forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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My cat just fell asleep in the middle of my blanket… why cruel world.
I knew I named him well, his name is Pippin.

Deleted user

Happy birthday!!
(^ . w . ^ ) here's a cat for your birthday!!!

Deleted user

(ljsdljkdflk you better tell me when it is, i wanna say hap borth to you on your borthday too kljfdsklj)

idk if this was directed at me or not, but uh sure lmao, though, i dont really celebrate my birthday

@saor_illust school

(ljsdljkdflk you better tell me when it is, i wanna say hap borth to you on your borthday too kljfdsklj)

idk if this was directed at me or not, but uh sure lmao, though, i dont really celebrate my birthday

it was
and yayyyy
(and idc ima still say hap borth to you on your borthday regardless if you celebrate it or not)

Deleted user

well thanks then lol, it's not that im against it, i just dont really have anyone to celebrate with and cutting a cake alone kind of defeats the purpose

Deleted user

Also Is it bad that I am not feeling well, and my dad just brought home doughnuts….

@Pickles group

Finally got contact info for the flutes that are doing marching band, but some people put their home phone numbers and I have no way to figure out who put home and who put cell. Which means I have to email them or actually call them instead of texting and both give me anxiety

Deleted user

Sorry, would you like some stuffed animals? or my cat for a little while?

Deleted user

aww i'll celebrate it with you!!


throws streamers & confetti

(again, idk if that last one was directed at me because people dont usually talk to me, but i'll take it-)

but thanks you guys, i'm sure it'd be wonderful to have cake with ya'll
then once you're eating i can torture you all with my existential thoughts

just kidding
i might save ya'll the pain- though, no guarantees


Smol vent~
My hips hurt insanely bad. It's mostly on one side, but it's spread all throughout my lower back. I've stretched every day for probably a week now, and it hasn't gotten better. Ibuprofen doesn't seem to make a dent. My heating pad only soothes it for a while. I can't get comfy and I don't know why they hurt :(

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Smol vent~
My hips hurt insanely bad. It's mostly on one side, but it's spread all throughout my lower back. I've stretched every day for probably a week now, and it hasn't gotten better. Ibuprofen doesn't seem to make a dent. My heating pad only soothes it for a while. I can't get comfy and I don't know why they hurt :(

Hip dysplasia?


Hip dysplasia?

I suppose that's possible. I've had weird bone pain like this in the past where my back got really bad, I got a body wide ache that kept me in bed for three days, and since then my back hasn't hurt. Until know. Maybe that's what's happening again? Who knows. I'll probably go to the doctor for this.