forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Milani eco

has anybody got an idea for an english project? it has to be a question related to truth; how does 'insert topic here' influence people perspectives on truth?


Well it's late but, Age and time are two Idea's, also, what country you live in what area of said country, your education, your employment or lack there of. Your Gender, Your race, your Sexuality. Those are just the ones from the top of my head.

@Katastrophic group

i forgot i had a presentation tomorrow so guess who's frantically making a powerpoint while trying to memorize 3 pages of text on cultural legacies of art movements?
Not me cause i'm going to bed.
I'm going to HATE my alarm tomorrow but o well

Deleted user

What do you do when your so called friends tell your other friends that I am a slut??? and a Whore…..
All because I am Poly …. WTF I am literially never gonna live happily ever without SOMEONE making my life a living hell.

@Katastrophic group

What jerks. I may not get polyamory but other people's consensual relationships aren't my business. Friends especially shouldn't judge you like that, and if they do they should keep it to themselves and not gossip.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Dealing with signing up for SSI is giving me stress-induced headaches…. I've been attempting to get a hold of this guy that said to call him for the past 6 days, and I only have 10 days to try to reach him. I've even left callback numbers so that he can contact me and haven't heard anything!

Stop f<"(ing me over and answer the d!?n phone, you a@@hole!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

TW/ invalidating mental health


You're mom sucks.
Those are all real issues that deserve serious medical attention. You deserve to be taken seriously and treated properly. I'm sorry you're not getting that at home.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The hallucinations aren't really hallucinations?
Like, I know it's not happening really
But it feels that way, you know?
And they're super vivid and a always that same thing
I feel like it's tied more to OCD of Autism, both things a 1) therapist 2) phycology teacher and 3) school counselor have told me it's likely I have
But my parents are terrified of putting me on medication or letting me get help at all, because it's expensive and 'i don't need it' according to my mom
My dad is actually warming up to it, surprisingly, but my mom has revealed herself to be the literal Boomer she is


Yeah I get that, I get sort of anxiety caused hallucinations at night.
And yeah if multiple people have said you might have a condition like that then it’s definitely possible
The fact that they won’t even let you get help is..annoying. From someone who also has boomer parents, my parents have little to no true understanding of mental illness, and it can be very frustrating.