"Yeah, sure…" Cas fell silent and just let Halm work.
"Yeah, sure…" Cas fell silent and just let Halm work.
Halm held Cas close with one arm, and it didn't take long for him to move through the few left.
Cas looked up again when Halm seemed to have stopped. "Are you finished?" He asked.
"I'm just finishing up with the clean up," Halm said. "Then we'll have to drop the memories off at the house for me to put away later."
"Mmkay. Where are you gonna put them?" He asked. "Do you just… keep them? What do you do with them? Do they go away into the void forever?"
"There's a special room for them," Halm said. "And they just… Stay in there, really." Halm stood, holding Cas close with one arm and holding the basket of vessels with the other.
"What happens when the room gets full?" Cas asked. "I mean, technically speaking… there's not really any reason to hold onto memories."
"Well, it doesn't really ever get full. It just keeps going." Halm went quiet at the second thing Cas said.
"They're not just memories," Halm said softly. "It's the mind. They're seperated from the soul, allowing the soul to take on a new one."
"But then what's the point of hanging onto them? It doesn't seem like they can really be recycled."
big time)
(you haven't even seen her worse yet Icefire)
(oh boy)
Halm shrugged a little.
"That part isn't my choice. But… I think it because so many are afraid of what happens to them. That they don't want to just stop existing."
(just wait until you see what she's gonna do to Marcos!!)
"I guess… but… I dunno…" Cas sighed softly. "It just doesn't make sense to hold onto memories you're never going to use."
"I see what you're saying. Still, I don't think of the memories as belonging to me now. I'm just holding them for the souls." Halm carried Cas and the box into the house.
"I guess?" Cas sighed. "I just… they're never gonna need them again, are they?"
Halm shrugged, setting the box down.
"That's something I don't know."
"Do you like… do you have a boss? Who's making you do your job? Do you get paid?" Cas asked, confused.
"Mother is the one who's in charge. She made all the gods. We we're really… Born. She's the one who had us doing these jobs. And no, I don't get paid." Halm's voice was strained again. This Mother seemed to be a sensitive subject. He put both arms around Cas now, moving to go back outside.
"Oh… why don't you get paid?" Cas asked. "What's the payoff for working all day?" He shifted a bit to be more comfortable in Halm's arms.
"Not getting punished," Halm mumbled under his breath. It was as if he was afraid to say it any louder.
"Oh… by your mother…?" Cas asked softly, now feeling nervous and uncomfortable. "How could she even punish you? You're a god."
"And she is powerful enough to create gods." Halm spoke in hushed, quick tones.
"True… why are you being so quiet?" Cas asked. "Can she hear you?"
Halm nodded a little.
"It's possible. She can choose to if she wishes."
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