forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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"I can't believe you're mine," She hummed, wrapping her arms around him in a soft hug and kissing his shoulder lightly, "My all, my beloved." With the blanket wrapped around them and her body against his, she was comfortable, especially with his hand running over her hair.


“All your my queen.” He murmured, pressing kisses to her brow. He pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her hand “are you still up for a little surprised tonight or do you want to just stay here and save it for tomorrow?” He asked, eyes soft as he gazed at her


Avalin looked up at him and nodded a little, smiling softly and kissing his cheek gently, "I'm still up for a surprise tonight if you are." She rested her head back on his shoulder and started tracing gentle designs on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.


“I am.” He shut his eyes in content and hummed softly “but I’m also very incredibly comfortable.” He said, voice low and husky. He kissed her nose before gently shifting up into a sitting position, keeping her closely pressed against his body


She hummed happily, staying pressed against him as he sat up and nodding in agreement, "I don't want to move from here." His voice sounded amazing and she pressed another kiss to his jaw with a smile.


He tilted his head down so that his lips caught on hers. “We can always save it for tomorrow.” He murmured, trailing his hand along her back, stopping by the hips and then trailing back up.


"What would we do with the free time today though?" She mumbled against his lips, running her hand across his chest and slowly tracing a path down his stomach.


He shrugged "I'm not sure, what would my queen like to do?" he asked with a smile and a tilt of his head. He shivered slightly and arched into her touch "want to walk around more? or stay here and read or watch a movie?"


Avalin hummed in thought for a minute while her hand trailed over him, eventually murmuring, "A movie sounds nice, unless you want don't want to watch a movie."


“We can watch a movie. Any in particular?” She asked, stroking her hair lovingly before glancing at her and smiling “what are you doing to me my love?”


She shrugged and smiled, kissing his cheek and slipping away from against him without answering his second question, "I don't have any in particular."


He thought for a moment about what movie they could possibly watch, pouting softly when he noticed her moving away “where are you going?” He sat up completely and ran a hand through his hair


"Going to go see how many marks you made on my neck," She said, blushing slightly as she fully slipped away from him, "I'll be back soon, don't worry, and then I'm taking my spot back in your arms." Avalin stood up and pressed a small kiss to his cheek again before tugging the blanket from him with a playful laugh and pulling it around herself again, "Be right back."


He sighed softly and watched her move around the room. He smiled softly “They’re bot just on your neck darling.” He smirked and pulled the thinner sheet over his waist as he waited for Avalin's return. He stood with the blanket around him and found a book to look over from one of the bookshelves lining the home. Settling back into bed, he opened the book and scanned the pages, smiling fondly at the familiar images of his mother


She disappeared into the bathroom and an audible gasp could be heard as she saw the marks but she came back out with only flushed cheeks and a slight smile. "Now the one I made on your neck doesn't seem that impressive," Avalin said, walking out of the room and pulling the blanket around herself tighter. When she came back in, she was wearing the blanket around her shoulders with Loki's shirt on and a smile on her face.


He glanced up from the book and smiled, reaching out a hand and gently pulling her back into bed with him. “Yes it is,” he argued lightly, wrapping her in a hug and tucking her safely under his chin. His hands resting beneath the shirt in her waist and stomach


"What are you reading?" She asked, happily wrapping her arms back around him as well and settling into her spot. She made sure the blanket was spread over both of them again and rested her head on his chest, lightly drawing invisible designs on his back with her fingers.


"A book I keep about my mother in each house I have here on earth." he said, pressing a kiss to the top of Avalin's head. He pointed to a picture of a younger version of Frigga in a black and gold cloak "she grew up with witches, her only family for a while. She was heavily loved by all of them but also heavily protected. When our father came to her land on the outskirts of Asgard, he immediately fell in love with her and wanted nothing more than for her to be by his side." He smiled softly and gazed over the pages


Avalin traced over Frigga’s picture, smiling at her and listening to Loki’s soothing voice. “I wish I could’ve met her and gotten to know her,” She said softly, looking up at him and studying his face, “How did your mother react? Can you tell me more?”


“She would have adored you my love, she’d probably steal you away from me just so she could finally have another woman to talk to.” He chuckled softly and glanced up towards the ceiling. He nuzzled her close and read over her shoulder “well, our father was very adamant about loving her, often sending gifts or other people to represent his love once the other witches found a way to kick him out. They came up with a plan to send Frigga out on an outing where she was supposed to kill him.”


“She didn’t actually kill him though, they did end up together,” She said, smiling a little and hugging herself closer to him as she looked up into his eyes, “What happened at the outing though?” She was asking way too many questions and interrupting too much she knew, but she liked hearing stories that he told and spending time with him.


He chuckled softly, patiently answering her questions. “Yes, They ended up together.” He turned the page which depicted a scene where Odin and Frigga were sitting together on what looked like a bench in a park on Midgard. “On their first outing, mom did try to kill him using a poisoned knife her fellow witches have her but he convinced her to delay the death, offering up a deal. One outing to convince her of his love for her. If he failed, he’d allow her to kill him.” He explained, gently stroking her arm as he told the story.


Avalin pulled herself closer to him during the story, slightly in awe of how much trust Odin had been putting into his love for Frigga, but she would say without missing a beat that she felt the same love towards Loki. "It must have been some outing. How long did it take for her to say she felt the same way towards him?"


He smiled thoughtfully “not long. A few years maybe. He purposes to her on Nifliem where they usually went on their evenings out. He revealed to her that he was the next in line for the throne of Asgard. She left her coven and went to rile with him a year after they got married.” He glanced down at the picture and gently stroked the picture oh his mother in the wedding dress.


"She looks gorgeous in that dress." She said softly, studying the picture and smiling softly, "The royal look suits her." She listened intently as he talked, trying to imagine Odin and Frigga when they first had met and weren't married. If she was honest, Avalin looked up to Frigga and she could only hope she could match how brave and amazing she was.