forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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It's always good to recognize when you were not at fault for something. That person is, Ironically, a …. Not cool individual. I forgot that I don't swear for a second there. well, My point stands.
I'm glad you have realized this because you are right, that is on him. You are not at fault you did not have the knowledge to understand what was happening, it's the same thing as if you were drunk, You did not have access to the knowledge, so you could not make an informed choice therefor he is in the wrong.
No, you weren't dumb, not being informed, isn't being dumb. Innocence is not stupidity.


My period app and my mom think it's possible I have endometriosis. So that's fanfuckingtastic. My cycle has been ruining my life since it began. Everything about it sucks. Every part of the cycle sucks. I can't get a break from this stupid uterus. I'm practically constantly in pain.
Also I wish my school had a gender neutral bathroom. Sometimes it's funny and makes me feel good, but other times I'm sick of walking out of a stall to shut up a whole group of girls and hear them whisper about me- "is that a guy?"
Like sometimes it's the confusion that makes me euphoric, cuz androgyny is what I'm going for, but they don't need to stare at me the whole time I'm washing my hands. I get enough stares going in and out of the bathroom anyway, now that I'm in here just let me do what I need to do.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Oh yikes. My mother has endometriosis and thinks I might have it too. Especially because on their side of the family, a lot of people have it. Like my cousins, grandmother, aunts, and others.

Deleted user

um, i just read a dm, from four days ago, and have a sinking feeling. just overall dread. the message was nothing but polite, they noted that i am a strong person and they probably will never talk to me again. okay, i had let them know that i don't want to be friends anymore. i blocked them on here, and any other socials we talked on. i don't know why they still were able to message me here after i had blocked them. i don't know why reading their message made me so shaky. i don't like it<3

@nebula__ group

today is gonna be a bad day i can tell jkdwndbwwn
i had a really bad nightmare last night and now i don't wanna face the other person who was in my dream (that person being my mom) because in my nightmare she said the art i work so hard to make sucks and she's my only support system in this house and i'm scared because what if i ask her what she thinks about my art and she says what she said in the nightmare i dbhejbjhcbchjecb

this may be a stupid reason to start crying my eyes out but at the same time i just hhh

your turn to die memes in 2020 | Turn ons, Novel games, Memes

Deleted user

I'm here. Do you want to talk about it?

@JustALostM book

I'm here. Do you want to talk about it?


Deleted user

I'm here. Do you want to talk about it?


PM me, love.

@furetakunai ac_unit

One of my teachers, he makes me wanna cry, but like. A happy cry. I'm really glad that I got to be this guy's student. (Though how much he called me lady bothered me greatly.)

Deleted user

bro I dropped my phone in the hall today while walking towards my band teacher and when I caught it he complimented my reflexes which made me want to jump off a cliff for some reason

@Milani eco

my ex boyfriend just told me that he is homophobic. fucking great. and he said we used to be friends before he found out i was pansexual.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

i've trying to study for so long but my head hurts so much and i can't focus on anything

Take a break for a little bit then come back to it. Listen to some classical music or movie/video game soundtracks.

Deleted user

Then maybe it's time for you to stop now.
Sounds like your brain is telling you it's studied enough for now.

@saor_illust school

haha it's really sinking in
myzl's account got wrongfully suspended and now he's back on six's account…

seeing that notification gave me hope
that somehow
she was alive

but shes not
shes never coming back, is she?

(discord stuff)

i just want her to be alive again
to be able to enjoy life
was that why she was so inactive?
because she was in pain?
because her body was slowly degrading?
because of her illness?

i just want her to come back to life

but she never will
and i think im still in shock
but its starting to sink in
hahhahaha this is fun,,,,,,,

Deleted user

Hey. Izzy.
Grief fucking sucks. I know it.
When dad died in August I spent hours just screaming into my pillow at the top of my lungs that I'd do anything for him to come back.
It isn't fair that you lost your friend and darling, if I could take this pain away from you, I would in a heartbeat.
It's okay to be sad. It's healthy and normal to be sad. Your friend passed away. That's a damn good reason to be upset.
It's going to get easier over time (easier– it will always hurt). But Six is with us, okay? Think about all the good memories you have with her. She wasn't in pain, baby. And if she was it was over quickly. Okay?
We're gonna be okay.