forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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(So Sorry!)
Loki watched in amusement as Avalin led them around the town, though something tugged at his consciousness, something he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep surprised. He looped her arm with his and gently tugged her away from artist, leading her back towards their house. “Come my love, I have something to show you.”


(It's alright :) )
She sighed when they had to leave the artist but her slight disappointment was replaced by a smile within a minute or two. "What is it?" She asked curiously, seeming happy as she walked with him back through the city towards their house.


He glanced down at her with a faint smile, not yet entirely sure if this was a good idea "you'll see soon enough." He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek and kept walking with her until they reached the small home tucked away into the woods.
He glanced around, making sure they had enough room before pulling her around to his from and holding her hands. "Close your eyes." he instructed softly, making sure that the pets were close enough. He close his own eyes and let his magic flow, encasing them both in shades of green and gold until the house was nothing more than a memory. He could feel the shift of the air and the ground beneath him until it all came to a stop. He peeked his eyes open and smiled softly, breathing in the cool night air of Asgard. "you can open your eyes my love." he said, gently pulling her close as he glanced around at the area. seeing that they were on a bridge overlooking a river full of colorful fish. he looked up to see the golden palace that he used to call home off in the distance, it's towers higher than any other building in the realm. The rainbow bridge spanning through the realm to an adjoining gate keeper building. When he looked at the castle, he swore that he could feel his Brother's gaze staring right back.


Avalin closed her eyes when he said to, holding onto his hands tightly. It was clear they had appeared somewhere else, she could tell by the difference in the ground she was standing on. She didn't open her eyes though until he told her to, not letting go of his hands either. She gasped when she looked down at the river below them, as well as the bridge they were on. "Where are we..?" Her question trailed off as she looked up into the sky, recognizing the golden towers of the palace in the distance. "You brought us home?" She whispered, tears of happiness pooling in her eyes as she took in Asgard for the first time in forever. She turned around and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, the biggest smile on her face. "Thank you, love."


Seeing the smile on her face and hearing the pure joy in her voice was worth any and every risk he had taken coming back home. He hugged her tight and pressed a kiss to her head. “You’re welcome, love.” He pressed a final kiss again to her brow and glanced around, making sure that Queenie and Spot were alright. He scratched the cat’s ear affectionately and watched as the pup played with the fish near the banks of the river. He glanced back over to Avalin and smiled softly. He waved his hand and muttered a few words, watching as Avalin’s appearance slightly altered. He also conjured a deep blue cloak for her to wear. Doing the same to himself, he laced his hand with hers and started walking to the city center, glancing around nervously, hoping that no one would recognize them


She watched as he waved his hand and a cloak appeared over her shoulders. When he did it a second time and his features changed slightly, she guessed he had done the same to her, letting them blend in with others so Thor wouldn't find them. Queenie settled back in with him, tucking herself under the blue cloak and watching as Spot led the way into the city center. Avalin couldn't believe they were back, especially since it was so dangerous for them to be here. She loved it though, taking in the sights she hadn't seen in forever and letting a content smile settle onto her face.


Loki followed close to Avalin’s side, taking in the sights of his familiar home as well as keeping a look out for any royal guards that were patrolling the city. Though he absolutely hated it, every time he spotted one, he’d avert his eyes and bow his head to hide his face with the shade of the hood. He knew it was it was dangerous to be there but he was also very glad to be back home, especially now with his queen.


Avalin wasn't as cautious, looking around the city and taking it all in again, though she was sure to copy Loki's lead and look away from any royal guards they saw. Asgard was her home and she knew that wandering the city was the best thing they could do right now with Thor looking for them. She hoped that eventually he would calm down and they could go back to the palace, but that wasn't going to happen for a while so she took in the sights, admiring the city.


(How are we going to reintroduce Thor? I had a vague idea of him just casually being in the town and him recognizing Avalin or Loki somehow through the glamour or by one of the pets. Let me know if you have any ideas)
Loki relaxed more and more as the night went on, taking in the familiar sights of home and all it's wonders. It felt right to be here, not like it did on Midgard where he was still, despite visiting and being there for years on end, still didn't feel like he quite grasped the concept of mortal life.


(I like that idea! Otherwise the only other thing I could think of is maybe one of the guards recognizes them and it causes a scene when they try to bring the two of them to the palace?)
"Do you want to stop somewhere and eat?" Avalin asked after they had been walking around for a while, seeming to relax and realize that they were back home to stay for now, "I missed the food here." She brushed a hand over Spot's back as she talked, the dog taking up a spot walking right alongside her.


(I feel like yours makes a bit more sense)
Her voice broke him from his thoughts. "sure." He smiled softly at an idea and took the lead this time, guiding her through the shops and down a few narrow pathways. He stopped and pulled her into an alcove when a few guards marched by, holding close and peeking out the side to make sure they were gone. WHen he heard everything was quiet, he stepped out and carefully continued walking until they made it to a small restaurant, warmly lit from the inside


(Alright :) Do you want me to start it off and play the guard/ guards?)

Avalin let him lead happily, a spring in her step that didn't even vanish when they hid from the guards. While she had been happy on Earth, she seemed even happier to be back on Asgard, especially with Thor not knowing they were back. She looked up at him when they reached the restaurant, walking over to the door and opening it for him, "Lead the way."


He made sure his hood was concealing his features when he walked, having spotted a few guards from the window when they arrived. He pulled Avalin close to his side and made sure spot was near as they walked to a back table and waited for waitress to come. "I'm surprised you havn't recognized this place yet love, he said softly with a smile, glancing around the place


"It's been a long time since I've been in the city," She admitted, an embarrassed smile appearing on her face as she tried to figure out why she would remember this place. The hood was getting quite bothersome, the fabric limiting her view and so Avalin glanced around for guards before pulling the hood off. She told herself it was just temporary and that she would put it back up in a few minutes, before anyone recognized her even with Loki's changed to her appearance, "I give up, what is this place?"


Loki smiled softly, pushing the hood back but never pulling it off completely. “This was were I took you on our first date.” He said, leaning back on the chair and looking around, his eyes filling with nostalgia and happiness, the only think he couldn’t really change about appearances. He looked back at Avalin and saw over her shoulder a few guards talk to themselves quietly before standing and starting towards them. He gently took Avalin’s hands in his and looked away, hoping that they would walk past without a second look.

One of the guards, the one Loki recognized as a highly decorated general, came up to their table and stood unnervingly still, almost not wanting to confront them. “Drop the glamour Loki. We know it’s you.” He said softly, never raising his voice. His words sounded heavy and tired. “We have the place surrounded, if you try to use magic, you’ll be trapped under the field. And don’t think about fighting, I do t think even you can fight off this many men and get away with your wife.”


The memory flashed back once he explained where they were, keeping her tangled up in her thoughts until he took her hand. She smiled at him, unaware of the guard appeared at the table and started talking. Instantly she knew that they had been caught, but she pushed the thoughts away, feigning confusion. She knew it probably wouldn't work, but she didn't want to have to do what they said. The guards would take them to Thor, and then who knew what he would do with the two of them. Avalin said nothing though, just looked to her husband to see what he wanted her to do.


loki shut his eyes and slowly dropped the guise. He gently squeezed Avalin's hands and glared up at the general "he doesn't know when to quit does he?" he asked, swiftly standing and pulling Avalin to his chest as a burst of his magic sent the surrounding guards flying to the walls. Loki gasped at the tension in the air and looked out a window to see a bluish tint, what he assumed to be the field the general was talking about. He wouldn't be able to use any means of magic, non that would serve them any purpose without getting hurt. he hugged Avalin close and watched as the guards got up, pointing their swords at them. "I won't lose you again." he promised Avalin, watching as the general came up to them once again, this time brandishing chains that looked oddly familiar. Loki's eyes widened at the sight of them, his eyes flaring with hatred. "don't you dare put those on her." he growled.
"They aren't for her. they're for you." The general stated simply


The sudden movement shocked her but she didn't try to hide from whatever fight was going to happen as Loki pulled her to his chest. She only turned in his arms so she was facing the guards, her back pressed against his chest. "You're not putting those on him, no," Avalin growled, seeming much less like her gentle self as she matched the look on Loki's face, "I won't let you." Even though she was shorter and weaker than the general, the anger in her eyes showed that what she said was true. As long as she stood with Loki and was able to fight back, he wouldn't be able to put the cuffs on him.


The general sighed softly and nodded to his guards, “I admire your loyalty to each other and your need to protect. And I wish I didn’t need to do this but his Majesty has instilled strict orders that, should you come to Asgard, we are to bring you in.”
A few guards surrounded Loki and Avalin, one coming up behind him and snapping an iron collar kind Loki neck while the other three pulled Avalin out of his grasp. The remaining two guards shackled his hands.
“Let her go!” He yelled, lunging by forwards but quickly being held back by the chains attached to the shackles. “I swear in Valhalla, you hurt her in any way and you will have hell to pay!” He growled, eyes glaring red and his skin around his hands and arms started to turn blue, the air around them turning cold and crackling with tension.
“No harm will come to her.” The general promised, nodding for his soldiers to start walking with the prisoners.

He had fallen silent in their walk to the aircraft as well as on the flight, the only thing that could remotely break him from the silence was when they allowed him to be close to Avalin on the flight to the castle. He wasn’t mad at the general nor was he necessarily mad at his brother, he was mad with himself for being so naive, thinking that he could just come back to Asgard with Avalin, only to risk losing her again. “I’m sorry,” he whispered to her, the bluish tint subsiding but his red eyes remained


The minute she was pulled away from him, she found to get back to his side. She was held back by the guard though, and even as she put up a fight, she was no match for three professionally trained guards. "Take those off of him, right now," She snarled, only going silent when no one acknowledged or answered her. Even with being silent, she still was visibly pissed, her eyes full of anger as she was led to the aircraft.
As soon as they let her near Loki again on the aircraft, she seemed to relax slightly, though didn't hide her anger. "This is my fault, you have nothing to be sorry about," Avalin murmured, shooting a glare at her guards before scooting as close as she could to Loki, "I was the one that wanted to come back..I'm sorry." The three that guarded her glanced between each other, questioning if they should move her, but they didn't do anything. It was her fault, she knew that. Loki had only brought them back here because of her homesickness.


"No my love, don't say that. It's not your fault." he pressed a kiss to her head and glared up at the guards, daring any of them to separate them. "I'm proud of you, love.Here ou had me thinking you so sweet and innocent." she smirked and nudged his head against hers. "I shouldn't have been so naive, thinking that we could return without consequence so soon." he sighed softly and shut his eyes, keeping them closed even after they had landed, wanting to stay with Avalin as long as possible. He only look up again when she was pulled away from him and hauled to his feet. He looked up as they walked, seeing the familiar golden doors of the castle, watching as they swung open into a large foyer, a door at the end of hall that led to the throne room. The only sound on the floor were their shoes and the door at the end of the hall creaking open to reveal the throne room. Loki kept his gaze level, not looking at his brother directly in the eyes but also not submitting to him by looking down


"I am sweet and innocent, I just don't like seeing you get hurt, you mean too much to me for me to just sit back and let them get away with treating you like a criminal." She whispered back with a smile, leaning against him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. The rest of the ride she was quiet, trying to soak in as much time with him as she could before they landed. "I love you," She murmured before the guards pulled her to her feet, fighting their grip just long enough to sneak in one more kiss to his cheek. The guards pulled her away from him roughly after that, their grip on her arms tighter than cuffs.
In other circumstances, she would've been smiling ear to ear to set foot back into the castle again, but now her face was set in stone. She was angry and also slightly scared, but it was the anger that was showing on her face. Avalin kept her head high as she was led into the throne room. Even as the guards stopped her in front of the throne, in line with Loki but nowhere close to him. Her eyes never landed on Thor as she took in the throne room once again, seeing as she was thoroughly furious with him. It was something small, but just enough to show that he didn't even deserve enough of her time for her to even look the king in the eyes.


His brother looked just as he did only a year ago, his golden hair reached past his shoulders, his features stoic and expressionless. The only main difference was that he donned a gold band at his brow, different runes engraved into it's side that depicted the names of king's past, the more recent on being their father Odin. Loki only had so much self control within himself to suppress a laugh though the smirk on his lips was enough to show everyone in the room that he wasn't in the least bit intimidated by his brother.
"I see that you've grown quite comfortable on the throne of Asgard. I presume that this life is to your needs?" he tilted his, the smile still playing at his lips as he regarded his brother, the red now gone, replaced by a vibrant green.
"It's been some time, Thor. I was starting to wonder what was taking such a long time for you to come find us." he narrowed his eyes slightly


Avalin listened to the brothers silently, drawing no attention to herself. The tactic paid off within seconds, as the guard's hands loosened enough for her to feel the blood start to flow back to her lower arms. She knew the guards would never let her go, but even just a loosened grasp was good enough for now. Until she figured out what Thor was going to do with them and how to get Loki out.