forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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People really be out here not accidentally making their drawings look like real people and I can't relate adding Katherine Steele to my list of people I've accidentally drawn




what the-
it’s really late but somehow i feel weirdly optimistic?
like maybe i won’t be a chicken
maybe i can save myself
i don’t have to die
everything’s gonna be ok
i’m alive, y’all are alive, everything’s alive and real and existing and it’s not trying to hurt me-
i love y’all so much i could cry…
what is happening? yesterday i could’ve sworn i’d reached the end but not even a day later and here i am, happy as can be
i’m blaming it on you dummies
i’m smiling for once and it’s all your fault, bitsh-
and to think i might not be here if that sheet hadn’t untied itself…


Ella, I'm so glad you're feeling better, it made me smile, that's kinda hard to do these days but you. You did it.

In other news. Guy's I'm really alone in life and I- I just want to be given hugs and to have someone to watch LOTR with me, and understand the feels that the Rohan music theme gives me and understand the power of chanting death before riding into battle.

@saor_illust school

Aaa that's good to hear El!!! <333
and relsey, i'd be more than happy to finally be allowed to watch lotr lmao
was gonna watch it a couple years earlier but uh
apparently it was too gory for me at that age

would work v well if you had discord, although if not that's fineee
there's other sites like kast (although you hafta download the app to stream)
and watch2gether or smth like that


Well, people get their heads cut off and are sliced in half with swords
I don't remember much blood, but it's still a bit much for young people


Damn Red. That all sounds so exhausting, I'm sorry you've been dealing with all that. It's ok to break down sometimes, especially after long periods of repression. Cry it out my guy. I can tell you're doing your best, so I'm proud of you for that. I offer virtual hugs to you <3

Deleted user

Is it weird how I can handle cartoon and anime gore and not real life?


Honestly sometimes real life gore is easier to take then detailed cartoon gore. Maybe that's just because adrenaline kicks in irl, and I can deal with it properly but cartoon stuff just comes out of nowhere with no danger so there's not the same reaction.

Deleted user

Total side note but has anyone seen BNA on netflix?

Deleted user

If you want I can show you some of my old drawings

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

In other news. Guy's I'm really alone in life and I- I just want to be given hugs and to have someone to watch LOTR with me, and understand the feels that the Rohan music theme gives me and understand the power of chanting death before riding into battle.

Bro, if I could, I would. The Rohan music is sweetness and the charge of the Rohirrim is beauty.


Damn Red. That all sounds so exhausting, I'm sorry you've been dealing with all that. It's ok to break down sometimes, especially after long periods of repression. Cry it out my guy. I can tell you're doing your best, so I'm proud of you for that. I offer virtual hugs to you <3

Thank you, Owen. I find solace in your words. <3
I might not be online much of today or tomorrow. I need to take a couple of days off to recuperate.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Also, with all this talk about drawing I feel the need to bring up that when i was 10, i tried to draw my cats as humans
i was proud of it then but looking back… yeesh


Wait you did that too?!?!!!
I doodled all three of my indoor cats at the time as humans and I thought I was being the most original, creative person ever

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

If you're a loser like me who doesn't have Disney+ and you have Disney Channel, they're playing Coco at 6 pm (eastern time) tonight!
I know no one probably cares, but I love that movie and if you still have cable & want to watch it, here you go. :)

@saor_illust school

i think i found another trigger of mine
not gonna say what happened
but like
i can relate these feelings to everytime this has happened
and like
i just feel like
all is lost
there's no point in trying anymore
and tbh i think the only reason why nothing has gotten too bad is cause i'm listening to something that sounds gud which is my fren laura playing some music
but idk
ima just go disappear ig