forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

i don even really know, don really wanna talk bout it either but ill be fine ig, cause maybe if i tell myself that im fine enough then maybe ill be fine


At least you know something specific that triggers you, and you can try your best to prepare for it or avoid it all together. Knowing the root cause for these problems is good for dealing with the after-emotions.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

This is the most random thing but if I have to go back to in-person school, i'm changing my background to that one picture of Squidward wearing the button that says "I really wish I weren't here right now!"


my sister’s just been diagnosed with high-functioning autism and now my mom’s wondering if i might have it too
it would make a lot of sense…

@HighPockets group

that would be wonderful, thank you <3
even if i'm not one of my characters is, so it'll be helpful regardless

Cool! I'm gonna be pretty busy this weekend so idk when I'll have them by


I kind of wonder myself sometimes. But I think it's probably just ADD screwing with me.

I used to think I had Asperger's all throughout the sixth grade, now I think it's ADD too. No diagnosis though, so I can't say.

@Moxie group

@ Dom and Ella
Adhd/add and autism have a lot of overlapping symptoms. So Ella that could be why your doctor or whoever it was thinks you might have adhd. And Dom I think you have add but the overlap of symptoms may be why you think you might have autism. It’s the social aspect of it that overlaps because people with adhd and autism both have difficulties in social situations

@Moxie group

Mini vent thing:

Me: okay. We’re about five minutes away from our grandmas house. And it’s gonna suck and there’s gonna be a lot of drama but we can get through it. Think of happy things. Like disneyland
My stupid garbage brain: hahaha remember that super embarrassing thing that happened there a couple of years ago that made you want to crawl into a hole and die? Ignore the happy memories, think about that bitch.
Me: why. I hate you.


If it makes you feel any better, "no ones thinking of that super embarrassing thing you did. Everyone's too busy thinking about the super embarrassing thing they did" (kickthepj)

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Sorry for annoying the crap out of everyone but I've got a bit of a rant coming. I'm sorry. You can get mad and kick me out if you want. I probably deserve it. Anyway, here goes.
I don't want to have to keep being the funny friend.
I'm like a bad cartoon character.
I'm a trope so that's the only trait I can have.
And I'm truly a different person that I act like.
I act cynical and bitter, but I really wish I could be childlike again without being criticized.
I wish I could just do a complete 180 and not be judged.
Like, I never liked cartoons or Disney much as a kid, and now I feel pressured to stay that way.
I just want to freely like those things.
Society says to be yourself but criticizes you when you listen.


I kind of wonder myself sometimes. But I think it's probably just ADD screwing with me.

I've honestly been thinking about it for myself too but I've never gotten a diagnosis for like, anything and having to talk to an adult about it and stuff is just,,
cuz I've seen a lot of things about autism and I'm like "haha that's relatable even tho I don't have autism!" except there's so many different symptoms that I exhibit and part of me "huh,, I wonder if I should look into that" while knowing that I will Not be looking into it just gonna keep researching cuz I still think research is cool

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@ Dom and Ella
Adhd/add and autism have a lot of overlapping symptoms. So Ella that could be why your doctor or whoever it was thinks you might have adhd. And Dom I think you have add but the overlap of symptoms may be why you think you might have autism. It’s the social aspect of it that overlaps because people with adhd and autism both have difficulties in social situations

One thing that bugs me is how I react emotionally. It's possibly like the flip side of RSD if that's a thing, but I can be really emotional. Like today when I teared up when my bread had a hole after trying to do school and not understanding anything. It's like I'm freaking 20 why do I have to deal with this! Like. I just need to hold someone's hand or something or I feel like dying. Being a touch needy super extrovert sucks. 0/10. And also social things are so hard? Why can't I do stuff and why do I have to do stuff? It's dumb and doesn't make sense. And why can't I spin in a chair if I want to? Why are there all these rules?
Oh and also sometimes it's hard to raise my voice and touching things feels Bad.
So there's my rant.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's weird being this emotional. I feel like I'm five. And then the balance will shift and I can almost pass for a Responsible Adult that you might trust a business with or maybe small children.


I always talk Loudly when I'm outside when I think I'm talking in a normal voice and my girlfriend's like "you're being loud" and I'm like no?? but that's wrong
ahh nevermind this is one of those things that's casually been on my mind and I have to wonder I'm looking too much into it or not
chances are it's all just in my head anyway