forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

awkwardly escapades to figure out if I actually know anyone irl with ADHD so I can name them when my parents inevitably ask
Actually now that I give it more thought, alerting them to my no good brain is a trash idea

Deleted user

You think I wouldn't look gorgeous with them?

Was it bad that I was greatly considering to ask Ella to do the exact opposite and give you tig ol’ bitties?

@Pickles group

Wow I space out for upwards of half an hour unable to move and the first thing I do after is google "sexy hot dog costume"


So my mom might have corona cuz both my mom's cousin and aunt got it and my moms been helping her aunt with moving before she knew she had corona. I'm genuinely scared because my mom already has a weak immune system and we live in a really small apartment and the virus could spread really easily.

Deleted user

Sort of a good rant

So after a good few months of not finding anything to give me hits of Dopamine™, I finally found something. P i a n o

Basically all of today and yesterday, I played my keyboard (ceremoniously named Pete), and I’ve mostly brushed off my triad-practice and warm-ups. Today I started on a piece I really resonate with called Gymnopedie No. 1. I’m really feeling good, but it was really the only thing that brought the whole day together. Today and yesterday were destined to be really poor days for me, but playing my piano really helped.

idk if it’s good or bad that my stupid love of music helped me more than anything, or perhaps it’s bad that it helped so much.

@Pickles group

Oh boy today has not been a good day and I can't sleep so tomorrow's gonna be a bad day too except my failures will be broadcasted to all the woodwinds and staff and Dylan who I already know hates me enough and it's super awkward and I don't like it and today was supposed to be a good day marching band got cancelled and I didn't have to do anything but it was bad and I feel awful