forum "This war never ended, did it? Not for us." // O/O // Closed
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Sorry for disappearing a bit, I was feeling a bit 'meh'.)
"Awesome. Where would one find an eyebrow pencil… if you're still getting it, that is." Mycah glanced over at Winter, then looked up and down the aisle again.


(it's fine!)

"I am, yes. And those would be in the…makeup section, wherever that is." Winter replied, looking around with his eyes narrowed.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Cool, thanks!)
"Huh." Mycah sighed and started searching for the makeup section instead of people who might recognize them and Winter. "Oh, that looks like it," They said softly, pointing towards a promising-looking section.



Winter nodded, heading over for the section. It didn't take him too long to find what he needed, and he grabbed it. "Let's pay and get out of here."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Agreed." Mycah started heading towards the front of the store, eager to get out of the store. They'd feel better about going into public once they were both disguised a bit more.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah watched as the cashier scanned everything, their foot tapping the floor slightly as they waited. The second the cashier told them the total, they handed the money over and scooped up the stuff to put in their backpack. Mycah shoved the change into their pocket and started out the door, throwing a quick "thank you" behind them.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Gods, yes," Mycah sighed, rolling their shoulders. Being in the store had left them tense, and leaving it was a great relief. They still had to walk all the way to the house, but at least there were more places to run and hide out there if someone recognized them and Winter.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Unfortunately, yes." Mycah nodded. They really didn't want to, but it was for their freedom. Long hair was something that someone could remember, and they wanted to be as forgettable as possible. Besides, they had long hair in the photo in the newspaper.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Uh… probably. I think the best look I'll get by doing it myself is 'crazed', which is not what we're going for," Mycah replied with a small laugh.


He laughed as well. "Yeah. I can…give you a decent cut, though I'm not a barber so I don't know how it'll go." he replied with a shrug.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"It's probably better than what I would do, though, and that's good enough for me," Mycah said, giving Winter a small smile. "And to thank you, I will attempt to help you if you need it."


Winter nodded a little. "It's a bit easier for me, since I'm just going to dye it and then shave it. I'm not going bald, I'm going to just…have fuzz."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah," Mycah agreed. It would probably be easier for them to do the same thing Winter was, minus the dye, but they really didn't want to. Just because they were being hunted by the authorities didn't mean they had to get rid of all their hair.


Winter didn't mind shaving his hair; it would grow back eventually. Plus, he had far more distinct hair than Mycah did; most men his age didn't have hair so white.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah turned onto the road that led towards the house, glad that they were nearly out of the view of the town. Then they could relax. Of course, they would only truly relax once they and Winter were completely out of the suspicions of the authorities.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah gave him a nod of thanks and walked into the house, stopping at the dining room table. They took Winter's stuff out of their backpack and laid it out for him.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Ah… you should probably go first, just because…" Mycah gestured at Winter's hair as if that explained everything. And it did, kind of. Winter was defiantly the most noticeable of the two, and it would be good if he was disguised as soon as possible.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Mycah sat down at the table to wait for Winter to finish dying his hair, and probably for him to finish cutting it as well. They didn't want to do anything until they knew Winter could help them if they messed up.