forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

six didn't just die from friedriech's ataxia
this was her last month

according to myzl, she didnt wanna spend her last month in pain
and here i am
breaking down again
and nothing is helping

i can't believe it
i dont wanna believe it
i can't

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Izzy, I am so sorry for your loss. Loss of a loved one is never easy, and it sucks. Just try to keep in mind that she's not in pain anymore and keep the memories that you share with fondness.

Your grief and feelings are okay and natural. Everyone grieves differently, so unfortunately nobody knows exactly what to say or do to help you through this other than listening to and supporting you.

@Moxie group

Just try and drink some water and get some sleep buddy. Maybe listen to some soft music
I'm really really sorry Izzy. That's awful. Spiraling doesn't help you right now though. Cry as much as you need to, but hydrate and try and get some rest. It won't fix everything but sleeping might relieve the pain a little, at least temporarily. I'm so sorry love <3

@saor_illust school

i just cnat help but think
this isnt how life is supposed to work
people arent supposed to just die like this

they arent supposed to die at the age of 15
thats not how life works
thats not how death works

i can't
i can't understand
why her
why her, of all 5billion people on earth to have this disease

@Becfromthedead group

It's still fresh, Izzy.
Let yourself cry, let yourself grieve. It may feel bad for a while, but know it's completely natural. And eventually, you'll get out of this stage of your grief.
You have friends who have also experienced this loss, so don't be afraid to reach out to them and let them do the same to you if you're up to it.
And obviously, we're here to support you, even if it's just by letting you vent.
I'm very sorry for your loss, and I hope that things get better for you.


Izzy, It's ok to cry.
It's ok to miss her. You're allowed to grieve and you're allowed to take all the time you need. The hurt… may not go away, you might always have a pang of sadness when ever you think of her, but maybe just maybe with that sad you can remember the happy. The smiles the laughter the jokes. Those memories, they're not as silly, they may not be as lighthearted as they used to be, but they're there, sad and happy.
So cry Izzy, Cry all you need to and then some, scream, shout, let your self feel that sadness, and then remember the happy. Because the happy is there, it's tarnished, maybe a little stained and cracked, but it's there. It might take a while to find it again, there is a lot of sad to dig through and deal with before you can uncover and remember the happy.
It takes time, always has always will, take it. Take the time you're given and then shout at the heavens to give you more. Take it.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Izzy, It's ok to cry.
It's ok to miss her. You're allowed to grieve and you're allowed to take all the time you need. The hurt… may not go away, you might always have a pang of sadness when ever you think of her, but maybe just maybe with that sad you can remember the happy. The smiles the laughter the jokes. Those memories, they're not as silly, they may not be as lighthearted as they used to be, but they're there, sad and happy.
So cry Izzy, Cry all you need to and then some, scream, shout, let your self feel that sadness, and then remember the happy. Because the happy is there, it's tarnished, maybe a little stained and cracked, but it's there. It might take a while to find it again, there is a lot of sad to dig through and deal with before you can uncover and remember the happy.
It takes time, always has always will, take it. Take the time you're given and then shout at the heavens to give you more. Take it.


Deleted user

Izzy darling, I'm so sorry. This isn't fair at all, you shouldn't have to experience this grief. We love you.

Deleted user

Ahaha guess who managed to convince themselves that everyone in their entire life hates them and is just being really polite to avoid hurting their feelings but one day they're going to get fed up with them and ruin their life.

It's me.

Deleted user

So while changing I couldn’t bear to look at my skin and I’m here to complain bc having a skin condition that I can basically never be free of is majorly depressing at times.

:( Sorry Domino. As a cystic acne & moderate-severe eczema sufferer, I feel you.

We're still hot as fuck though, people without skin conditions got nothing on our sexy selves

@furetakunai ac_unit

I've tried. I talk to my dad about the pains and I always get met with "we need to get a doctor's appointment". And it never happens. He's been doing this for quite a while now no matter how much I press it. I think the last time I've seen a doctor was when I had the flu like February of last year.


Big oof. If you go to public school you could try complaining to a nurse, then they have to rely it to your dad and mayne that'll get him to take it seriously? Idk, but I hear you. Some parents just don't listen. Look out for yourself, track if it gets worse.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So while changing I couldn’t bear to look at my skin and I’m here to complain bc having a skin condition that I can basically never be free of is majorly depressing at times.

:( Sorry Domino. As a cystic acne & moderate-severe eczema sufferer, I feel you.

We're still hot as fuck though, people without skin conditions got nothing on our sexy selves

Aww thanks, Leo.