(Lol ok and yes it's extremely sad)
Like she had expected, Thor sat at a large desk, rummaging through papers and barely sparing a glance at the group. "Her cuff is right there," He said, acting like he had much better things to do than deal with them, "It'll track where she is in the castle, as well as her hours she spends working. After twenty-four hours of work, take a day off of Loki's sentence."
"Why did you let him take on my punishment," Avalin asked, barely holding in her temper as the guards grabbed a metal cuff from the edge of the desk. She held out her arm, guessing where they had to put it, but instead, the guard crouched down and snapped the cold metal around her ankle before standing again.
Thor glanced up, setting his papers down as he replied, "Because Loki is more than capable of escaping whatever cell we put him in. And he only has one weakness, which is you and keeping you out of harm's way. So, by making it clear that you get 'hurt' in a sense if he tries to escape, we can keep him contained."
"He's not a monster that you have to keep in a cell," She argued, glaring daggers at him, "Using me as bait to keep him in check is cruel and petty. The entire time he's in that cell, you better treat him like a person, not a monster, or I will become a force to reckon with." It was a threat that she didn't even try to hide behind other words. She knew the guards would most likely stop her as she turned in their grip, walking smoothly out the door. Surprisingly they didn't, just let go of her when she was out of the office.
"You know your way to the servant quarters, your work starts tomorrow." One of them said gruffly, "Now go."