forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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My mom forced me to get off my laptop at two in the afternoon yesterday after I had just got on after I made sure to do any chores she could've given me, but then she breaks out the "you were on your laptop too much today" and then GET'S MAD AT ME FOR SPIRALING AFTER SHE YELLS AT ME TO STOP MINIPULATING HER (I literally just said that I didn't want to eat what she made for dinner becuase it made me feel sick, I was in no way minipulating any fucking one)

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surgery was good
I'm in a little tiny bit of pain where they took out the tooth and went into the bone and stuff
That side of my face is numb
I didn't cry when they gave me the IV (I did really well, actually)
When I woke up I wasn't super loopy but I kept asking where Scout was (Scout is my best friend who lives half an hour away unfortunately)
I also have a faint memory of whispering "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed"
I couldn't walk so they wheeled me out in a wheelchair
And now I'm here, aggressively chewing gauze and eating pudding

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my back hurts real bad
so now i'm sitting in the nurses office but the nurse just told me that i should've gone to the other campus' office becuase they deal with like pain and shit while this office does sick. But no one will arrange a golf cart to come grab me becuase I can't really walk. They have to call my parents to let me take some pain meds and neither of them have responded so now i'm sitting in the office, in pain, with no A.C., stimming, and crying

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I also have a faint memory of whispering "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed"


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Ahaha guess who has convinced themselves that they have some form of mental illness or disorder to justify their weird behavior.

It's me. I did it again and I've somehow managed to convince myself I have ADHD.

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guess who's currently gay panicking
it's ya boi and i managed to find the prettiest girl in lofi
her name is emysprout <3
Emysprout – TV Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
hhhhhhhhhh the HAIR

@nebula__ group

do ya'll ever just get sad for no apparent reason? bc that's what's going down rn and i hate it and i hate myself and i don't know what to dO

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Idk buddy, when I get the random sad feelings I either just sit there and start to analyze everything and basically turn into a philosopher, try to ignore the feelings and watch a TV show, or I just make myself more sad

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You could also try crying. Crying occurs when you feel such a strong emotion, so it activates you tear ducts. I've heard that it will calm you down.


quick, I had a surprise therapy session today and I don’t know if I should risk this

so she’s super Catholic™️ and I believe some therapists in her building actually specialize in more of the less-torturous conversion therapy so that’s terrifying
but I cannot physically explain why I’ve been so stressed this week without coming out to her

is it worth the risk or should I hide what’s happened and pretend nothing happened since last session?
please hurry we’re almost there and I really need advice-

@Katastrophic group

I say tell her, and if she starts acting sus then do what you can, but atleast you tried. Therapists are supposed to help, if they can't or won't then that's their fault and none of yours. Also does your therapist have like a privacy agreenment?

@Moxie group

quick, I had a surprise therapy session today and I don’t know if I should risk this

so she’s super Catholic™️ and I believe some therapists in her building actually specialize in more of the less-torturous conversion therapy so that’s terrifying
but I cannot physically explain why I’ve been so stressed this week without coming out to her

is it worth the risk or should I hide what’s happened and pretend nothing happened since last session?
please hurry we’re almost there and I really need advice-

Idk if this is too late but I would hide it. This definitely sounds like a safety concern and you should never come out if its a safety concern.
Therapists have privacy agreements but there are some shitty ones that don't follow that.

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I think my current obsession is ending and now I'm kind of sad because I'm not ready to let go. I've been obsessed with it for like 5 months and it feels like leaving a good friend or a giant chunk of my life behind. I'm gonna go cry now.


Guess whose brother has to quarantine bc he was in close contact with someone who tested positive for covid?? I still have to go to school though which I don't really mind(I actually prefer in-person school) but like… I've been in close contact with him for a hot minute now and the person he was in contact with probably had it before he tested for it, so wouldn't it make sense for the entire family to quarantine?? Instead my brother has to go into uber-quarantine, he's basically stuck in his room for two weeks/until he gets a test and it comes back negative or something

Deleted user

Guess whose brother has to quarantine bc he was in close contact with someone who tested positive for covid?? I still have to go to school though which I don't really mind(I actually prefer in-person school) but like… I've been in close contact with him for a hot minute now and the person he was in contact with probably had it before he tested for it, so wouldn't it make sense for the entire family to quarantine?? Instead my brother has to go into uber-quarantine, he's basically stuck in his room for two weeks/until he gets a test and it comes back negative or something

Lol same. Some kid at my school got a positive test result in the middle of the day so now the entire grade has to stay home.


update: she’s aware. don’t think she took it well but not terribly, I should be safe
however she is planning to tell my mom next month with the intentions of “letting me join a catholic group of other people with the same struggles” so that’s absolutely terrifying :)))


Ella, that is terrifying. What did you come out to her as? Like did you tell her about liking girls or did you only talk about sex repulsion and asexuality? You don't have to say, but if you only came out as ace it might be easier to refuse the offer of what I can only assume is an "ex-gay" group.

@saor_illust school


update: she’s aware. don’t think she took it well but not terribly, I should be safe
however she is planning to tell my mom next month with the intentions of “letting me join a catholic group of other people with the same struggles” so that’s absolutely terrifying :)))

what the hell happened to patient confidentiality


Ella, that is terrifying. What did you come out to her as? Like did you tell her about liking girls or did you only talk about sex repulsion and asexuality? You don't have to say, but if you only came out as ace it might be easier to refuse the offer of what I can only assume is an "ex-gay" group.

I only said that I didn’t think I was straight and had no attraction towards guys, however with the way I reacted to the questions I’m almost certain she figured out the rest.
I’m not fully sure about the group, based on what she said it doesn’t actually seem too bad, but there’s still that fear that it’ll end up being much worse
I don’t know and I don’t think there’s much I can do about it


update: she’s aware. don’t think she took it well but not terribly, I should be safe
however she is planning to tell my mom next month with the intentions of “letting me join a catholic group of other people with the same struggles” so that’s absolutely terrifying :)))

what the hell happened to patient confidentiality

well, to be fair, she did give me the full option to say no, I just… didn’t.
after every session we briefly discuss what we will and won’t tell my mom about once she’s let into the room, and it really does help cause then I’m not alone when I inform her and the adults can decide what to do about it.
well it was that way this time, only she was slightly more insistent that mom should be informed for the sole reason of getting me help so I don’t have to be alone, and as she was telling me it honestly seemed really appealing, despite the sus-ness of it all