@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Absolutely amazing," Halm said gently. He was taking about Cas, of course. He smiled again, just enjoying the look on Cas's face.
"Absolutely amazing," Halm said gently. He was taking about Cas, of course. He smiled again, just enjoying the look on Cas's face.
"They really are…" Cas hummed softly to himself and stepped back to admire the crystals, ending up accidentally knocking over the lighter instead. He yelped and clung to Halm's arm so he wouldn't lose him.
Halm put this other arm around Cas gently. Thankfully Halm was still glowing gently.
"Are you okay?" He asked, reaching around to find the lighter. The crystals were reflecting his light now, and it seemed much softer.
Cas nodded a bit, clinging more tightly to Halm. "I-I'm sorry, I… I didn't mean to… to… um…" He stammered weakly.
"It's okay Cas," Halm said softly. "I know is was an accident." He finally found the lighter, flicking it back on.
Cas relaxed slightly when the light came back, but he was still clinging to Halm. Although Halm didn't seem to be upset with him, he couldn't help but feel like he was.
Halm was completely calm, but he was concerned by how Cas was acting.
"It's okay," he said again. He but both arms around Cas, being gentle.
"You're not mad…?" Cas asked nervously, looking up at Halm. He huddled close to him with a shaky sigh.
"I'm not mad," Halm confirmed. He was gentle, doing his best to help Cas.
Cas hesitated before nodding a bit and burying himself in Halm's arms. He still seemed nervous, but he relaxed somewhat.
Halm gently rubbed Cas's back, holding him close.
"I'm sorry the light went out," he said, as if it was his own fault.
"It's not your fault, Halm… it's mine. I'm stupid and clumsy and I should've been watching where I was going…"
"And I'm the one who set it down where it was," Halm said gently. "I knew you were wrapped up in enjoying yourself, and I shouldn't have set the lighter down. I'm just sorry it was ruined."
Cas sighed and held a bit tighter to Halm. "I'm sorry I'm freaking out over nothing, I just… I'm used to getting punished for every little mistake…"
"I understand," Halm said gently. "And I know it's not your fault, either. Things will be fine."
"I don't wanna have bad memories of this place…" Cas sighed softly, looking up from Halm's arms. "I like it a lot…"
Halm nodded a little.
"I… I could take the memory away. If what just happened."
Cas looked up at Halm, confused. "Really? That would work? Things wouldn't go… go wrong, or anything?"
"No, not something so fresh," Halm said. "Besides, you'll still know we took the memory away, but it'll be as if it happened to someone else. It won't affect you."
"Oh… okay…" Cas hesitated a few seconds. "Alright, um… do the thing, I guess?"
"Okay then," Halm said gently. He reached gently to Cas's head, lightly touching his fingers against his temple. He reached into Cas's mind, being gentle. He pulled at the memory lightly, disconnecting it from Cas.
"Mmm…" Cas was weak for a few seconds, but he soon straightened up and noticed the crystals again. His eyes lit up and he went over to them, smiling like before.
Halm smiled gently. This time, he continued to hold the lighter, letting Cas enjoy his time a bit more.
"How are you doing?" He asked.
"Pretty good." Cas hummed softly, running his fingers along the crystals again. "Pretty~"
Halm grinned at that, happy that had worked. He hasn't done it many time before, actually.
"They're not the only thing," he mumbled under his breath, unsure if Cas would here him and hoping not.
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