forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Me: Forgets to do something
My mom: Gets mad
Me: Sorry.
My mom: No, you're not.
Me: Okay, I'm not sorry.
My mom: Then I'll make you sorry.

and this may be my last post of today because she's turning off the wifi so bye for now ig

@Pickles group

Me: Forgets to do something
My mom: Gets mad
Me: Sorry.
My mom: No, you're not.
Me: Okay, I'm not sorry.
My mom: Then I'll make you sorry.

and this may be my last post of today because she's turning off the wifi so bye for now ig

:( Bye, dudeling

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Me: Forgets to do something
My mom: Gets mad
Me: Sorry.
My mom: No, you're not.
Me: Okay, I'm not sorry.
My mom: Then I'll make you sorry.

and this may be my last post of today because she's turning off the wifi so bye for now ig

:( Bye, dudeling

I'm back, after doing double the chores I was supposed to

@Pickles group

Then maybe get off the internet and eat something salty or sweet and contemplate.

No no. A lot of the problem is that I'm not keeping up with everything happening right now and everyone's online and chatting up a storm. I can't miss it. It would be so much worse to have to read through everything way after the fact

@ccb group


You are valid
Your feelings are valid
You are worth more than you know
You dealt with some shit today so that's understandable

Take a break, go get a snack or some dinner
Cuddle up in a blanket and watch a movie
Get some sleep
Take some time for yourself darling

Notebook.Ai will be here when you get back

(Also if you need someone to talk to my PMs are always open !)

@Pickles group

Dear paranoia: could you not? What do you even want? I don't listen to true crime podcasts for a while, you skyrocket. I go on a little binge and you skyrocket. I listen to one and a half a day and you wait a month to skyrocket. Go a w a y


Sucks, my guy. But I bet you have a good person inside of you. And that's what matters.

there in lays the problem.
I don't know how to say no
Some one wants to be my boyfriend
I can't say no
Someone wants to be toxic to be in irl
I can't say no
People harass me?
I. can't. say. no

see the thing is that every school has that girl who hooks up with every guy, well that's me except I don't like any of them and just don't know how to say NO.

@saor_illust school

Sucks, my guy. But I bet you have a good person inside of you. And that's what matters.

there in lays the problem.
I don't know how to say no
Some one wants to be my boyfriend
I can't say no
Someone wants to be toxic to be in irl
I can't say no
People harass me?
I. can't. say. no

see the thing is that every school has that girl who hooks up with every guy, well that's me except I don't like any of them and just don't know how to say NO.

the iz comes outta hiding cause she relates to something here
listen, i get it
i've dealt with all of those things before
it's hard saying no
i do know that
but you know what?
you are better than those people you want to say no to.
they are not making anyone's life better by those specific decisions.

so let's start, one thing at a time, shall we?
and while it's certainly easier to cut off toxic friends online,
you can still do it irl
so make it clear the that "friend" that you and them are not friends anymore.
do not let them guilt trip you
do not let them trick you into staying
no matter what they say
no matter what they threaten
no matter what they do to try to get you stay with them
you must make it clear that the two of you are not friends anymore

you can start ignoring them
i don't care what they say
under no circumstances are you allowed to be friends with them for a good year.
i only set a time limit because maybe in that time they've changed
and maybe they haven't
but if you decide to go back to them?
be on your best guard
be prepared to repeat these steps whenever you suspect that they haven't changed

and if you don't decide to go back?
that's good for you
you've conquered your toxic friend
you've shown the whole world, even if most of the world hasn't seen it yet, that you can stand up to toxic friends
and you can do this.
it's hard,
it truly is
and you might feel guilty for awhile afterwards
i get that
i went back to my toxic friend a total of three times
but did they ever change?
it took me three times to realise that they were no good for me and i'd have to cut them out for good

i believe in you brooklyn!!!


Izzy you took my speech, But thank you for doing so, You put it in a much more readable fashion than I could have.


Brooklyn I think that Dom asked the right question earlier, why is it you feel this way.
I think we all know what a weed is, it easily spreads , usually invasive and once it's there it's hard to get rid of. I think this issue you have is a lot like a weed. you can chop at this weed forever but it will just keep coming back. What you don't see is the massive network of roots this weed has going on under the surface, it has woven it's self deep into the soil and it is going to take some serious work to get it out of there. when you're dealing with weeds to don't go for the stem, you go for the roots.
So you have to figure out the roots of this need to say yes to people is. I know what mine is. I don't want to be alone, it terrifies me. I am the most contradictory introvert the world has ever seen, As much as I detest social interaction I am terrified of being left with out emotional connection. This manifests it's self as me being unable to let go of relationships I've already formed, even if they aren't healthy, that is my weed, and the root is an insecurity. You know what, I wont be alone, I have a pretty fabulous sister two or four of them actually, and I know that I will always have a place with them. That's how I can rip out the roots.
Your weed is an inability to say no, what is it's root. You can rip at the stalks of that weed as much as you want, but if you want it to go away you have to attack the roots.
(I apologize, not my best analogy , I've been running on 4 hours of sleep and In-In-Out for the past week)


Hey yall apparently the CIA dropped some documents that say we live in a "energy holorgram" and need to be prepared to see "non-corporeal energy forms" I think this is another check on the apocalypse bingo

Deleted user

Hey yall apparently the CIA dropped some documents that say we live in a "energy holorgram" and need to be prepared to see "non-corporeal energy forms" I think this is another check on the apocalypse bingo

What O.O