forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I know it's been nearly half a year since I've been on this chat (whoops) but I really need some advice, so here we are.
My current dream career is voice acting. I would love to do something in that field, preferably for TV (though I'm not picky). I was messing around on Pinterest and found an open voice audition for an animated book trailer. It sounds super interesting plus a British accent is required, and I've been told that I do a pretty good one. However, I don't know what my parents, especially my mom, would think of me sending my voice to some total stranger, plus I don't have any recording equipment. I know that a trailer for some random book wouldn't jumpstart my career as a VA, if I even got chosen, but I'd really love to try. Should I talk to my parents about it?


I know it's been nearly half a year since I've been on this chat (whoops) but I really need some advice, so here we are.
My current dream career is voice acting. I would love to do something in that field, preferably for TV (though I'm not picky). I was messing around on Pinterest and found an open voice audition for an animated book trailer. It sounds super interesting plus a British accent is required, and I've been told that I do a pretty good one. However, I don't know what my parents, especially my mom, would think of me sending my voice to some total stranger, plus I don't have any recording equipment. I know that a trailer for some random book wouldn't jumpstart my career as a VA, if I even got chosen, but I'd really love to try. Should I talk to my parents about it?

Most definitely, the key here is confidence. Don't say "Can I audition for this VA opportunity." You say
"I'm considering auditioning to VA for this." Or "I'm going to audition for this."
That puts you in charge of the situation not them, now they are giving you their opinion on the situation not controlling it. It's your life go for it, if you seem confident then they're more likely to be ok with it.

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Hey can y'all do me a big favor and just tell me something along the lines of 'it's not real' a few times?

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thanks aft. I love horror but sometimes the realistic non-paranormal stuff really fucking gets me

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these were the stars the night my dad died, above the city he died in. He was outside when he died, on the ground obviously and it was already dark out. He loved stars. I really hope he saw them before he was gone and smiled, or at least got a bit distracted by them. Look how fucking beautiful they were.

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I was in the miracle family for a bit.

:0 really??

Man I fucking made the miracle family!
But I left because of S h u r i
Just typing his name makes me frown.

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Mmm, tbh I have a really bad memory so I really just have the feelings left over
but like, he was bordering on predator kind of person
he groomed a bunch of people and liied constantly about himself


Mmm, tbh I have a really bad memory so I really just have the feelings left over
but like, he was bordering on predator kind of person
he groomed a bunch of people and liied constantly about himself

slvklasnv o h


My mother is shoving a bunch of crap into my "Room" because there are people coming over to fix our AC system and the way to access it is right next to my "Room". She is convinced they are health and cleanliness inspectors. I'm not helping because I'm in school I am on the clock for school,and I'm exhausted, literally, I'm on three hours of sleep. but she is just going to town stressing her self out and yelling at people. so I was like "You know these people couldn't care less if the room isn't spotless."
"I'm just saying you are invading my personal space."
no mom, no it's not, it's dad's house and dad's room because dad pays the bills and dad wouldn't yell at me for wanting some space because dad understands that I need space in order to function. but No it's her house and her room and I don't own anything and I am a slave to her because she birthed me and I am hers for another year before I turn 18.
Any way that's why I'm crying in my sisters room because she wont dare go into my sisters room because that's her space. I'm just asking for the same freaking curtsy you give the kid that quit college and moved back home. You gave her my room and kicked me into the corner of the playroom squared it off with a desk and a dresser and then don't even respect that the space is my personal space.

So that's why I'm crying right now, In the middle of my class.