forum "This war never ended, did it? Not for us." // O/O // Closed
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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Winter got down under the sink to see if he could make it flow any faster, squatting with his body in the cupboards to try and reach the pipes.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah headed back towards the house and civilization. They weren't in a hurry and took the time to look at flowers or stare at wildlife or a particularly pretty scene. It was nice being in the forest without people wanting to kill them around every corner.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

The backs of the houses slowly came into view. Mycah sighed, quickly patting the trunk of a tree. At least they lived close to it. They could visit anytime they wanted. But for now, it was back to civilization. Mycah hopped over the fence and came into the house, their steps soft.


Winter kept working, humming quietly to himself after a while. He tapped a foot a little bit, most of his body still under the sink as he worked on the pipes.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah walked to the dining room table, then glanced into the kitchen. They muffled a laugh at the sight of Winter half-eaten by the cabinet. "How's that going?" They asked softly, not wanting to startle him too much.


Winter jumped at the sound of Mycah's voice, hitting his head on a pipe and a yelp escaping his mouth. He stuck his head out. "Fine." he rubbed his head, wincing a little bit.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, sorry!" Mycah exclaimed. "I didn't mean to startle you." They bit their lip, then turned away. "Good luck with that. I'll be right here if you need any help." Mycah turned and sat down at the table, placing the twig in front of them.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah nodded, a small smile on their face, then went back to staring at the twig. How would they turn that into a magical amulet? Maybe they could just hold it and do their magic thing and it would work? Well, it was worth a try.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah grabbed the twig and held it tightly in their hand. Since it was just them and Winter in the house, and since it would probably create stronger magic, Mycah opted to sing. The song was soft and soothing, and Mycah focused all their attention on channeling the magic into the twig.


Winter continued to work, listening quietly as Mycah sang. He smiled a little, then mumbled another curse as he managed to tighten the pipe up so it stopped leaking.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah sang the entire song, not wanting to take any chances. As the last verse faded into the air, Mycah felt a burst of heat from the twig, which was so sudden they nearly dropped it. Mycah opened their hand to see that the twig had taken on a sort of shimmery look. Maybe that meant it had worked!


Winter climbed out from under the sink, wiping off his hands and testing it to see. The water flowed better than before. Not too much, but the stream was bigger.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah slipped the twig into their pocket and stood up. They walked into the kitchen to see the progress Winter had made with the sink. "Oh, nice!" Mycah nodded, then looked up at Winter. "Did it work?" They gestured at their eyes, really hoping he said yes.


Winter smiled a little bit. "Thanks. And…" he looked at Mycah's eyes carefully, and nodded. "I think so, yeah." he replied with another smile.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, thank the gods," Mycah sighed, a small, excited smile on their face. "Going out just got a lot easier." They were really proud of themself for figuring out how to make a magic amulet, and without anyone's help, too!

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Thanks." Mycah gave Winter a smile. "Well, I suppose since we have better water pressure and dish soap, I should get those plates clean." They started walking towards the sink.


He smiled, stepping out of the way. "Sounds like a good plan. I need to get some tools, too. If i had tools, i could have fixed that better."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well, if you want, you can take some money from my backpack and go get tools. I can come too if you want," Mycah offered, pausing in front of the sink. The dishes could wait if they needed to.


He nodded. "Nah, I'll be fine on my own. Unless you want to come." he replied, heading over to the backpack and pocketing the money.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah frowned slightly, pondering the question. They kind did want to go out now, just to see if their amulet did work as well as they hoped it would. And it was a difficult choice between people or washing dishes. "I think I will come. Just to test how good this thing works with more eyes." Mycah patted the pocket with the twig.