forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@ccb group

my sleep schedule is so messed up caffeine and melatonin don’t help anymore. i just slept from 8pm to 3am, i was just trying to take a nap, and something tells me that’s all i’m gonna get for the night. also i keep forgetting to take my meds because i keep falling asleep like… too informally? maybe if i take them with a shot of nyquil now and try to sleep until morning my brain will get the memo

@ccb group

(and i made tea right before i “took a nap” and it’s cold now. my poor sleep schedule is both exacerbating and being exacerbated by my poor mental+physical health, but to be frank. the worst part is that my tea is cold.)


i just tried to zoom in on a fucking paper

one time i tried to light up a paper by tapping on it

lmao i've double tapped on the paper to undo on multiple occasions

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i just tried to zoom in on a fucking paper

one time i tried to light up a paper by tapping on it

lmao i've double tapped on the paper to undo on multiple occasions

I often try to undo a drawing on paper, and when I'm coloring, my hand flies to the right to access the color wheel

Deleted user

I'm back again and you can say whatever you fucking want about that, because I don't care

I just want someone to talk to who understands

My grandma isn't going to make it to monday and we're not allowed to visit

I'm scared, I think

I don't even know

But I'm really not okay and I just

Need some people to tell me it'll be okay

@Katastrophic group

Hey so I'm having a wonderful little breakdown. I'm a ceramics major in nearly 100k debt in an art degree, and im realizing I really don't want to be doing kilns and clay for a living but It's too late to switch my degree and my school doesn't even offer an illustration degree if I did. If i switch to painting or smth my scholarship runs out in a year and I have to pay double tuition, or if my gpa drops below 3.5 (which is unfair cause they count electives in the scoring before I got out of a 7 year teaching degree). On top of that I'm wearing my brace for the first time in months and probably shouldn't go into illustration or even attempt my comic and I just got 5/10 on a math test where my only learning resource is a "cool" stats textbook from 2010. One of the questions was technically correct but somehow got marked wrong and idk if it's even worth risking the integrity policy to screenshot and email it.
I just need a void to scream into while I have a mid-college crisis thanks

Sorry about your grandmother, I hope it turns out okay.