forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Ay dude. I wouldn't give up just yet. Find a job, hang on to that, look out for opportunity. And make lots of friends in case you go down so you have a place to go.

> i mean i have a decent amount of friends, but i'd feel bad depending on them to that degree. and i just don't think i can find a job. the job market is getting eviscerated, not that it was ever a great place for english and film majors. teaching seems like a reasonable goal that i could be happy with… at first glance, anyway, until i remember that i'm going to run out of money for school before my senior year and i don't think lightning's gonna strike twice with the research grant thing especially with how bad of a job i feel like i'm doing with it now, so a masters in teaching is financially out of the question even if i work while getting it. and even then, if all went perfectly well, i feel like my parents are going to be really disappointed if i don't do something "great," if i get a masters instead of a doctorate or if i settle for staying in pittsburgh instead of moving to new york city or if i teach creative writing instead of getting a job writing for late night tv, but their position was so different from mine at this age. i could finish my book and hustle to get it published but authors get no money from being authors so you need something else on the side plus i feel like nobody is ever going to care as much about my story + characters as i do and i don't know/think i even have a good original concept it's just more junk food ya fantasy. anyway here is another rambling comment. i'm probably not gonna give up give up right now but it's good to feel like i have an out beyond just working retail and food service for the rest of my life. sorry i am typing a lot of silly things today

This should be tagged with a trigger warning.

Deleted user

I am going to go through to let people know what should be tagged, to keep things safer.

@HighPockets group

I am going to go through to let people know what should be tagged, to keep things safer.

They can do that for themselves, don't bother dredging everything up to tell people what to tag

Deleted user

I am going to go through to let people know what should be tagged, to keep things safer.

They can do that for themselves, don't bother dredging everything up to tell people what to tag

Sorry. I'm not always good at knowing how to handle these situations. Just going forward I hope people do because it was already a rule I'm pretty sure and they weren't doing it.


spoiler tags on sensitive content was indeed a rule, but considering I never really specified on that it wasn't super clear, so i don't think anyone's obligated to go through and tag all their previous posts, it's just going to be something as of now.

and you're fine fren <3

Deleted user

spoiler tags on sensitive content was indeed a rule, but considering I never really specified on that it wasn't super clear, so i don't think anyone's obligated to go through and tag all their previous posts, it's just going to be something as of now.

and you're fine fren <3

Sorry, I'm bad at this.

Deleted user

If I'm welcome here to vent anymore, I just want to say I'm sick of nobody liking me. I'm only 15 and I'm not mature yet, sue me. I wish somebody would just understand.

@ccb group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

Deleted user

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

@ccb group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

huh it's showing up as spoiler tagged for me??? can anyone help troubleshoot (again i'm so sorry)

@HighPockets group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

huh it's showing up as spoiler tagged for me??? can anyone help troubleshoot (again i'm so sorry)

It's spoiler tagged for me too

Deleted user

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

huh it's showing up as spoiler tagged for me??? can anyone help troubleshoot (again i'm so sorry)

It's spoiler tagged for me too

It's not spoiler tagged on my quote reply.

@HighPockets group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

huh it's showing up as spoiler tagged for me??? can anyone help troubleshoot (again i'm so sorry)

It's spoiler tagged for me too

It's not spoiler tagged on my quote reply.

You have to spoiler tag it on your quote reply, or delete the quote reply
Which is why I mentioned that quoting was an ineffective method

Deleted user

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

huh it's showing up as spoiler tagged for me??? can anyone help troubleshoot (again i'm so sorry)

It's spoiler tagged for me too

It's not spoiler tagged on my quote reply.

You have to spoiler tag it on your quote reply, or delete the quote reply
Which is why I mentioned that quoting was an ineffective method

I don't know how to spoiler tag a post yet, again I'm really new here.

@HighPockets group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm so sorry about that it completely slipped my mind (and i even remembered to spoiler tag my first couple comments so why did i forget a third time lmao). the original reply is spoiler tagged now, but i think unless you spoiler tag your reply yourself, it'll still show up with the full text. again i'm really really sorry

I don't see it spoiler tagged.

huh it's showing up as spoiler tagged for me??? can anyone help troubleshoot (again i'm so sorry)

It's spoiler tagged for me too

It's not spoiler tagged on my quote reply.

You have to spoiler tag it on your quote reply, or delete the quote reply
Which is why I mentioned that quoting was an ineffective method

I don't know how to spoiler tag a post yet, again I'm really new here.

Then quote @ccb37 to see how they did it


im back- yay ? not really-

It's been so long-
How are you?
i'm so so so so so so greatly sorry for what happened back then, i jumped to conclusions and tried to play the smart one without actually speaking to any of you about anything and it ended up hurting everyone more than they ever deserved… it was truly awful of me and i completely understand if i'm not forgiven, but just know i don't hate you-

@ccb group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid to spoiler tag a post go like
< spoiler > [text goes here] </spoiler >
but with no spaces between the word "spoiler" and the arrows

Deleted user

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid to spoiler tag a post go like
< spoiler > [text goes here] </spoiler >
but with no spaces between the word "spoiler" and the arrows

I don't think that worked.

@ccb group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid to spoiler tag a post go like
< spoiler > [text goes here] </spoiler >
but with no spaces between the word "spoiler" and the arrows

I don't think that worked.

sorry if my instructions weren't great, here's the official formatting google doc which might be clearer. this is not anything against you, but i'm gonna stop replying here because i don't want to clog the vent thread with clerical stuff. if you need anything reach out, i mean that sincerely.

Deleted user

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid to spoiler tag a post go like
< spoiler > [text goes here] </spoiler >
but with no spaces between the word "spoiler" and the arrows

I don't think that worked.

sorry if my instructions weren't great, here's the official formatting google doc which might be clearer. this is not anything against you, but i'm gonna stop replying here because i don't want to clog the vent thread with clerical stuff. if you need anything reach out, i mean that sincerely.

You're the one who posted something triggering in the first place and now everyone is blaming me.

@ccb group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid i'm really really sorry for any way in which i might have hurt you. i pm'd you, and if you don't want to respond, i understand, but i would love to talk this out somewhere other than here.

Deleted user

The rule wasn't clear until way after they had posted that. @ccb37 has not done anything wrong.
