forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Oof I can relate. During basketball season, my parents would always be late and the school had these doors that would lock once you went outside and it was during winter time and my parents would always yell at me because I was outside but everyone went outside and i couldn't go back in. Yeah, parents suck sometimes. Also don't end ur life >:( you matter and we all care about u and would miss you if u left.


I um. I'm never really the person to rant. I mean. I'm usually the person that people come to. But as of recently…


Oh, Bleu, I'm so sorry. I may not be as active as I used to be, and I'm not good at giving advice, but I'll always listen if you ever need to PM someone. I may not respond right away, but I'm here for you


If you need books to read as an escape there are always the ones in public domain that you can read online. You can also find some audio books on YouTube if you don't want to pay for them, your local library should have eBooks as well. Usually Libby works for that actually you can get your library card through libby if you don't have one. My Parents used to get mad when ever I watched anime as well so I tried to limit when I watched it to when they weren't around used my own personal device and used head phones.
Do what ever you can to get out of the house, go on walks, if you have a car just drive around, go to a park. go on a hike do everything you can to get away from the house. Call, like actually call friends when you need to talk so it feels more like you're speaking to some one or face time or zoom, have some sort of interaction other than your family. If you need an excuse say you're going on a run or trying to be more active, anything to shut them up and let you leave.
As for siblings being jerks, I don't know how to help there I'm still struggling with that, all I can say is avoid and ignore. If they start teasing leave the room. It's not what the strategy should be but if you want to avoid confrontation that's the only thing I can see to end it.
Family isn't always right, and family isn't always fun and loving or what it should be, and when it is toxic just like any relationship you need to get out until it's safe. So get out of the house when you can, even if it's just going out on the porch for a bit.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Right now's just one of those times where I look back on stuff I did and think "you really should not have done that, you ruined everything". Good times for sure.

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@CanIGoBack2BedYet. I am so, so sorry. My PMs are open.

Thanks ……

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I just got triggered by an english assinsment and now I'm dealing wit dramma, I just want to go sleep. I have a headache and my back is bothering me and I'm so tired of everything


My one class is cancelled. So I thought a half an hour of quiet. But then my mom comes up the stairs at the moment class would start, puts my sister in her room (right beside mine), and says she’ll be in there for a couple of minutes. And now my sister is jumping on her bed.

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I was trying to go to sleep last night but my brain was being annoying and panicking for no reason. My brain just decided to be scared for no reason whatsoever, and when I concluded that it was because of my unfinished school assignments, I couldn't get myself to do them so I just kinda sat there while listening to background music until I fell asleep. I ended up with 5 hours of sleep, which isn't to bad, but since I've recently been getting 9 hours of sleep, the dramatic shift has thrown me off of my game today and I just oaskfmfp34fn,m d. In summary: my brain wouldn't stop being a panicky little bitch so now my entire day is just wrong.

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So We all know the drama that happened. Deep down I'm not okay. but It'll be fine. I swear if anyone else has that happen to them. PM me and we can rant all throughout. Honestly My mind is blank on what words to describe my feelings.

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So We all know the drama that happened. Deep down I'm not okay. but It'll be fine. I swear if anyone else has that happen to them. PM me and we can rant all throughout. Honestly My mind is blank on what words to describe my feelings.

hey my dude you good?
you can rant to me if you want~~

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Idk apparently that one person with "potato" in their username started some drama and deleted their account because they couldn't deal with their mistake