forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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i feel like i shouldn't be here
on notebook i mean
i never write, and even if i got the motivation i feel i shouldn't because it's bad
like too much cliches and stereotypes and stuff
like i'll see something in the things you want less of in books thread and be like "……"
and i don't roleplay either
and i don't think i can really call myself a writer
the only reason i stay is because of the community
and i kind of feel bad admitting this now

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Alright broskis
Please forget I ever said that
I might be off for the rest of today, having friends over for my birthday.
If I can get on later before I gotta sleep, I'll pop in!

@ccb group

i feel like i shouldn't be here
on notebook i mean
i never write, and even if i got the motivation i feel i shouldn't because it's bad
like too much cliches and stereotypes and stuff
like i'll see something in the things you want less of in books thread and be like "……"
and i don't roleplay either
and i don't think i can really call myself a writer
the only reason i stay is because of the community
and i kind of feel bad admitting this now

if you enjoy being here, you should be here! also, clichés aren't inherently bad. you should write what you like to write, and if what you'd like to write at any given moment is cliché, that's okay, you know what you're about, and if what you'd like to write at any given moment is nothing, that's okay too. it's up to you whether or not you want to call yourself a writer, but don't let the label be dictated by how well your work conforms to what people "want" in books. also, in order to get better at anything, you have to do the thing, and while you're under no obligation to do the thing, everyone starts somewhere! i don't want to sound like a condescending old lady here (which, also, i'm only 6 years older than you) but you're young and you have so much time to improve (and while i'm not super familiar with your work, i'd venture a guess that it's not bad at all!)


I know how you feel. Tbh I haven't written in a hot minute. But everyone starts somewhere. You might think your writing is bad rn but if you keep practicing, you'll improve. It's good that you're recognizing the flaws in your writing because that way, you're on the right track to getting better. And even if you don't feel motivated to write, if being part of the community here is something that makes you happy, then that's already a reason to be here. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm bad at giving advice but I hope this helped in some way.


i feel like i shouldn't be here
on notebook i mean
i never write, and even if i got the motivation i feel i shouldn't because it's bad
like too much cliches and stereotypes and stuff
like i'll see something in the things you want less of in books thread and be like "……"
and i don't roleplay either
and i don't think i can really call myself a writer
the only reason i stay is because of the community
and i kind of feel bad admitting this now

Everybody starts somewhere and practice makes perfect! I also looked at your profile and your characters don't seem cliche or stereotypical to me


we had a high of 98 today


Someone end my misery please

we had 106 to 108 for a few days (for the past week) and yeah it's b a d (it's gone down to 96 but still not fun)


we had a high of 98 today


Someone end my misery please

we had 106 to 108 for a few days (for the past week) and yeah it's b a d (it's gone down to 96 but still not fun)

It's really humid too

Deleted user

we had a high of 98 today


Someone end my misery please

we had 106 to 108 for a few days (for the past week) and yeah it's b a d (it's gone down to 96 but still not fun)

I’m prepared to end you both


we had a high of 98 today


Someone end my misery please

we had 106 to 108 for a few days (for the past week) and yeah it's b a d (it's gone down to 96 but still not fun)

I’m prepared to end you both

I'm begging you
Do it