forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Honestly I feel that, especially the touch needy part. I think a lot of my issues would be instantly soothed with a hug. During school my friends' hugs were like my drug. Sometimes I just need a good cry on a familiar body. It's weird how important that is to mental health- having that person, that other.

@Moxie group

@ Dom and Ella
Adhd/add and autism have a lot of overlapping symptoms. So Ella that could be why your doctor or whoever it was thinks you might have adhd. And Dom I think you have add but the overlap of symptoms may be why you think you might have autism. It’s the social aspect of it that overlaps because people with adhd and autism both have difficulties in social situations

One thing that bugs me is how I react emotionally. It's possibly like the flip side of RSD if that's a thing, but I can be really emotional. Like today when I teared up when my bread had a hole after trying to do school and not understanding anything. It's like I'm freaking 20 why do I have to deal with this! Like. I just need to hold someone's hand or something or I feel like dying. Being a touch needy super extrovert sucks. 0/10. And also social things are so hard? Why can't I do stuff and why do I have to do stuff? It's dumb and doesn't make sense. And why can't I spin in a chair if I want to? Why are there all these rules?
Oh and also sometimes it's hard to raise my voice and touching things feels Bad.
So there's my rant.

Okay well emotions are weird and intense when you have adhd. So that makes sense. I get the same way.
The touchy/needy thing is just a you thing. Some people are just like that.
The social thing…. I’m gonna say this in the gentlest way possible but … typically when you’re homeschooled you have a harder time with social situations. That’s probably not helped by adhd tho. It’ll just be a learning curve for you as you socialize and grow up a little more.
Idk man. Why can’t I sit in my chair how I want to? Why can’t I put my feet on my desk? Why do manners say I can not pull my knee up to my chest at the dinner table? Neurotypicals are whack sometimes.
Yeah controlling volume is an adhd thing. I struggle with it too. And when my senses get overloaded I can’t deal with certain fabrics

@Moxie group

Do some research on Emotional Dysregulation

I will tysm
Honestly it’s weird but I love learning new things about adhd and new aspects of it, so I really appreciate you saying that


Do some research on Emotional Dysregulation

I will tysm
Honestly it’s weird but I love learning new things about adhd and new aspects of it, so I really appreciate you saying that

Wait that was meant to be for Dom, to help him better understand his emotional fluctuations lol, but yeah it's an interesting topic.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The social thing…. I’m gonna say this in the gentlest way possible but … typically when you’re homeschooled you have a harder time with social situations. That’s probably not helped by adhd tho. It’ll just be a learning curve for you as you socialize and grow up a little more.

I mean, it's possible. But it's mostly just that I don't see why there are all the rules. So I slip up sometimes. I can learn the rules pretty well, but that's what they are. Rules. Sometimes it just doesn't click. Luckily I can be an excellent chameleon.


@ Dom and Ella
Adhd/add and autism have a lot of overlapping symptoms. So Ella that could be why your doctor or whoever it was thinks you might have adhd. And Dom I think you have add but the overlap of symptoms may be why you think you might have autism. It’s the social aspect of it that overlaps because people with adhd and autism both have difficulties in social situations

One thing that bugs me is how I react emotionally. It's possibly like the flip side of RSD if that's a thing, but I can be really emotional. Like today when I teared up when my bread had a hole after trying to do school and not understanding anything. It's like I'm freaking 20 why do I have to deal with this! Like. I just need to hold someone's hand or something or I feel like dying. Being a touch needy super extrovert sucks. 0/10. And also social things are so hard? Why can't I do stuff and why do I have to do stuff? It's dumb and doesn't make sense. And why can't I spin in a chair if I want to? Why are there all these rules?
Oh and also sometimes it's hard to raise my voice and touching things feels Bad.
So there's my rant.

i feel this so hard it’s painful

@Pickles group

Dear headlines: please write yourselves because I was actually writing for once and now I gotta stop to google how to come up with a good headline because if I don't do it now, I'm not ever doing it

Deleted user


this is what i live by. i tend to act really childish at times but there's nothing wrong with that. and if someone thinks that im being immature? then fuck. i sure as hell am, but that shouldn't bother me.
do what you want man, you only got one shot at this. why should you have to conform to other's views of what's acceptable?

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

So I was watching Say Yes To The Dress with my mom, and the entourage of one bride really bothered me. I missed the beginning of the episode, and for a while, I honestly thought that one of her friends was the groom. He keep talking romantically about the bride and trying to make a big deal out of her. Every time she found a dress she loved, he hated on it so much that she changed her mind. The bride wanted a simple and boho dress, but he kept saying that she needed something sexy and a "smokeshow." He also got into such a fight with her other friends that the host had to step in. The whole time, he acted like he was bitter about being friend-zoned. Because of him, the whole episode just left a bad taste in my mouth

@Pickles group

Please note: when your dad asks about your sandwich and you answer him and your mom gets mad and says, "he was trying to start a conversation :(", "it tastes like dog vomit" is the wrong answer even though it's true


I wrote a paragraph long rant in the Pinterest comments because someone said Raquelle is better than Barbie when i cant write a sentence long story in english class

@HighPockets group

Literally her whole character is being not as good as Barbie and being jealous of her
They both suck

At least she actually creates drama instead of being cardboard


Chelsea is bland and annoying and Skipper is a teenage girl stereotype masked with a cheap "badass techie!!" sticker

I can understand your distaste for Skipper, but how in the world is Chelsea bland or annoying?