@MarDeColores this is not it kids
(Yep! Do you want to start, or should I?)
(Yep! Do you want to start, or should I?)
(I can if you want, up to you!)
(Go ahead!)
Winter awoke in the morning with a quiet sigh, rolling onto his back and looking at the ceiling. He rubbed his eyes, stretching and sitting up. He needed to get out, needed to let the demon out.
Mycah woke up with a soft gasp. The dream they'd been having was already slipping away, but they were pretty sure it had something to do with Allx. Or maybe they were missing him so much that everything seemed to have him there. They sighed, the last fragments of the dream leaving with that breath.
Winter glanced over at Mycah's gasp. "You alright?" he asked simply, running his fingers through his white hair, trying to comb it into something controlled.
"Yeah. Interesting dream, I think," Mycah said, sitting up and blinking a few times. They were hungry, but at the moment wanted nothing more than go back to sleep.
Winter nodded a little bit. "Alright." he replied, standing up. "I need to go out and let…the demon out for a bit. You should probably stay here."
"Okay." Mycah nodded and blinked a few more times. Maybe they would get a little more sleep after all. Or, they could get up and make some breakfast for when Winter got back.
Winter took a deep breath, letting it out again. "I'll be back…probably in an hour or two. We'll see." it depended on how strong the demon was this time.
"Okay." Mycah stifled a yawn. They were a little worried about Winter, but he'd probably be fine. And in the meantime, they might be able to get a little more sleep and make breakfast.
Winter slipped from the room, and then left the house, heading towards the woods. He wanted to get as deep as possible, to lessen the chances of it coming to the town and attacking people.
Mycah lay back down and closed their eyes. They really must have been tired, because they fell asleep almost instantly. Their dreams were random and didn't make any sense, but they were pretty sure Allx, Pan, and Winter were there.
Winter kept heading deeper and deeper into the woods, wanting to get as far away as possible. He already knew this might take hours.
Eventually, Mycah woke up again, feeling much more awake. They got up slowly, then started downstairs. The house really was empty… which meant only one thing. Singing time! Mycah started singing, softly at first, but it slowly got louder as they walked to the kitchen.
Winter had gone deep in the woods and let the demon out, and it was wreaking havoc. Luckily, all there was for it to destroy was trees and animals, no people.
Mycah searched through the refrigerator and pantry, eventually settling on some oatmeal. They wanted to make something better, but it was probably better for them to start off easy. As they got all the stuff out, Mycah wondered what Winter was doing at the moment.
Winter was in fact still a rampaging demon, which was hell-bent on destroying everything it could get its hands on.
Mycah continued singing, glad they could still remember all their favorite ones. The oatmeal was coming along quite nicely, and they were feeling quite proud.
Winter eventually turned back into himself, splinters in his hands and his hair wild. He swallowed, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down.
Mycah finished cooking the oatmeal and set it on the side of the stove, the heat up just enough to keep it warm. They served themself a bowl, not knowing when Winter would be coming back and too hungry to wait. Mycah walked to the dining room table and sat down to eat.
Winter headed back towards the town, pulling splinters from his fingers as he walked, shaking his head slightly.
Mycah finished eating and started cleaning up after themself. The oatmeal they'd made for Winter was still warm, and they hoped he would like it. Maybe they should get some brown sugar or cinnamon to put on it next time. Mycah walked to the dining room table and wrote down a note to remind them about maybe getting those.
Winter came in the house, letting out a breath. "I'm back!" he called, shaking his head again and still working on pulling out splinters.
Mycah looked up and dropped the pen onto the table. "Are you good?" They asked, giving Winter a quick once-over. They had no idea what sort of side-effects someone got from letting a demon out, other than the ones they could see.
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