forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Deleted user

would like to curl up into a little ball and stop existing
i want this pain to stop

hugs you I don't know how you and them were… But I know how it feels to lose someone… It's going to be okay.


Because words are hard… massive virtual hug

I really hope you don't think I don't care or something, the reason I haven't said anything is because I genuinely don't know what to say. I'm not ignoring you, I promise, I'm just not as good with words as a writer should be ;-;

Deleted user

Izzy babe, you're going to be okay, alright? We're gonna get through this, angel. We just gotta hold on.

@saor_illust school

isokie cloudy, i understand-

and thank you dom, leo-

ill try to hold on i guess

but i cant help but feel like i somehow deserve this pain
my brain has come up with a million reasons idek and theyre apparently believeable enough for me but at the same time its so painful i just want it all to go away ;-;

Deleted user

Hey. You don't, okay? You don't deserve this shit, you've done nothing wrong. Your brain is being mean, it's grieving.

@Becfromthedead group

Also, Izzy, make sure you're taking care of yourself in the meantime. Eating, drinking water, doing whatever self-care works for you, using distractions when you need, etc.
Even if it's just little things, it'll be easier to bounce back as opposed to spiral if you're taking care of yourself.

@saor_illust school


i guess ill just go cry some more
and maybe get a glass of water later

maybe if im hungry again ill make some comfort food too

thats all if i can remember to do it

hahahhhaha i can do hw as distractions, i think
im not sure if itll work though


It's quarter past three in the morning and I'm still awake. I have school tomorrow, too! First I couldn't sleep because apparently it was Morbid Hours so I decided to play Pokemon and that helped with that, but now my mouth hurts like hell!! I just. Want. To sleep.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Izzy, I don't know if this will help or not, but if you think about it she, in a way, still lives…. She lives in the hearts and memories of those that knew and loved her. She lives in your heart and memories. As long as this is true she'll never truly be gone. When you smell something she liked, she's there. When you see something she liked, she's there. Take care of yourself Iz. <3


So while changing I couldn’t bear to look at my skin and I’m here to complain bc having a skin condition that I can basically never be free of is majorly depressing at times.

oh gosh I feel you
My eczema has left my shoulders so cracked and dry that I can’t wear certain clothes or take a shower without them aching
my legs are permanently scarred due to all the rashes and scabs that keep appearing on them. I look like a freaking Dalmatian from the knees down and I likely will forever
my lips need constant chapstick and often thick layers of makeup to heal the patch of red right next to them
and now it’s starting to spread to my collarbone and a bit around my eyes so I am Not Happy. those are like the proudest parts of my body don’t ruin them goshdanggit

@nebula__ group

happy vent: for once, i feel good in a costume!! all of my other cosplays flopped (at least imo) but rn i feel like i'm on top of the world and idk why

@Katastrophic group

So found out this morning that my grandpa is in the ER with covid. He has bad heart problems and my grandma is at health risk and recovering from a difficult surgery. My mom was staying at their house to take care of her and now will be staying there until she is out of quarentine. I don't know how bad any of it is yet and all I can do is wait. On one hand, I refuse to mourn the living. I don't want to be upset yet cuase they're still alive right now no matter the odds. On the other hand, I keep thinking how my grandma was sad we can't all be together anymore and how she promised me she would teach me how to make her christmas cookies this year. I just want to go home and have everyone be okay.

Deleted user

my fellow eczema folks, I can't recommend Vanicream Moisturizing Cream enough
Vaseline for the lips, cerave daily moisturizing lotion for the face.
Vanicream everywhere else.

@saor_illust school

Izzy, I don't know if this will help or not, but if you think about it she, in a way, still lives…. She lives in the hearts and memories of those that knew and loved her. She lives in your heart and memories. As long as this is true she'll never truly be gone. When you smell something she liked, she's there. When you see something she liked, she's there. Take care of yourself Iz. <3

yeah,,,, thank you <3

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So while changing I couldn’t bear to look at my skin and I’m here to complain bc having a skin condition that I can basically never be free of is majorly depressing at times.

oh gosh I feel you
My eczema has left my shoulders so cracked and dry that I can’t wear certain clothes or take a shower without them aching
my legs are permanently scarred due to all the rashes and scabs that keep appearing on them. I look like a freaking Dalmatian from the knees down and I likely will forever
my lips need constant chapstick and often thick layers of makeup to heal the patch of red right next to them
and now it’s starting to spread to my collarbone and a bit around my eyes so I am Not Happy. those are like the proudest parts of my body don’t ruin them goshdanggit

For me it’s worst on shoulders and chest. It’s Not Nice. Validating to have others mention it though. Good luck to you.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Yeah, I get that. My eczema would get really bad on my hands to the point that I couldn't even really hold stuff and it was kinda sad. And I've managed to stop it from flaring up mostly, though on places like my feet and hands I have a harder time stopping it. Ah, and my neck too.

@saor_illust school

hehe i just realised that my fren kyoko looks just like six
she looks just like her
for once i wished asians came in the same kind of variety that americans do
maybe then
when i look at her user

i wont remember how six looks
looked, i guess
i dont really know anymore

then maybe
when i see kyoko in chat
i wont wanna curl up in a ball and commit exist'nt again
ive been feeling that a lot lately huh

memories from when my friend tried to help me feel better last night dont really help
also if only he lived closer ;-;

@saor_illust school

fuck my head hurts so much i really should have drank more water last time-