Winter came out of the bathroom after about a half an hour. His hair was dark now, and cut rather short. Just a buzz, really.
Winter came out of the bathroom after about a half an hour. His hair was dark now, and cut rather short. Just a buzz, really.
While Mycah had been waiting for Winter, they'd occupied themself with doodling on the notepad. By the time Winter walked out, almost the entire page was filled with sketched flowers, birds, people, and landscapes. "Wow, you look different. Good job," Mycah said, giving Winter a once-over.
Winter nodded a little. "Thanks. It feels… different. I'm not used to my hair being so short." He ran a hand over his scalp, shaking his head.
"Yeah…" Mycah nodded, then stood up. "I guess it's my turn." They started towards the bathroom, not really looking forward to the whole thing. But it had to be done.
Winter nodded. "Do you want my help, or not?" he asked, looking over at Mycah carefully.
"Uh… I think I'll give it a try on my own, but I'll probably need your help in the end," Mycah answered, stepping into the bathroom.
Winter nodded again. "Alright. I'll wait out here." he replied simply, sitting down and letting out a breath.
Mycah nodded and closed the bathroom door. After about 8 minutes, they emerged from the bathroom. Their hair was cut short– although it wasn't as short as Winter's. It was messy and a little uneven, but Mycah had done the best they could. "Well… what do you think?" They asked, their nose wrinkled slightly.
Winter thought for a moment. "It looks…hmm." he shrugged. "It's choppy, but it'll work." he replied with a faint smile.
"Ah, good." Mycah let out a sigh and ran their hand over their newly shorn head. "You're right, it does feel different. Lighter." They weren't sure how they felt about it just yet, but 'different' defiantly described it for the moment.
Winter nodded, standing up. "So. Now that we're disguised, we have a bit less to worry about, yeah?"
"That is the hope, yes," Mycah said, picking up the newspaper and looking at it. They held it up, looking from the Winter in the photo to the Winter in front of them. "Yeah, it would be a long-shot to connect you to this picture."
Winter laughed a little. "Yeah. Same to you." he replied, smiling as he looked over at Mycah.
"Good. Good." Mycah nodded with a smile at Winter, glancing at the photo again before putting the newspaper back onto the table. They felt lighter, and not just because they'd chopped off most of their hair. The fear that had appeared the moment they'd seen the photo was dissipating. It wasn't all the way gone, but they felt much better.
Winter was hoping no one could or would recognize them, with their hair so different and Mycah's eyes a different color.
With luck, the authorities would think Mycah and Winter had fled the country or something and stop looking for them after a while. Then they could both just be normal people… or, at least, people who weren't getting hunted.
Winter let out a soft breath, stretching and looking over at Mycah. "How you feeling?" he asked softly.
"Less stressed, that's for sure," Mycah answered, a small laugh ending the sentence. "Even if the authorities burst in here, I'm guessing we'll only get in trouble for breaking into a house, not because we killed someone. What about you?" They glanced at Winter.
Winter laughed a little. "Yeah, same here." he replied, looking over at Mycah with a faint smile.
"Yeah… life should be better now. If they are only going off of weird hair and eyes, we'll be invisible. Maybe they'll just give up after a while." Mycah shrugged, returning Winter's smile.
Winter laughed. "Ha. Hopefully." he nodded a little, looking at Mycah. "I don't know what'll really happen, but we can always hope."
"Yes, we can." Mycah really didn't want to become a prisoner or spend the rest of their days on the run. But Winter was right. They could always hope, and right then, Mycah was filled with it.
Winter smiled at Mycah, then looked around the house. "Hm. I should try and get the shower working better." he remarked..
"Oh. Do you have anything that I could try and do?" Mycah asked. They weren't that confident in their fixing abilities, but if they had to move something or reorganize, they could do that.
Winter shrugged. "I…not really, sorry." he replied, looking over at Mycah.
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