@MarDeColores this is not it kids
Mycah gave Winter a disgruntled look and nodded. They unslung their backpack, ready to hand over the money as soon as possible.
Mycah gave Winter a disgruntled look and nodded. They unslung their backpack, ready to hand over the money as soon as possible.
Winter put the items at the register, letting out a quiet breath and giving the employee a faint smile as the items were rung up.
The cashier told them the total and Mycah quickly handed over the money. They dropped the change into the backpack, then picked up the items and put them into their backpack. After giving the cashier a small smile, they headed towards the doors to the store.
Winter followed Mycah, reaching to grab the door for the smaller person. "To home?" he asked as they walked outside, letting the door close behind them.
Mycah nodded, maybe a little more enthusiastically than they should have, but they wanted to get out of public as soon as possible. They liked humming, but doing it for this long was tiring, especially since they were using magic.
Winter nodded, and headed towards their home. Once they were away from the main streets, there were far less people and Mycah could probably stop humming if they wanted to.
Mycah checked around for people, then stopped humming with a thankful sigh. "What I wouldn't do for a magical amulet right now," They muttered, running a hand over their head. How could they find one with everyone with magic being arrested? Maybe they could make one…
Winter glanced at them for a moment. "Ah." he said simply, letting out a breath as they turned down their street.
Mycah kept thinking. Maybe it would have just been easier to get sunglasses, but people wearing sunglasses everywhere usually made people suspicious. If they wanted to make their own amulet, they'd probably need some special Arbre wood. Could people find those trees normally?
Winter thought as they headed towards the house. "Can…does it tire you out to use your magic like that?" he asked.
"Yeah, a bit," Mycah admitted. "Especially since I haven't really practiced using it, or even used it, for that matter, in a while. I'm hoping to make an amulet that will hold that magic so I don't have to be your strange, constantly-humming friend." They laughed softly.
He laughed a little bit at that, and nodded. "Yeah alright."
Mycah turned onto the path that led to the front door of the house, still thinking about the amulet. Maybe, after dropping off the stuff in their backpack, they could go walking through the woods and see if they could find an Arbre tree.
Winter kept walking, and paused at the door, stepping aside so that Mycah could open it. "Any other plans for the day?" he asked curiously.
"I think I'll go for a walk in the woods," Mycah answered, opening the door and walking in. They held the door for Winter, then walked to the dining room table and started taking out the purchases. "If I'm lucky, I'll find an Arbre tree in there somewhere."
Winter nodded a little bit, closing the door behind them. "Alright." he replied. "I'll stay here and take a nap, then see if there's anything that I can fix."
"Okay." Mycah grabbed the dish soap and the cinnamon, leaving the deck of cards on the table. They set down both of those things on the counter of the kitchen, then started towards the back door. There was no need to take anything with them, and it would be nice to not have a backpack on for once.
Winter watched them go for a moment, then headed upstairs. He lay down in his sleeping bag, lying on his back and looking at the ceiling.
Mycah slipped out the door and climbed over the fence that separated the tiny, overgrown back yard from the forest. It was nice under the shade of the trees, especially when the last of civilization disappeared behind the trunks and branches.
Winter fell asleep after a while, still laying on his back. He was tired out from the demon earlier.
Mycah continued wandering through the forest, making sure to remember where they came from. The last thing they wanted to was to get lost. After some time, they finally found an Arbre tree. A purple wisteria, standing out against the green of the forest. They'd been hoping to find a rainbow eucalyptus, but those were extremely rare. Finlai's tree would work.
Winter awoke after a while, and started looking around to find things that he could take care of. Either fix them or replace them or something.
Mycah walked up to the tree. Taking a branch from the tree of a god was not against the rules, as long as a person only took what they needed and did it as gently as they could. They carefully laid a hand on the trunk of the tree, getting ready to break off a small branch.
Winter kept working, doing everything he could. But he didn't have any tools, so there wasn't much he could really do by hand.
Mycah reached up and grabbed a small branch, breaking it off and stepping back in silence. "Thank you," They whispered to the tree, inspecting the branch. It would do nicely as an amulet. All they had to do now was figure out how to infuse magic into it.
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