@MarDeColores this is not it kids
Mycah peeked into the kitchen, wondering what progress Winter had made. They tried to make their steps a little louder to announce their presence so they didn't scare him like last time.
Mycah peeked into the kitchen, wondering what progress Winter had made. They tried to make their steps a little louder to announce their presence so they didn't scare him like last time.
Winter looked up as they came in. There was water spattered on his clothing, his shirt soaked through from when the pipe had sprayed water on him. "I got it!"
"Awesome!" Mycah grinned at Winter. They couldn't help but laugh a little at his soaked shirt. "Looks liken it fought you, though." Mycah held the twig in front of them, then quickly snapped it in half. One for each of them.
Winter stuck his tongue out a little, laughing. "Yeahhh, just a little bit." He replied with a shrug, tugging at his shirt.
Mycah laughed, then turned and started towards the front door. It was time to try and figure out how to make a key out of magic wood.
Winter sighed, runnning a hand through his hair and making a face. He didn't really know what to do now.
Mycah opened the door and knelt in front of it. Maybe if they created the key, then stuck the twig into the keyhole, it would do something?
Winter took care of the tools, testing the sink again with a satisfied smile when it worked exactly the way it should.
Mycah placed their hand over the lock, then pulled their hand back and glared at the lock for a second. "Work!" They muttered, carefully sticking the twig into the lock. "Please work."
Winter glanced over at Mycah for a moment, hoping everything would go alright.
Mycah waited for a second, then carefully pulled the twig out of the lock. If everything had gone as they wanted it to, the twig should look a bit like a key. And it did! Mycah stared at the key in their hand in shock. They were really getting lucky with magical experimentation these days.
Winter sighed, and headed to the bedroom, changing his shirt and hanging the wet one up so that it would dry.
Mycah did the same thing with the other twig. Now they had two keys and a lot less work each time they had to open the door. Mycah stood and closed the door, then walked to the dining room table. They didn't know where Winter had gone, but they would wait until he reappeared so they could give him a key.
Winter came back, adjusting the shirt a little bit and looking over at Mycah. "Hey." he greeted, flashing a quick smile.
"Hey," Mycah returned the smile, then gestured at the two keys on the table. "Pick one!" They didn't really care which one they got and wanted to let Winter pick his favorite. They were similar but had a slightly different design from each other. Mycah hadn't tried to make it like that, but they thought they looked pretty cool.
Winter blinked, and looked at the two keys. He picked one oout, looking at it. "So it worked?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at Mycah.
"I think so," Mycah said slowly, picking up the other key. "Now that you mention it, I'm going to see if they can actually unlock the door." They stood and walked towards the door, hoping that the key wouldn't explode when they tried to use it.
He nodded, watching Mycah and hoping that it worked. He tucked his own key in his pocket, following the shorter person over to the door.
Mycah opened the door. They were planning on closing the door and trying to lock and then unlock it, just to check that everything worked. If it didn't, they could just open it themself and try to figure out what to do next.
Winter stretched slightly, still watching Mycah as the other male worked on the door.
Mycah closed the door and stuck the key into the lock. They took a breath, then turned the key in the lock. The lock clicked closed and nothing else. At least it hadn't exploded. Mycah took the key out, then put it back in and turned the key the other way.
Winter waited, leaning against the wall a little as he waited to see what would happen. He hoped it worked.
The lock clicked open and Mycah breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing had exploded and the key had worked. They opened the door and walked back in with a smile on their face.
Winter looked over at them. "So it works?" he asked curiously, raising his eyebrows and smiling over at them.
"It does, surprisingly enough," Mycah shrugged, closing the door. "I really thought it was going to explode or something." They laughed lightly and tucked the key into their pocket.
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