forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Honestly I'm partially okay with being lonely, no one can truly hurt you if there's no one there TO hurt you.
(Sorry If that makes you feel worse)

Well it’s more of not being hurt it’s I know the person I like doesn’t like me back because they just told me who They like
and now I can’t tell them

Oh, yeah, I also have that.


@crocs-to-a-knife-fight thanks for that. i did do my best to rectify it asap which is (i guess?) all i could do, so whatever's going on i hope they're okay.

also. okay. frosting is such a contentious topic. every time i make baked goods these days i go "you know what would go great with this batch of cookies/cupcakes/etc? some frosting/icing." and then i look up a recipe and it's always way too many servings for my purposes and i'm not good at math so it's too much to scale down but i'm usually good at eyeballing ingredient amounts when i'm cooking, so even though baking is totally different, i'm like "i could eyeball this." then i end up with the runniest icing in the world and it's happened like five times! why do i never learn! and i've been using frosting and icing interchangeably here which i… don't think is right? what a world we live in

hjjhdfjhdf see, i don't have a scale down problem. i bake for my family, which is three hungry friend children who run us out of sweets, and my parents who don't like cupcakes but eat my other things. my problem is that i usually double or triple, especially when i'm baking for the neighbors too, or when i would bring things to my now ex bfs family

also if your icing is runny, add more powdered sugar! same with frosting too in general, though be careful cause if it turns out you messed something else up, then you're just gonna end up with a cavity inducing mess lmao

@ccb group

okay i cook so much more often than i bake so thank you for the powdered sugar tip because… i just keep adding more flour to thicken it which ruins the taste…. :')


okay i cook so much more often than i bake so thank you for the powdered sugar tip because… i just keep adding more flour to thicken it which ruins the taste…. :')

oh gold yeah no, don't add flour. i made that mistake Once and yeah just. more powdered sugar

duude i bake as often as possible so if you have any questions ever please pm me, i LOVE talking about baking and offering tips

@ccb group

okay i cook so much more often than i bake so thank you for the powdered sugar tip because… i just keep adding more flour to thicken it which ruins the taste…. :')

oh gold yeah no, don't add flour. i made that mistake Once and yeah just. more powdered sugar

duude i bake as often as possible so if you have any questions ever please pm me, i LOVE talking about baking and offering tips

i would LOVE baking tips!! i am definitely going to take you up on that sometime. my mom is a caterer and she's taught me a lot about cooking, but she doesn't like to bake as much unless she has to because she "doesn't like getting out measuring cups" (she usually only bakes using gram weights which is too complicated for me) so i am a bit of a baking novice haha


once i'm done with you hon, you'll be eyeballing pretty much everything lmao. my mother doesn't even use her measuring cups like ever unless she's making specific things(cooking is her thing, she's helping me out there but she doesn't have too much time)


minor vent but the not really sketchy sketchy website i was watching she-ra and the princesses of power on won't let me watch it anymore xkfskhfamspgls
and no i don't have netflix that's why i was using that site in the first place


minor vent but the not really sketchy sketchy website i was watching she-ra and the princesses of power on won't let me watch it anymore xkfskhfamspgls
and no i don't have netflix that's why i was using that site in the first place

That sucks
I love that show

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Honestly I'm partially okay with being lonely, no one can truly hurt you if there's no one there TO hurt you.

This reminds me of that one quote from Hercules that's like "Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you."


Honestly I'm partially okay with being lonely, no one can truly hurt you if there's no one there TO hurt you.

This reminds me of that one quote from Hercules that's like "Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you."

lol that reminds of that one meme

Deleted user

I feel like everybody hates me. I don't try to start fights, I just get ahead of myself sometimes. I'm about to cry. All I do is cause problems and make messes.

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What'd they say now?

It's a venting space. Can you leave me alone and let me vent?

@Pickles group

Y'all remember what Ella said about not being rude and just letting people vent?
Yeah let's do that so she doesn't hate us