forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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Avalin's smile grew and she reached over, petting Queenie for a moment until her attention turned back on finishing her party and some of the fruit she had taken as well. "Should we try to find Spot too so we can feed them both at once?"


“Yeah, poor thing is probably dreaming of food right now.” He finished off the pastry and brought the plate over to the sink. Walking over to Avalon, he kissed her cheek before heading off to find Spot


"I'll get their food ready." She said with a smile, putting her plate in the sink as well before searching for the bowls to put their food in. The food was easy to find, but the bowls were stumping her.


Loki had found Spot sprawled out on the floor near their bed. He gently coerced his him to wake up and was slowly leading him to the kitchen.
“Top right cabinet, love.” He said when he saw Avalon struggling to find the food dish. “Queenie is the smaller one inside Spot’s”


Avalin smiled, thankful for his direction even though it meant she had to take advantage of the counter to reach the bowls. She grabbed the bowls and set them on the counter before hopping off herself and closing the cabinet once she was out of the way of where it would swing. "Thank you, darling." She said happily.


He crossed his arms over his chest and watched her with a small smile and a raised eyebrow. He walked over and wrapped her in a hug from behind “creative thing,” he murmured affectionately, kissing her head before grabbing one of the bowls to fill it with food for Spot


She shrugged though smiled proudly, taking Queenie's bowl and filling it with food for her. Queenie meowed loudly from where she was pacing around on the floor, impatiently waiting for her bowl of food to come down to her level so she could eat.


(oki so I have an Idea-ish….what if they end up going back to Asgard maybe because Loki sees that Avalin wants to go back and he ends up getting captured by thor?)
Loki found some bowls for the pet's water and filled them a the sink, chuckling softly when spot padded over to his side and looked up with large warm eyes. "I know, I know, hold on." he shook his head and set the bowl of food and water down.


(Oooo yessss I like that idea :D Do you think Thor would try to capture them both but maybe lets off Avalin without punishment for some reason?)
Avalin finished with Queenie's food and water, setting them down for her and getting one more happier meow in a sort of response. She leaned against the counter once the bowls were set down, watching the two of them eagerly dig into their food and then glancing over at Loki.


(probably, yeah! I like that idea)
Loki joined her at the counter, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting his head on hers. "Hungry little creatures, aren't they?" he mused with a small smile, watching as Queenie tried to sneak some of Spot's food while he drank water. "sneaking little think as well,"


"They are." She agreed, smiling and nodding towards Queenie as she attempted to sneak some of Spots food, "She must have learned that from you and me." One of her arms wrapped around him and she spent the quiet moment watching Queenie get away with taking a small piece of food from Spot's bowl.


“Hm, most likely.” He kissed her cheek and laughed as Spot gave in and nudged the bowl next to Queenie so she could get some food as well.
“Ready to go yet? Or do you want to stay here a bit?”


She nodded, hugging him tightly before breaking away and looking around for her shoes, "I'm ready if you are. Are we taking those two hungry fluff balls with or no?" It seemed like a gorgeous day out, and once she had found her shoes she slipped them on and looked back at him with a smile.


Loki grinned and went to find the leash for Spot. He also found as simple black pul-over sweatshirt so Queenie could rest in the pocket. "who do you want to take? Queenie or Spot? he asked, side glancing at Avalin as he pulled on shoes and checked the house once more before joining her by the front door.


"Can I take Spot?" She asked with a smile, scratching the top of Spot's head and watching his tail wag eagerly. She looked up at him and then at Queenie poking her head out of his sweatshirt pocket and she couldn't help but give a small laugh, "You guys look adorable, I wish I could take a picture of this."


He laughed softly and handed Avalon the leash. “Of course love.” He rested his hand on Queenie’s back so she wouldn’t move so much and offered his arm to his Queen. “Ready to go?” He pulled over the hood, still very wary of anyone who’d be on Midgard from Asgard.


She nodded, looping her arm in his after taking the leash with the other hand, "I'm ready whenever you are." She was far from concerned with anyone spotting them, though she felt a twang of homesickness as they headed out of the house and she once again was reminded that they weren't in Asgard. It wasn't something she was going to bring up though, only a slight drop in her smile showing her feelings before her smile grew again.


He pressed a kiss to her head and led her out of the small home to the city outside, letting her and her curiosity lead them around. He occasionally stopped to show her a few shops, some of clothing, some of trinkets and some weren’t even shops at all, some were performing areas where bands would play or people would act out little scenes.


Avalin was very curious about the city and the variety of everything that was around. The bands were something that she loved though and even though she had a smile on her face the whole time, the music put her into an even better mood. "This place is amazing." She said, looking up at her husband and leaning her head on his arm as she slowed to listen to a performer on one of the busier street corners.


Loki smiled, glad that she was enjoying herself and stopped with her to listen. He recognized one of the songs and gently took her hand from her arm and wrapped his free arm around her waist. he waited a bit for the beat to pick up before starting a slight waltz in the small are, guiding Avalin around and spinning her a couple times. As a slower art of the song started, he pulled her close and tucked her safely beneath his chin


She wasn't as familiar with the songs but she happily joined him in the dance, letting him guide the movements. The moment seemed straight out of a dream from how perfect it seemed and she wished it could stay like this even for a few minutes longer as she was pulled close while they changed the dance to match the slower part of the song.


he kissed her head when the song ended and broke the embrace, though still keeping her hand in his. "ready to keep going or do you want to stay a little longer?" he asked, watching as he small band prepared to play another song. he glanced down at Spot who was watching the conductor waving the Baton around as he practiced the song.
"Don't think about it," loki gave him a teasing pouted look


"We can keep going before Spot initiates his brilliant idea." She decided after glancing at the interested dog, not stopping her amused smile, "Plus I want to see as much of this place as I can, it's gorgeous." It was nowhere near as gorgeous as her homeworld though, and even with how much she wanted to go back, she wasn't going to mention the detail at all. She smiled and squeezed his hand, looking up at him and whistling softly to try to catch Spot's attention again.


He laced their fingers together and walked through the town a bit more, Queenie at one point moved to rest around his neck. They stopped by many stores, most of fascinating trinkets as well as some more eccentric stores selling goods or just random items. He let Avalin explore around, loving how she was so intrigued with Midgard and it’s many treasures but also feeling a slight tug of sadness, knowing she also missed Asgard.


She happily continued to explore, gazing at trinkets and jewelry in shop windows as well as occasionally going in, though she didn't ask to get anything, enjoying just looking at it instead. One outdoor vendor caught her eye especially, the bright colors of the pictures he was drawing making her curious. The man running the stand had amassed a small crowd as he painted people in a style not quite like a caricature but still slightly cartoony and fun.