forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Question: Why should I have to "be the adult" in my relationship with anyone my age or older when I'm 17? Literally not an adult?


Finals week is v stressful, especially for summer courses
Hot damn
Today is the day I have to turn in the last shit
Two essays and a 10-minute screenplay
Might just ditch the screenplay though cuz it's only worth 10 pts when the essays are worth 100 pts each
Am big stress
I did this to myself though
Some of it was out of my control
But still
Ugh I hate deadlines
I hate prompts
I want to move at my own turtle pace but no
Everyone Must Be A Hare No Turtles Allowed

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Does anybody know how to make loaded dice? I need them for a video

Leave the side you want it to land on up in the hot sun. It should melt downwards enough that no one should see but will effect the weight.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh boy today has not been a good day and I can't sleep so tomorrow's gonna be a bad day too except my failures will be broadcasted to all the woodwinds and staff and Dylan who I already know hates me enough and it's super awkward and I don't like it and today was supposed to be a good day marching band got cancelled and I didn't have to do anything but it was bad and I feel awful

Sucks, dude. Hopefully you get sleep that erases.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Does anybody know how to make loaded dice? I need them for a video

Leave the side you want it to land on up in the hot sun. It should melt downwards enough that no one should see but will effect the weight.

Or put it in the oven for a while


do y'all ever just colossally embarass yourself in front of near strangers and you know you are as it's going on but you can't stop and you're just melting down internally as you continue to make it worse and question why am I like this I want to bury myself-

anyway my discord friends know about my uwu voice now


I did it
I turned in the essays
Am I sweating or am I crying? Who knows at this point because I sure don't
Am I glad it's over? Yes.
Am I still sad that it ended? Also yes.
Pardon me tonight but I'm very stressed and emotional. I'm going to consume some substances and binge-watch youtube videos until I pass out
See yall in the morning

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

do y'all ever just colossally embarass yourself in front of near strangers and you know you are as it's going on but you can't stop and you're just melting down internally as you continue to make it worse and question why am I like this I want to bury myself-

anyway my discord friends know about my uwu voice now

Oh my gosh it's not that bad. Not much more than a funny story.


Ok, I'm I the only one who grew up watching I love toy trains? Because the songs are 10/10. "Ghost of the rails." fantastic, "Railroad of America" the only patriotic song I will listen to, "The Dino express" Is the original Dinosaur train and in my personal opinion it's better. "Toy trains Hall of fame." Fantastic, "Signal lights." I sing that song when I drive.
In short I love toy trains has fantastic songs.


Ok, I'm I the only one who grew up watching I love toy trains? Because the songs are 10/10. "Ghost of the rails." fantastic, "Railroad of America" the only patriotic song I will listen to, "The Dino express" Is the original Dinosaur train and in my personal opinion it's better. "Toy trains Hall of fame." Fantastic, "Signal lights." I sing that song when I drive.
In short I love toy trains has fantastic songs.

That's so true! We had a James Coffey CD (the guy who does the music for it) and we used to listen to it in the car!


My nephew loves trains and the fastest way to get him to stop crying is to play one of the songs.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Time sensitive question:
Can you get tipsy off of Arizona Arnold Palmer iced tea and kiddie cocktails(Shirley Temples, to be exact)?
Because I'm getting dizzy and I can't tell if that's the sleep deprivation or the drinks

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, I'm looking over Rising Flame, a story that I haven't worked on in a long time and finding that I got a block at an interrogation sequence. I've watched a lot of crime investigation shows, done the research, etcetera, yet I'm still stuck. I know exactly what I want to happen. The problem is getting it to happen. I want to work on this story real badly right now too.

@Pickles group

If you haven't, I highly recommend watching actual police interrogations and taking super detailed notes, especially if what happens is a coerced, false confession. Those ones are super angering but also super informative on how some police can do some not great things just to close a case. I recommend The West Memphis 3 regardless just because it's really juicy and frustrating. But as far as I know, there aren't any actual official reports or videos of everything that went on because the police were some stupid fucks But other than that, what a fatass mood. I relate a little too hard


aaaHHHH my schedule just came out, and there's a ton of missing slots. Granted, I don't need them filled, I just hope they weren't mistakes and I actually get a bunch of free periods because I don't want to have a ton of filler classes again this year. Secondly, they put me in AP Language Arts and I just ahxoenbwifon I don't remember signing up for that?? I don't know if that's a mistake either, and now I just don't know if I should stay in AP or if I'm even allowed to switch out at all. I could do it, like the material isn't super challenging but I'm very lazy and don't want extra work.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I suggest that you talk to whoever is responsible for making the student schedules.

STORY TIME: My senior year of high school I had finally gotten a class that I had signed up for for my sophomore and junior years (that I sadly didn't get) on my schedule. Unfortunately, the school counselor (who was responsible for the student schedules) had made the mistake of not giving me a class that was required during my junior year; I was supposed to take government/econ my junior year but she didn't put it on my schedule. As a result I had to drop the class that I so very badly wanted just so I could have gov/econ and get the credit that I needed to graduate. Did I take the class? Yes. Was I happy about not being able to have the class that I wanted? Hell no, but I understood that I needed those credits!

Well, my point of that true-life story is to at least check and make sure.