forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

I wish I could physically hug you right now Iz…. Seems you could use a hug or two with everything you're dealing with. So here's a digital bear-hug from me to you!

yeah… i really could use one

thank you tho <3

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I wish I could physically hug you right now Iz…. Seems you could use a hug or two with everything you're dealing with. So here's a digital bear-hug from me to you!

yeah… i really could use one

thank you tho <3

❤ Praying for you and your friends.

@saor_illust school

just gonna casually drop this here cause itll help me feel a tiny inklingbetter to share these feelings

also some additions:
december 17th, a little under two weeks, now, huh
such a long stretch of time, seems forever away but
at the same time
in comparison to how fast these last few years seem to have flown
it's hardly any time at all

i can't feel
i cant cry
i cant anything

oh god oh god oh god i don't even want to know what ill feel on the day
the thursday after next week
or perhaps the day after?
maybe itll finally hit me then
the day after everything finally goes down

ill never be able to tell you how much you mean to me

anyways just some extra ramblings i wrote on the spot just now

@Eli_ group

Yo, Izzy, I may not know you at all or anything like that, but I genuinely feel for you. I may not understand the situation you're in to the T, but even so, I'm totally sending virtual hugs your way. I sincerely hope things get better.
Sorry if this comes off as a little awkward, I'm just trying my best with what I know.

@Starfast group

Getting real sick and tired of my friends cancelling our plans on me after I had to practically jump through hoops and cancel other plans just so that I could hang out with them over discord. Like there's no reason why someone couldn't have told me that things got cancelled. They had time, and they know how to get a hold of me?? I could be over at my parents house getting caught up on my and my mom's favourite tv show. But good thing I get to spend the night alone in my apartment instead. Thanks a lot guys.

@saor_illust school

hi i fucking hate my brain.

i've gotten a decent amount of sleep tonight but my wifi was turned off this morning before i even got a chance to have a conversation so
i was going to try to sleep to pass the time
but guess what my brain wants to do?

(tw: guns, violence)


Today was a horrible day to get a migraine. The only plus is that there is a really slim chance I get out of church. Other than that, I have to do an essay, study for my Hamlet Final (Half the test is naming the people who said quotes), finish a math project, retake a math test, get in contact with my Links (The freshmen I have to help "Integrate" into high school), Finish a biotech study guide, do my laundry, finish 3 orders, draw a shirt design on paper, make two designs into pdfs, and maybe have time to cry before 2am. Might work on the porch so I have some motivation. I just hope this is a shorter migraine (7 hours) because I can't afford to miss school tomorrow because I need to finish a lab and give 2 presentations tomorrow. Also, that's just the stuff on my list. If my parents don't believe that I actually have a migraine then they'll make me do a bunch of chores. Wish me luck

@saor_illust school

hi i have returned


Happy vent!! I got my PSAT scores today and they're not garbage!! Especially my English score :0 Gonna share them here because I'm super proud of myself and also I feel like it's a safe thing to share



i have 2 weeks till the semester ends and to get my grades up from Ds to at least Cs or Bs but i have absolutley no motivation and im just gettting more and more stressed without being able to do any work


i think i have a problem with paying attention because i literally cant watch a 10 minute video like it takes me forever