forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

yall no self harm or i will come over there and pull the tool out of your hands and throw it away
i will also then proceed to selfharm-proof the house as best i can without making things too inconvenient for you and the rest of your family


wow this incredibly minor comparatively speaking

so i have a notes doc of stuff from my dreams
i accidentally deleted it
no big deal, just go to recently deleted and recover it
so i had to make a new one and retype everything i could remember

also, on a completely unrelated note, we left cupcakes out last night in a not very well sealed container. some ants decided to have a party and invite everyone they know. now we have ants. and they're going to keep coming for days
i'm just glad i missed the spider fight. apparently there were four big spiders fighting each other…behind the stove? i think?


Ella, think about the future you. Because if you start this habit of self harm now it will fallow you, Scars are permanent, Habits are hard to break and easy to fall back into. You are a smart cookie, I need you to use your head and think logically, does hurting yourself logically solve anything. No the answer is no, it wont solve the problem it will only maybe take your mind off of it for a while, but then every time you look at what you did to yourself you'll be reminded of the problem and it becomes a cycle. Save your self from future regret. Emotions are movable, emotions may be telling you one thing but when it comes to this you need to push those aside and think logically, Because if you look at the facts and the logic they will tell you that this is not the path you want to take.
(I sorry if I sound very harsh I love you and want you to be safe ok)



hi! okay maybe I know you and maybe I don't but
listen I'm not the greatest at this but
it's h a r d
life is hard and it's harder when you don't have access the help you want or need
your emotions are valid and how you feel is valid.
it might not be better for a while. but it does somehow get there. life is weird like that, somehow managing to work out in the end
I'm sorry that your parents make you feel like that. you don't have to be happy all the time. heck, no one here expects that from you cuz no one is happy all the time. but feel free to come here whenever you want and vent really quick or something

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Ella, I wish I could be more inspirational than I am, but I need to try. PLEASE. DON'T.
You don't have to always be happy. It's okay, even natural, to be sad. i sound like inside out But YOU CAN'T HURT YOURSELF.
There are people who care about you, even if you don't think so. We care.
Life is hard. And even though it doesn't seem like it, it will get better eventually.
You'll never be able to see it if you die.
sorry that i can't be inspirational

Deleted user

So, uhm. I keep getting messages about the military.
I never even thought about joining due to my family situation.
But yet, they ( The U.S. Government ) sent a letter asking if I would like to join for the sake of the country.
I may not like trump, nor do I support his decisions, but if I must join then I will.
I guess you can say this is an advice rant?
send help ;~;

@saor_illust school

is that even a thing that happens???
ngl after several things that have happened to me
i'm very hesitant to believe things like that
i thought you had to enlist???

@HighPockets group

So, uhm. I keep getting messages about the military.
I never even thought about joining due to my family situation.
But yet, they ( The U.S. Government ) sent a letter asking if I would like to join for the sake of the country.
I may not like trump, nor do I support his decisions, but if I must join then I will.
I guess you can say this is an advice rant?
send help ;~;

1) Trump banned transgender people from the military
2) The draft no longer exists, and so you can just….not join?

@Pickles group

If you're a guy you have to sign up when you turn 18 so if we go to war and need more troops, you get drafted. But our military is huge. You're fine.

@HighPockets group

If you're a guy you have to sign up when you turn 18 so if we go to war and need more troops, you get drafted. But our military is huge. You're fine.

And iirc the draft hasn't been used since Vietnam

Deleted user

3) You’re too fucking young at 17

4) They will not make you join. Drafting is also illegal in this country if war is not imminent (I’m pretty sure).

Deleted user

So, uhm. I keep getting messages about the military.
I never even thought about joining due to my family situation.
But yet, they ( The U.S. Government ) sent a letter asking if I would like to join for the sake of the country.
I may not like trump, nor do I support his decisions, but if I must join then I will.
I guess you can say this is an advice rant?
send help ;~;

1) Trump banned transgender people from the military
2) The draft no longer exists, and so you can just….not join?

That makes more sense, hence why I was so confused. I just figured say it because well my parents were no help on the matter.

@HighPockets group

So, uhm. I keep getting messages about the military.
I never even thought about joining due to my family situation.
But yet, they ( The U.S. Government ) sent a letter asking if I would like to join for the sake of the country.
I may not like trump, nor do I support his decisions, but if I must join then I will.
I guess you can say this is an advice rant?
send help ;~;

1) Trump banned transgender people from the military
2) The draft no longer exists, and so you can just….not join?

That makes more sense, hence why I was so confused. I just figured say it because well my parents were no help on the matter.

Your parents don't know about the military ban??? Or the draft not fucking existing at the time? Or the difference between an ad and being drafted??

@Pickles group

So, uhm. I keep getting messages about the military.
I never even thought about joining due to my family situation.
But yet, they ( The U.S. Government ) sent a letter asking if I would like to join for the sake of the country.
I may not like trump, nor do I support his decisions, but if I must join then I will.
I guess you can say this is an advice rant?
send help ;~;

1) Trump banned transgender people from the military
2) The draft no longer exists, and so you can just….not join?

That makes more sense, hence why I was so confused. I just figured say it because well my parents were no help on the matter.

Your parents don't know about the military ban??? Or the draft not fucking existing at the time? Or the difference between an ad and being drafted??

Deleted user

I didn't know it was an ad.
My parents don't know about me being trans.
Like I said, I never really did much thinking let alone wanting to be in the military.
If I had more knowledge about all of that, then maybe I wouldn't have been so confused.

@Pickles group

I didn't know it was an ad.
My parents don't know about me being trans.
Like I said, I never really did much thinking let alone wanting to be in the military.
If I had more knowledge about all of that, then maybe I wouldn't have been so confused.

Then as far as they know, you wouldn't be drafted anyways. As far as they know, you're female. Girls didn't and don't get drafted