when the guards came back through the doors. Avalin just glanced up at them and didn't let go of Loki even as they walked up to the pair and grabbed one of her arms.
"Time is up, Avalin," One of them said, his voice calm but holding no emotion, "Let go of him or we will have to resort to stronger methods."


(oooh I'm interested, what'd you have in mind?)
"We will." he promised hugging her tightly before glaring up at the guards. Those in Valhalla help them if they ever hurt his Queen. "There's no need for that," he said sternly, narrowing his eyes at the young man. Loki knew where he stood, despite being an exiled prince, known for treason against the crown on multiple accounts, he still knew how to command anyone. "If I hear of any mistreatment to her, there will be blood to pay." He shut his eyes in concentration as he felt the hum in the air around him suffocate his power once more when the chains were put on him. He opened his eyes and focused on Avalin "I love you. I always have, I always will." he offered a small smile before he was forced to follow the guard


(Ok, so, I was thinking, maybe avalin finds out that she's pregnant, but has a miscarriage or the child is stillborn? Idk lol, my mind just decided to hit me with that idea because why not just make this whole thing more miserable)

Reluctantly, she stood up with the guards. They gripped tightly onto her arms again but didn't make her walk until the chains had snapped around Loki and he was being led the opposite direction. "I love you so much, you are my everything," She said, locking eyes with him and gently smiling so her frustration at the situation didn't show. At least she would have a purpose to work for. If Thor would let her make a dent in her husband's sentence just by taking up her job as a servant, then she would without a doubt take her old job again. That thought kept her compliant as the guards led her through the castle, stopping at the doors to Thor's office and leading her into it smoothly. Great, now she had to deal with him again.


(oh god, that's sad…lets do it)
Loki was lead to the dungeons below the castle. The yellow-ish field of magic that acted as a barrier between him and the hall hummed as Loki walked by.
Instead of putting him in the room closest to the door like they'd done before, loki was put near the back, a single cell illuminated near the corer. The rest of the cells were unoccupied and dark inside. He stopped in front of the cell and peered inside as the guards stopped to open the cell and unchain him. He could see that there was a bed and a desk and nothing else. With a sigh, he stepped into the cell and turned around, facing the guards with an arched eyebrow when they stayed put.
"You are to get two meals a day and a change of any necessities every week. That is, in forms of book and paper for writing. Nothing more. As the King said, any attempt to escape will result in punishment for your wife."
Loki just nodded and turned his back on the guards, running a hand through his hair as he sat down on the bed


(Lol ok and yes it's extremely sad)
Like she had expected, Thor sat at a large desk, rummaging through papers and barely sparing a glance at the group. "Her cuff is right there," He said, acting like he had much better things to do than deal with them, "It'll track where she is in the castle, as well as her hours she spends working. After twenty-four hours of work, take a day off of Loki's sentence."

"Why did you let him take on my punishment," Avalin asked, barely holding in her temper as the guards grabbed a metal cuff from the edge of the desk. She held out her arm, guessing where they had to put it, but instead, the guard crouched down and snapped the cold metal around her ankle before standing again.

Thor glanced up, setting his papers down as he replied, "Because Loki is more than capable of escaping whatever cell we put him in. And he only has one weakness, which is you and keeping you out of harm's way. So, by making it clear that you get 'hurt' in a sense if he tries to escape, we can keep him contained."

"He's not a monster that you have to keep in a cell," She argued, glaring daggers at him, "Using me as bait to keep him in check is cruel and petty. The entire time he's in that cell, you better treat him like a person, not a monster, or I will become a force to reckon with." It was a threat that she didn't even try to hide behind other words. She knew the guards would most likely stop her as she turned in their grip, walking smoothly out the door. Surprisingly they didn't, just let go of her when she was out of the office.

"You know your way to the servant quarters, your work starts tomorrow." One of them said gruffly, "Now go."


Loki had managed to destroy the desk in the first hour that he was in the cell. He didn’t mean to break it, not really but all the magic that he had cooped up while under constraints was too much for him to handle. With a sigh he made an effort to salvage the quill, pen and paper.
He sat on the small cot provided, rested the paper on scrap piece of wood and started to write
My love, please do not worry about me. I’m fine for now. Focus on your life and staying out of trouble. Thor is stern in his way, I know but he keeps his word. I’ll write to you soon.
I love you, My Queen

He folded the note up neatly and left it by the entrance to the cell for the guard to take whenever they came


Avalin did as the guard had said, slowly walking through the halls she adored down to the servant's quarters. It had been years since she had lived down here, but the place looked the same, like Thor had reversed all her hard work to get the servant's better living areas. The two separate places for males and females to sleep still were right off of the gigantic kitchen, and they were still dark and frankly extremely cold. She instantly felt right at home around the other servants though, greeting them with smiles and replying to their chorus of greetings. At least feeling welcomed would help her keep her longing to see Loki again at bay as time went on.

Now all she had to do was find a way to spend her last few hours of not working before bed, seeing as once the sun was up tomorrow, she was determined to work until she collapsed to take off as much time of her husband's sentence that she could.


"Food for the prisoner." A guard spoke from the other side of the magical barrier, his for yellow-ish in tints and slightly blurry to Loki. He rolled on his side and glared at the guard before sighing and sitting up. He had changed clothing, though it felt strained since most of his magic had been suppressed then used at once to destroy the desk. The best he could do was change into a simple black tunic with matching pants.
Though drained for the time being, he still moved with the gracefulness and purpose of a cat. He narrowed his eyes at the guard and looked down at the food that was lipped in quickly through a pod next to the gate. The food looked decent enough so loki picked the plate up and set it carefully on the bed.
"Wait." he called to the guard as he started walking away from the cell.
The guard walked back to the holding cell and arched an eyebrow at the prince. "you are in no position to make requests." he said, yet still remained in his spot, waiting for loki to speak
seeing the opportunity, Loki help up the note "can you deliver this to Avalin?"
The guard looked at the note momentarily before sighing and nodding to the pod. "I will do what I can. Not for your sake but for hers. She had always been a kind person to all of us in the castle. Marrying you only made her better, and in turn you better, your highness." The guard said, taking the note from the pod and gently putting it in his jacket pocket. "I'll be sure this gets to her. I'll come back for the next meal with an update from her if possible." he bowed and left the dungeon.
Loki smiled in relief and sat back on the bed. He could get through this, he had to, if only for Avalin's sake.


Avalin had finally decided to start helping in the kitchens, arranging a deal with one of the guards to count these few hours towards her time. She settled into the busy rhythm, cutting up veggies and listening to the gossip passing its way around the room. Everyone quieted slightly when they heard footsteps outside the hallway though until a guard appeared and everyone relaxed visibly.
"I have a letter for Lady Avalin," The guard stated, a small smile on his face as he spotted her when she came forward to collect it, "From your husband."
"Thank you, sir" She replied thankfully, taking the note and nodding to him, "Would you mind if I wrote back to him before breakfast tomorrow and have you bring it back to him?"
The guard nodded in agreement, "I could do that, and my name is Magnus if you'd rather call me that." As they talked, the rest of the kitchen got back to work, the chatter starting up again.
"I'll repay you in some way, Magnus, thank you." Avalin replied, watching as he headed away from the kitchen and she got back to work, not before reading Loki's letter though. Slowly she smiled, rereading it a few times before tucking it in a pocket and getting back to work.


He spent his days writing and pacing the cell, hos growing anticipation for Avalin's notes his main source of strength. His power replenished after a few days, giving him a chance to practice a bit with in the constraints of the cell. Nothing too fancy, just general meditation and concentrating exercises. He wouldn't even bother with the guards when they came with food, only if it was Magnus. He had slowly learned that the guard wasn't there to taunt or patronize him like some of the others were. He was a young man trying to do his job, but was risking it by offering Loki any help. in the past, he would have thought nothing of it, only that this guard was more loyal to him than he was to his brother and would have used that to exploit any and all information before casting him aside. Now, he knew he had an ally and possibly a friend though he wouldn't go so far as to call him that just yet. He had to admit he did relax a little more every time he did come around, and preferred him to any other guard.
"How is she?" he asked, taking the plate of food from the pod and sitting down on the bed like he did most day. Whisps of magic floated around the room, shifting from deep green to gold then back to green. A few of them wavered due to Loki's momentary distraction but they otherwise remained the same colors and moved fluidly


Magnus just simply slid a letter through the pod. "She's doing fine, but she told me to specifically give you this letter and to not leave until you read it," The guard said, a hint of a smile on his face being the only giveaway that there was something good in the letter, "Miss Avalin also told me to say that she feels terrible about not being able to tell you this information herself. Thor programmed her cuff to buzz and alert him every time she entered this area so he could add time back on your sentence." This was all information the guard knew he shouldn't be telling, but he didn't seem to care.
The letter looked like any of the others that Avalin sent, just a piece of paper tucked into an unsealed envelope. If anything, the envelope looked even plainer than any of her other ones, addressed simply to, "My love". Inside was a different matter though. Once Loki opened the letter, that would be clear enough. Tucked inside was several tiny dried blue and purple flowers along with the letter that read:
My king and the love of my life, I miss being by your side more than possible. Not being able to see you or even speak to you is something I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to, especially when I can't tell you something as important as this in person. Your brother has made it clear that any time I spend talking to you is more time that you have to spend in that cell, so it was painful to choose to stay away. I'm working hard though, much harder than you would probably like me to seeing as I start my days well before dawn and end after almost everyone is asleep.
Enough about working though, there is something else that I want to tell you more than that. I only found out this information for certain this morning, and I wanted you to be the first person I tell. I'm pregnant! You're going to be a father! I want to see you more than ever now, and I'm hoping that your brother will allow me to visit you if I tell him about this. Please write back soon my love, I miss you. Your letters help me get through each day of work, and they help me remember that all of this is worth seeing you again as soon as I possibly can. Please don't get in trouble, and I'll try not to either. I love you. ~Avalin


(ah this is beautiful but this also gonna break my heartXD )
Loki arched an eyebrow at the guard but said nothing as he took the letter from pod and opened it. He set the small dried flowers on the desk he had managed to fix alongside the rest of the notes and flowers Avalin had sent. He sat on the bed as he read over the words, tracing over he neat hand writing as he read over her words. He was disheartened to hear that she had to work so hard and hoped that this punishment would last long. When he read over the place where she had written that she was pregnant, he had to read it over at least a few times before he fully grasped what she was saying. He looked up at Magnus before looking back down at the note. He ran a hand through his hair and laughed softly, tears welling up in his eyes as he read the section over and over again, his smile growing more and more. "I'd give anything to be by your side my love, even just for one more moment." he whispered softly before facing Magnus.
"Thank you for this Magnus. Would you mind staying a bit so I can write something back?"