forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I'm an empath and it hurt to see someone talk about "giving up," that's my crime here.

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There's so much in that Google Doc and you didn't even tell me what page spoiler tags were on. Anyway, goodnight everyone! Great times. I'm going to f*cking bed.

Deleted user

First of all buddy, try to take a deep breath and learn the stuff like everyone here did when they first joined. Sure, it's not your fault, but it's not anyone else's either. I'm trying to say this in the most friendliest manner as I can because I hate getting pressed over situations like these. But look around, and read first. Whenever I didn't know what to do I did my research first and I eventually found what I was looking for. The people here are only trying to help so don't get pissy with us.


i know this is probably the tired but wow i feel like such a failure rn i wanna cry-
maybe i deserve my fate
i stress about everything but can never get the bravery to do anything about it
i’m a horrible person

Deleted user

Ella dear, no-
You are most definitely not a bad person. How many times do I have to tell you that you're the most amazing human bean that I've had the pleasure of meeting? I think that if it weren't for you and those times you've helped me out, I would of been in a really bad place a long time ago. You've done so much good and helped plenty of people and you keep bringing smiles to their faces by just being you.
You don't deserve anything but the best my lovely. You're one of the few people i can safely say that is in my close circle of friends. I say that I love ya a lot, but honestly? It's an understatement. Also, get some sleep my dude, you need it. And if you can't and must stay up, then cry. Sometimes that's the only solution and you need to get all of the emotional baggage out.

@ccb group

@Cocoa-Nut i don't know why you feel like a failure, and i don't know you well, but i truly don't think you are, and you're not a horrible person either. from the little i've seen on these forums you have been nothing but polite, kind, and helpful.


im back- yay ? not really-

It's been so long-
How are you?
i'm so so so so so so greatly sorry for what happened back then, i jumped to conclusions and tried to play the smart one without actually speaking to any of you about anything and it ended up hurting everyone more than they ever deserved… it was truly awful of me and i completely understand if i'm not forgiven, but just know i don't hate you-

hey hey. hunny. it's okay. it's in the past. you are forgiven i promise you.


remind me to delete this comment later but i sort of feel like garbage about how things went down tonight with the whole… everything. we could have avoided a lot if i had just tagged the post i was supposed to tag in the first place lol

hi, i don't even follow this chat but i got bored and it's almost one here and

mistakes happen. that's what you made. sometimes people forget or miss things and that's no reason to get so up in arms

if they were so affected by what you said, there were much kinder, and more mature ways to go about expressing that, back then and now. not your fault hon, just human nature

anyway i should probably go to bed but for anyone who's interested in hearing of lighter things real quick, i made cupcakes, fucked up the frosting horribly, and had to turn it into filling for CUP cakes. so they're cups now. and i'm supposed to be going to culinary school lmao

anyway night y'all, sleep tight and remember to wash your face before bed

@ccb group

@crocs-to-a-knife-fight thanks for that. i did do my best to rectify it asap which is (i guess?) all i could do, so whatever's going on i hope they're okay.

also. okay. frosting is such a contentious topic. every time i make baked goods these days i go "you know what would go great with this batch of cookies/cupcakes/etc? some frosting/icing." and then i look up a recipe and it's always way too many servings for my purposes and i'm not good at math so it's too much to scale down but i'm usually good at eyeballing ingredient amounts when i'm cooking, so even though baking is totally different, i'm like "i could eyeball this." then i end up with the runniest icing in the world and it's happened like five times! why do i never learn! and i've been using frosting and icing interchangeably here which i… don't think is right? what a world we live in

Deleted user

Guess who cried themselves to sleep because I know I'm going to be forever lonely !!


Good morning. Dreams were weird as always. Unfortunately last night I forgot I have an assignment due today so uh yeah, not gonna be around the forums much until I get that shit done. everyone give it up for college summer courses, they move ridiculously fast. But hey, it's nearly over though

@HighPockets group

Holy shit, you need to calm the fuck down. It is not @ccb37's fault that you were triggered by their post. The rule wasn't in place, and now you're making everyone miserable because of it.
@ccb37 you did nothing wrong.

Deleted user

Honestly I'm partially okay with being lonely, no one can truly hurt you if there's no one there TO hurt you.
(Sorry If that makes you feel worse)


Honestly I'm partially okay with being lonely, no one can truly hurt you if there's no one there TO hurt you.
(Sorry If that makes you feel worse)

Well it’s more of not being hurt it’s I know the person I like doesn’t like me back because they just told me who They like
and now I can’t tell them