forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Here's a nice exercise that anyone can do to help with dialouge:

  • Find a irl friend or another writer-friend you can video-chat with, ask them any question you want, and write down exactly what they say.
  • The other person should do the same.

@ccb group

things not to do: read all of 17776 AND watch the episode of new girl where cece and schmidt get engaged and they play rivers and roads in one day. you'll cry a lot and be in a mood where you can't stop crying. and then you'll find an ms paint drawing you made when you were 10 and you'll cry over it. it's a monkey on a dirt-bike. why are you crying over a shitty ms paint drawing of a monkey on a dirt-bike?


bruh i just drew something i actually like but its on the back of a marker page and you can barely see it through the bleeding

@Pickles group

Me: wow I did a thing and it looks good. Let's do it again
Me, doing it again: ………why is this so hard

What was it?

A r t


Me: wow I did a thing and it looks good. Let's do it again
Me, doing it again: ………why is this so hard

What was it?

A r t



i feel like a zombie
like i wanna not exist so desperately and i wish i could already not exist so this constant looming hopelessness would stop, but i can't bring myself into the real world or even move enough to do anything about it
can't cry, don't even feel like crying, or expressing any emotions at all
i can only just scribble repeatedly until i feel better
hopefully i feel better soon cause this is really miserable

@Pickles group

I feel Not Good, but at least my tendency to over explain everything came in handy today who knew that spelling out exactly how to get to the band entrance in excruciating detail would be useful? Not me, that's for sure
I've used "excruciating" twice today (three times now I guess) and for some reason that feels important

@Pickles group



who decided to put me in charge of the flutes??? I'm not qualified to lead. Why did I do this
I don't even know how to START teaching fundamentals and I'm supposed to teach two people everything all by myself?? We only have two upperclassmen and I'm the only senior, I'm so screwed
I can't even clap properly
Oh fuck

@Pickles group

Is this a thing you need to be a flute to do, or a leader, or both? Bc maybe we can help.

It's marching. I know how to march, but I don't know how to go about teaching it. And because of c, we can't be in a large group, so section leaders (me) are in charge of teaching instead of the band directors