forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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hhhhhh thanks you guys- i died for a sec there cause i was highkey scared ya'll were gonna yell at me for saying im a ball of nothing-
uhm, in conclusion, i still feel like shit, but less shitty- ya feel?
but yes, uh clears throat
Fuck. Them.

i know i shouldn't feel like this because everything that my mind says is probably irrational and stuff, but it gets to me sometimes
in the end i know i'll be okay but i know how bad it can get and i rather have someone be here with me to talk things out with instead of just making a decision to end myself like i'e done so many countless times


Oh that reminds me I don't think I've said this yet- any of you who need someone to talk to, just start a PM with me and I'll be there to listen. I'm not good with advice, but you can feel safe with me, just venting or whatever you need.

@saor_illust school

Aaaaa Atlas I'm so sorry-
You do 200% amount to something. You mean so much to me I can't even-
You're so, so strong. And honestly, that's a huge inspiration to me. The fact that you've gone through so much and yet you're still here? That's a sign of strength. The fact that you're still living, is a sign of strength. It means that even when you were ready to give up, (and maybe you even tried to give up) Life gave you something to kick you back up on your feet, whether it was a trip to the hospital or a talk with a fren.

And honestly, you're such a good friend. I may not have actual reasons for why you matter so much to me, or why I think you're such a great fren, but- I still think them, and I believe in them, whether or not you believe them. I still remember all those times you've been there for me, and said the right words, and I'd like to do the same for you. Atlas, if you went, I would miss you a hella ton. I'd cry. And this isn't me trying to guilt trip you, but… please don't go, if you left Notebook or Discord, I might not be entirely satisfied with that, but at least you'd still be alive. I just need to know that you're still alive. Knowing that a fren is still alive is enough for me. I love you a frick ton Atlas, stay strong and keep fighting <3

Deleted user

Mumu, I’m always gonna be here and happy to talk to you if you trust me enough like that. I really want to help you out, even if just talking and venting helps in PM.

@saor_illust school

i'm so fricking scared
i don't want to mess this up
she's so young…
i honestly don't know how far i can take it
i don't want the same thing to happen to her with crystal
it hurts so much to realise there are people younger than me
who suffer so much more
but i can't help them
and once that truly sinks in, i just kinda
drop off the face of the earth
i'm not sure what to do anymore
she won't let anyone irl know,
and she doesn't really want to talk to me about anything either,
but she's got a valid reason, so i don't blame her for that
was i put here on earth,
if not to help my frens,
then what for?
what good am i here for,
if i can't help all my frens?
i'm going back to the mindset where i wanna help everyone so badly
i know i can't
but why can't i help everyone
why can't i?
i wanna do it so badly
but i cant


oh look another night time vent, copy pasted from notes, that i typed up just now

i am wasting my life, staring at a screen all day. i never do anything productive. and i want to do something, but there's not much i can do during a pandemic

ha. like that's a good excuse. you were like this before coronavirus

i just
i just want to do something with my life
life is too short to be wasting it like this
i have no idea when it could end
i could die 90 years from now, or i could die tomorrow. i don't know
if i do die sooner rather than later, what will it have been for? what will i have done with my life?

i want to do stuff. i want to take advantage of the time i have here. but how?? what is there that i can do?? and if an opposite arises, who's to say i'll actually do it rather than be like "eh, i don't want to. i'm too lazy"

i want to do something
i want to do something
i want to do something
i don't want to keep living like this
wasting the entire day in my bed or on the couch, staring at a screen

((sorry izzy, i did read your vent, i just don't know what to say))

@saor_illust school

(That's okay Galaxy, I kinda went on discord and randomly found someone who unintentionally made my day just a lil bit better)
(trying to make food to hopefully lift my spirits more and maybe help me think clearly)
(honestly same goes for your vent but ill just,,,)
big hugs @ fren
i don't know what to say, but you can do this!! whatever it is you choose to do you can do it!!

Deleted user

heya izzy, i know i was bitching a few hours ago about my own stuffs but my pms are always open too if you need to talk about anything.
i'd hate for you to feel like that- it sucks ass.

i would ten billion percent type up two essays for both of you, but im currently drained right now and i think imma be outta commission for a while

@Mojack group

mojack found this tooth chart while she was mentally preparing herself for this surgery she’s getting tomorrow

and it was at that moment when mojack imagined how sore she’s gonna be in the weeks following the surgery
really sore. i can’t describe the pain id be feeling but its like a dull pain that you can feel no matter what.
ibuprofen kinda works, doesn’t do much to dull the pain though if im being honest (and if I recall correctly my family kept on telling me to take Advil, I did and it didn’t help that much)
its gonna be like the time where I had a baby tooth extracted (but my roots are weird..they don’t disintegrate like normal teeth, so the root was SUPER long) and the healing took a lot longer and it was just
all i know is pain
and for this surgery I think I’ve got three adult teeth subject to be removed (and before you say, GOSH MOJACK, TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR TEETH! i am taking care of them, it’s just for braces so that my teeth actually look decent and are functional)
plus root tips I’ve had in my mouth for over two years now which are partially out of the gums, partially in so that’ll be fun
because like
you see how long the roots on the adult teeth are? could find better pictures on google images but DO YOU SEE THOSE ROOTS
I’m getting three of those things out
Three of them
Plus the root tips
And all of those things need to heal on their own
I cant wait to feel the remains of the clot in my mouth months after the surgery

and then there’s the iv and I can’t stop thinking about it
people tell me it’s not gonna hurt but you know what they told young Mojack when she was getting her vaccines?
“It’s not gonna hurt” “it’s only gonna be a pinch” but I remember that needle CLEARLY
That wasn’t a pinch, it was a burning pain and you bet I SCREAMED
my first surgery too
this is my pre surgery vent, signing off


whatever anyway
izzy! galaxy!
I see you and I hear you and honestly I'm not the greatest at knowing what to say but here's the thing-
iz you're here for more than just to help your friends. like it's frickin awesome that you want to and I get that sentiment but you're also here for yourself. like to laugh at dumb jokes and see cute pets and meet people and hug them and see stars and sunsets and eat delicious food, you're here for all of that!! you can't save everyone and it fucking hurts, knowing that. but you're a great friend and that's pretty cool too.

and galaxy you're not wasting your time looking at a screen. we're in a whole entire pandemic and it's hard. and having motivation is sometimes really hard too. nobody's expecting everyone to come out of this pandemic as a whole new person. it's okay to struggle and not be productive. life is about way way more than just being productive.

well I typed all of that and I realize that was multiple hours ago I am so sorry

@saor_illust school

ahh that's fine, but thank you anyways <3

and aft, i'm not really sure what to say to that, but
big hugs @ fren
also don know what to say to make you feel better,
but i can give hugs!!

Deleted user

So this is kinda gross, BUT yeah.


i should've never been born
i'm so tired of this shit
i thought i had hope for a split second and it's already vanished in front of my eyes-
why do i even bother trying?!

Deleted user

ah, heya dude, i dont exactly know what happened to make you think that- or maybe nothing happened and it's just the depression but i know for a fact that im glad that you're here…i mean, you are after all, one of my favorites- i know i say this a lot but it's true and idk how else to say it without making is sound cheesy as fuck
you bother trying because sometimes the curiously of what tomorrow is gonna be like is stronger than your self deprecating thoughts/wanting to die, and i bet that somewhere deep inside you know that even this feeling is temporary and will pass
also, you may not know this, but i live for you. i live for the people i call my best of friends and you guys are what keep me going- if any of you were to turn out missing i dont think i'd know what to do with myself because you guys are the people that are always there when im in one of my stupid moods


Ella, I'm not so sure of how to respond since I'm all to often in the same boat. Hope and happiness come in waves. I know it feels like you've lost all hope, but I promise it'll come back. Life is worth it, even through all the shit. I love you <3


I am about to do a mini vent, so you can ignore it if you want to. (it might cause some triggers, I talk about attacks, habits, intrusive thoughts, and migraines)

I have had a HELLISH past 24 hours. It started with an attack where my twitch acted up and that I ended up going back into old habits where I scratch the top layer of skin off my hands. It usually scars. I hadn't done it in 6 months, so it kind of brought me down. And if you read my thing on the LGBTQ+ page, then you also know that my mom just said I was confused when I partially came out to her. So those mixed weren't great together. Well I was numb for a while and then around 10pm (My attack was at 6pm) I decided to work on my jacket. when my intrusive thoughts were kind of like "put that needle through your lip" and I did it, and then through my fingers multiple. Luckily it through dead patches of skin, so there was no lasting damage. So I texted my not official, but training to be a therapist friend and they helped me, but I didn't end up sleeping at all last night and my mom and I were going out because my friend sent my a picture of a shark pencil case at Walmart and we were going to go buy it when I got a migraine. I had pushed off my symptoms as fatigue, but it just started hurting really bad while I was getting ready, to the point of me dry heaving, so naturally we didn't go out. Well, that was 6 hours and it is still there, but not as bad. I haven't had a day this bad since freshmen year, when I was figuring out all of my problems. Thanks for reading my 24 hours of horror, but there is a chance that it could get worse because I have 4 hours and 15 minutes until it officially reaches 24 hours. Wish me luck or wish me death.

@GameMaster group

TW: Self harm

Last night was really bad. I didn't hurt myself but I was seriously considering it. Instead, I texted my therapist and cried myself to sleep. I have camp now which is fun but everyday when I get home I want to cry and hide in my room.

@Pickles group

Various parts of my body have been twitching on and off all day yesterday and today (and maybe the day before yesterday, my memory is bad) and it's uncomfortable and I'm sick of it. And it's not like my usual must jiggle leg very fast, that will be nice mode, it's on its own. How do I uninstall

Deleted user

i should not have laughed as hard as i did at what you just said, but ironically i feel that because that happened to me too, but only because the medicine i took was the wrong dose. idk what to tell ya other than wait it out, maybe it'll go away ? you could always go to the doctor and get it checked out as well

@Pickles group

It probably will because this is really the only time it's happened for any length of time. I'm not on any medication so

Deleted user

yeah, it might just be one of those things that comes and you're like "what the fuck??" then leaves and it never shows it's face again