forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Stupid vent~
Hm. The governor made it so that if public schools come back this year, everyone will wear masks per mandate. Whatever, I don't want people to get sick so I can suck it up. I'm just worried there will never be a normal again. Restriction upon restriction. I'm one of those people who just can't with rules. I can obey them, and I will, but just that fact that there are so many things to check off the list and so many people nit-picking me stresses me out to tears. I hate the concept of being held down, even if it's something good for me. It's just a cloth, and it's keeping everyone safe, I know. I just wish there weren't a need for them in the first place. It's a depressing symbol. I wanna be able to see my friends smile, strangers laugh down the hall, and peers whispering during class. It's one of those stupid things that just kinda breaks me a little. Oh well. Sad boi hours.


Thanks Sy :)
Well I'm an introvert, but I like being around people. I just need time alone to recharge. I've been recharging for too long lol

@Mojack group

me, smelling the supper my mom is cooking but knowing I can’t have any because I’m not supposed to have solids for about 24 hours: :)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Thanks Sy :)
Well I'm an introvert, but I like being around people. I just need time alone to recharge. I've been recharging for too long lol

You're welcome. You might actually be an ambivert.


Thanks Sy :)
Well I'm an introvert, but I like being around people. I just need time alone to recharge. I've been recharging for too long lol

You might actually be an ambivert.

Nah, I know I'm an introvert.

I've said it once I'll say it again.

Being intro/extroverted has nothing to do with how many friends you have or how often you're social, it has everything to do with where you get your energy from.

If you get your energy alone, you're an introvert. Most introverts don't like "going out" and may be shy. Others, like me, enjoy social scenes but become drained from them. The only requirement is the shared characteristic that they feel more hyped when they're alone.

If you get your energy around others, you're an extrovert. Most like going out and socializing, while others may be shy or even have social anxiety. The only requirement and shared characteristic is that extroverts gain energy from social scenes. While the gaining energy part is enjoyable, the actual socializing part may not be for some extroverts.

The stereotypes can be funny and relatable, but not actually accurate in depicting what intro and extroversion is.

(Also this isn't an attack on you, Sy, I'm just passionate about this topic and feel it's not often talked about the way it should be)

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


Also, yes ambiverts definitely exist and I can see how you (Sy) can see how I would be one, for sure, I just happen to be an introvert. please don't take this as an attack I'm just an MBTI nerd

@HighPockets group

Thanks Sy :)
Well I'm an introvert, but I like being around people. I just need time alone to recharge. I've been recharging for too long lol

You might actually be an ambivert.

Nah, I know I'm an introvert.

I've said it once I'll say it again.

Being intro/extroverted has nothing to do with how many friends you have or how often you're social, it has everything to do with where you get your energy from.

If you get your energy alone, you're an introvert. Most introverts don't like "going out" and may be shy. Others, like me, enjoy social scenes but become drained from them. The only requirement is the shared characteristic that they feel more hyped when they're alone.

If you get your energy around others, you're an extrovert. Most like going out and socializing, while others may be shy or even have social anxiety. The only requirement and shared characteristic is that extroverts gain energy from social scenes. While the gaining energy part is enjoyable, the actual socializing part may not be for some extroverts.

The stereotypes can be funny and relatable, but not actually accurate in depicting what intro and extroversion is.

(Also this isn't an attack on you, Sy, I'm just passionate about this topic and feel it's not often talked about the way it should be)

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

As an ambivert (ENTP-T, but barely more extroverted), big agree

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I got introvert on one of those tests, but I would classify myself as an ambivert.
Also, I completely agree with you, Owen. I'm worried that we'll never get back to normal, it'll just be restriction after restriction. If I have to do it for a little bit to keep myself and others safe, fine. I'm not thrilled, but I'll do it. But if this drags on for longer than the rest of the year, I'm going to go crazy.

@Pickles group

I'm gonna cry. One of my favorite artists just followed me.

Nice I promise I'm being genuine
You're good though. Of course they wanna follow you

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Thanks Sy :)
Well I'm an introvert, but I like being around people. I just need time alone to recharge. I've been recharging for too long lol

You might actually be an ambivert.

Nah, I know I'm an introvert.

I've said it once I'll say it again.

Being intro/extroverted has nothing to do with how many friends you have or how often you're social, it has everything to do with where you get your energy from.

If you get your energy alone, you're an introvert. Most introverts don't like "going out" and may be shy. Others, like me, enjoy social scenes but become drained from them. The only requirement is the shared characteristic that they feel more hyped when they're alone.

If you get your energy around others, you're an extrovert. Most like going out and socializing, while others may be shy or even have social anxiety. The only requirement and shared characteristic is that extroverts gain energy from social scenes. While the gaining energy part is enjoyable, the actual socializing part may not be for some extroverts.

The stereotypes can be funny and relatable, but not actually accurate in depicting what intro and extroversion is.

(Also this isn't an attack on you, Sy, I'm just passionate about this topic and feel it's not often talked about the way it should be)

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

As an ambivert (ENTP-T, but barely more extroverted), big agree

All good. :-)

@Pickles group

People really be out here not accidentally making their drawings look like real people and I can't relate adding Katherine Steele to my list of people I've accidentally drawn


I'm gonna cry. One of my favorite artists just followed me.

Nice I promise I'm being genuine
You're good though. Of course they wanna follow you

im not but thank you

@Pickles group

I'm gonna cry. One of my favorite artists just followed me.

Nice I promise I'm being genuine
You're good though. Of course they wanna follow you

im not but thank you

>:( yes you are

@HighPockets group

People really be out here not accidentally making their drawings look like real people and I can't relate adding Katherine Steele to my list of people I've accidentally drawn


@Pickles group

People really be out here not accidentally making their drawings look like real people and I can't relate adding Katherine Steele to my list of people I've accidentally drawn


No not really, but I did a thing that looks an awful lot like her and I can't fix it


This week has been the most mentally draining and emotionally unstable fucking span of time.
Extended family was here for a whole three days for celebrating together, which is great and all, but I only have so much social interaction energy before I literally begin to crash and break down. I've taken so many naps and repressed so much fucking emotion so that a simple off-hand comment wouldn't send me rocketing into Depression Land.
Let's not forget that I hate my body yay dysphoria. My face is fine. My hair is fine. My body is not fine. Half of my fucking legs are purple. Purple. Because I went on a stupid float and my father neglected to tell me that the sunscreen was a full year expired and didn't bother buying new sunscreen for his whitest fucking child. I've been breaking out all along my neck, shoulders, chest, and back and it hate it cuz they're all cystic and virtually impossible to pop unless I stab myself. My brithmark of a sunrash is aggravated nearly all the time now since heat makes it turn even more red and it's the middle of summer. Not to mention there still exist some bits I need to get changed but cannot until I move to Oregon in a year. My body is fucking disgusting and I'm surrounded by mirrors nearly all the time thanks to the way the house is set up. I want to just ascend to the astral plane and stay there since my mortal coil is so yucky.
It's the equivalent of Midterms in my summer course, and I've had to write something extremely personal every single fucking day. I've had to pour my heart out into words without feeling just so I could turn it in as assignment before moving onto the next. I just turned in my last assignment of the week and I just want to bawl my eyes out and never leave my bed because everything I've repressed this week is flooding back to me all at once and it's kinda a lot to handle without simply giving up and breaking down