forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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today is my next therapy session
hopefully I’ll be able to come up with a good enough excuse so I don’t have to come out yet
If word gets out I-
I’m in so much trouble?!
My friends would never speak to me again,

Would they though? Bc I still hang with you.

I have like… one irl friend
she’s an angel, greatest person I could ever ask for, but her parents (especially her mom) are insane and often try to push extreme beliefs onto her family, such as “LGBT should be illegal” and “vaccine bad”
so, as a result of their teaching, she’s not at all tolerant of anyone outside her little bubble. And considering she’s ditched friend groups in the past for a few members being lesbian, I have no doubts that our friendship would take a massive hit if she were to find out what I’ve become.
I almost came out to her before after she asked a few too many questions, but I managed to word things in a way that made me sound confused as opposed to actually gay, and she just told me “yeaaahhh, I don’t think you’re LGBT. You’re a good bean, you’ve got good morals, I really don’t see you ever becoming one of those people.”

so yeah if she finds out we screwed


It sucks to have friends who have a good core but have been indoctrinated like that. You shouldn't be made to feel ashamed for being one of "those people". You are a good bean with good morals, and being LGBTQ does not in any way contradict that.

Deleted user

ella, my partner and i will adopt you(even though i'm 90% sure you're older than us)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Why does my dad have to make helping him so fucking difficult and frustrating? He tells me to go grab something, won't tell me where it is, expects me to be able to read his damn mind and locate whatever it was that he wanted. I'm not a mind reader, you asshat. Of course I'm going to get frustrated when you can't tell me exactly what you want and the precise area to look at.

Just now I was helping make dinner and I was trying to tell him how the frozen Bob Evans mac and cheese had to be microwaved for another 1-2 minutes before it can be mixed into the Kraft mac and cheese and leftover cheese dip/sauce from Turkey-Day. What does he do? Interrupts me, like always, and expects me not to get pissy because of the fact that he interrupts me all the time and turns into a hypocritical ass when I interrupt him.

Um, excuse me, but you did help mom raise 3 kids that aren't even biologically related to you before I came along. One would think that you'd know how to talk to your child, grown or not, and act like the damn adult that you are!

@furetakunai ac_unit

I hate when people laugh at the meaning of my given name and say it suits me well because I have no friends. I fucking get it already, I have no friends, I don't talk to people, but you don't have to fucking rub it in every time you so much as talk to me. It hurts me a lot and I do not appreciate it. I'm human too, I have feelings despite them not presenting themselves often, so shut. The fuck. Up.


You know what ticks me off, Sorry quick rant, political, sorry not sorry for having opinions.

My sisters are fairly vocal about their distaste for America and the government. And my Mother likes to say very loudly in the middle of a very calm chill discussion about some issues, "Why do young people think America is so bad It's actually a really amazing place to live, it's not perfect but it could be so much worse" I hate it when she does that.
But you know, Yes, Mother you're right. America is not so bad for you, a Middle class white woman in a comfortable, straight, Secure Marriage with a husband who worships the ground you walk on and has a stable job so you can go to breakfast with your friends every Saturday. Yeah I can see that America is treating you well, it has catered to your needs, how good for you. But last time I checked, you and people like you aren't the only people who live on this chunk of land.
And guess what your daughters , two individuals with mental illnesses that were ignored and left untreated for the entirety of their childhood, who are struggling through college, who became a single mom at 18 against her will, Who are watching this world burn around them knowing that their generation is going to have to pay for it, Who work from morning through the night to try to become independent and being unable to.
So maybe America hasn't been as kind to them. And maybe just maybe they understand that there are people who are even worse off than them because their parents weren't catered to by America, Because the system was built against them, because the system ignores them or condemns them or villainies them .
So maybe just freaking maybe you can let other people have there own garsh darn opinion about the system with out attacking them for it. You're right Mom the system has been good to you, you are welcome to think that it is good to you, I'm not trying to claim it hasn't been. You are not Welcome, to invalidate others opinions and struggles because you don't like it. I don't like your opinions, I admit they are valid, you have reasons for having them, I still don't like them because I think It's an uniformed and harmful one. But you can have it I wont try to invalidate it because you're right for you. I'm merely asking you show the rest of us the same courtesy .


Woooooooow just realized I slide into a deep depression when my parents leave for work which is now once a month for a whole week. I’m literally guaranteed to have a mental breakdown almost every day and be unable to work productively.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

today is my next therapy session
hopefully I’ll be able to come up with a good enough excuse so I don’t have to come out yet
If word gets out I-
I’m in so much trouble?!
My friends would never speak to me again,

Would they though? Bc I still hang with you.

Yeah but you've had a lot of exposure therapy, and the fact that we're all writers like you gave us a commonality and a reason for you to like us. And we would debate with you

You might have a point there… I’m sorry, Nutella.

@saor_illust school

do you hear that?
it's the sound of

fun, right?

they're too far gone for me to do anything about it at this point and it hurts so much and i've already talked it over with some friends on discord but i'm just really craving y'alls support and i hate this so much and i don't know what to do anymore other than being more honest than i'd like to him

and yes this is the very friend who knew six irl and is suffering so much right now

@Becfromthedead group

@saor_illust school

yeah, i know.

it is indeed what you've said.

i've already called 911 for a very similar situation before

they can't do shit.
suicide prevention helpline can't help me.
911 can't help me with the only info i have.

i don't even know if they live in texas or the phillipines, never figured that out.


Try googling their username or real name try and find them on other platforms. Other platforms might give you access to more info about the person, and could lead you to relatives, and other in person people.
Just seeing what they've posted could give you clues to their locations, any time they mentioned maybe the name of their school, or they went to this restaurant narrows the options.

@Becfromthedead group

I know you said you think they're too far gone, but you can still provide resources. There's still time. I'm gonna suggest this crisis text line, as it's easier to go through than calling a hotline. I've used it myself, the people there are very helpful and kind, and they're here to help with situations like this. You can't make your friend contact them, but it's something. Also you (and others here) might find it helpful during these times or later.

@requiemisback language

god i wish my brain would leave me the hell alone when i'm in a good mood
it's like,,, whenever i'm happy my brain just pulls an uno reverse and then i'm all sad again
this is probably why i'm rarely happy abt anything


For some reason my teacher was set on thinking the bell had already rang and that I was late. Now, normally, I don't talk in this class, but I've had a pretty pissy day. So for one of the first times of the year, I talked in that class. I said I wasn't late and that I still had two minutes left until I was considered "late". He still told me he would mark me as late. I just huffed and sat in my seat but right as I dropped my bag, the minute bell had rang, telling the school there was a minute left to get to class. I looked at the teacher expectingly and really quietly, all I hear is " nevermind then"

@saor_illust school

hi i'm just going to drop this here
fits here
half of it is a vent
half of it is me hoping that if those words reached him, maybe he'd reconsider

anyways, tw for suicide and death (not spoilered cause the first part that you can see isnt that bad)
also i got the date wrong yall, sorry about that
i guess in my panic i misread it