forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I just wanna say that every time I see NTK i think BTK and that's a problem–

I think that when I type it and it's unsettling

Glad I'm not the only one

@Pickles group

I just wanna say that every time I see NTK i think BTK and that's a problem–

I think that when I type it and it's unsettling

Glad I'm not the only one

It's extra weird cause he was extra into being called BTK. Fuck you, Dennis

Deleted user

Ugh, I need a hug.

awkward digital hug thing

Thank you. Hugs back


Do you ever just wanna rip your reproductive organs out?

every fucking day
really close to just taking some superglue and getting rid of them for good, and no this is not an exaggeration

@Pickles group

Yes, but probably for different reasons

I can't think of another reason unless you want to do experiments on them but knowing Ash, there's a very good likelyhood that they mean both

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Yes, but probably for different reasons

I can't think of another reason unless you want to do experiments on them but knowing Ash, there's a very good likelyhood that they mean both

You know me so well

Deleted user

Happy vent:
Hey y’all. Long time no speak. As you all know, I haven’t Been on for a while and there’s a reason behind that. I really miss this site. It’s an amazing one! The only problem is that I kind of got distracted with irl things. But now I’m back and Im glad to say that my spelling and grammar has increased extremely from the last time you saw me. I’m not on a “Pro” level of grammar and spelling but I’ve gotten better. I really have missed a lot of stuff when I was gone. Anyway’s, I’m working on a mini story. It isn’t the best but I’ve developed a plot, characters, and more! I’m just happy to see this site again and I love y’all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️