forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Anyways, back to my vent. This person, not naming names, keeps trying to guilt-trip everyone and playing victim, then uses their age as an excuse for their behavior, when there are multiple people around who are younger and more mature.


If you can vague post about me
I can vague post about you too

You know what, lets take this to a different chat, there's too much negativity here.


You apologized, but you haven't changed
What the hell am I suppose to do with that

It's hard to change when it feels like nobody supports you. Even with my first post in the debate chat, which is for debating, people STARTED OUT being rude to me. And I DID stop saying All Lives Matter. I learned. Do you expect me to entirely change who I am in like 1 day?

That's still not an excuse. Just because people are mean to you doesn't mean you go and be mean to other people. You also didn't learn, I had a whole-ass post that I spent DAYS on about BLM, but you still ignored it. When we tried to educate you, you still ignored it, when we offered facts, you still ignored it. I didn't expect you to change, I expected you to be better.


I think the fact that you keep arguing with the people who are simply trying to explain to you why what you're doing isn't appreciated on notebook, is why they're "being rude" to you. You havent been here very long so you dont know the personalities of these people. I know a few people, like Eris for example, who would not hesitate to put you in your place the second you try to guilt trip/manipulate anyone on here.

You did something wrong and said sorry about it, but you keep bringing it up and essentially trying to make yourself seem like the victim in every case. You say sorry but it's hard for these people to forgive you after what you keep doing. People were nice to you but when you made rude comments and refuse to acknowledge your mistakes or correct them, that pissed a whole bunch of people off.

Try to apologize without seeming too snarky. I would advise you take a break from these venting chats and specially designated rudeness chats to give yourself a break and others a break.

Deleted user

You apologized, but you haven't changed
What the hell am I suppose to do with that

It's hard to change when it feels like nobody supports you. Even with my first post in the debate chat, which is for debating, people STARTED OUT being rude to me. And I DID stop saying All Lives Matter. I learned. Do you expect me to entirely change who I am in like 1 day?

That's still not an excuse. Just because people are mean to you doesn't mean you go and be mean to other people. You also didn't learn, I had a whole-ass post that I spent DAYS on about BLM, but you still ignored it. When we tried to educate you, you still ignored it, when we offered facts, you still ignored it. I didn't expect you to change, I expected you to be better.

I didn't ignore it. I read it. And even when I read why people call it BLM I didn't get it at first so I asked questions.

Deleted user

I think the fact that you keep arguing with the people who are simply trying to explain to you why what you're doing isn't appreciated on notebook, is why they're "being rude" to you. You havent been here very long so you dont know the personalities of these people. I know a few people, like Eris for example, who would not hesitate to put you in your place the second you try to guilt trip/manipulate anyone on here.

You did something wrong and said sorry about it, but you keep bringing it up and essentially trying to make yourself seem like the victim in every case. You say sorry but it's hard for these people to forgive you after what you keep doing. People were nice to you but when you made rude comments and refuse to acknowledge your mistakes or correct them, that pissed a whole bunch of people off.

Try to apologize without seeming too snarky. I would advise you take a break from these venting chats and specially designated rudeness chats to give yourself a break and others a break.

I feel like a victim when people team up against me. Hardly anybody was nice to me. I NEED to vent. I am depressed and anxious. I guess I'll just leave though.

@Pickles group

She's not perfect. But you aren't either. This is supposed to be a safe place to vent, which is all she's trying to do. She may be misinformed and not listen, but that's no excuse to not give her the right to speak her feelings, even if she's wrong and not listening to you. I feel like this is less about educating her and more about targeting her. This whole experience has just left an awful feeling in my gut. I need a break from this chat. I'll be back in a couple of days.

I'm trying to vent too

No you're trying to target me because it's fun. If you all hate me so much just ignore me. I'm not @ing you or anything.

Noooooo, you vague posted about me. I vague posted about you

@Pickles group

I didn't ignore it. I read it. And even when I read why people call it BLM I didn't get it at first so I asked questions.

Once again, you didn't read until after you had whined about it being dumb.

Deleted user

Guys guys guys, let's take this to Rudeness and respect Ella's wishes.

@HighPockets group

Ella my friends and I zoomed for 3 hours the other day and spent most of it watching Silly Songs With Larry and I need you to know that-

@HighPockets group

we need to do that

To be specific, the three we watched were His Cheeseburger, The Bunny Song, and Oh Santa!, which prompted the quote "LARRY COMMITS TAX EVASION!"