forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Who knew I could have this much anxiety over deserty empty-ass nEvADa

god, same


Mmmmmm we love teachers assigning high amounts of work despite it being election week. I’m so ready for fall break like p l e a s e
Also my brain’s back at it again with “doing this one thing with this one person would really make me feel better or at least help me be a bit more productive” but also “what if I’m really bothering them way too much and they end up hating me”

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Who knew I could have this much anxiety over deserty empty-ass nEvADa

god, same

Same. I didn't think I'd ever give a flying frick about Nevada, but here we are.

On the bright side, Nevada is usually Democratic.


i don't know what im gonna do in the future. I can't afford to pay for college and im not good enough for any scholarships. And even if i find some way to pay, idk what i'd want to do. Like idealy i want to go to art school but it's really expensive and will put me in debt and the salary for artists is pretty low. But im also scared i'll end up in some job i hate for the rest of my life akjhdhgh

Here's some two cents from an art college person that you absolutely don't have to listen to but I hope it helps:
There are very few artists who work in only art. Most of us have day jobs, and that's okay. I actually work as a secretary at a dance studio, my friend and I are both going into teaching to fund our studio work, and I know many artists who have jobs at grocery stores, book shops, and coffee places. Having a job doesn't mean you can't do art.
As for the college thing, what do you want to get out of it? For me, the most I learned about art was stuff I haven't tried before or things I needed studio space and equipment for (metalwork, ceramics, etc.). I did learn how to critique and manage deadlines, but that's more practical than technical skill. My advice is to find out what you want, and find another way to get it if college is out of range for you. If you need studio space to work, check your local centers or see if any studios rent. For learning technical skills, youtube is honestly so full of resources and I would be happy to recommend some channels if you're into digital or painting in general. The internet has so many great platforms to learn art on, it just takes some self-drive and discipline to make yourself learn, if you struggle with that have a friend call you out and make deadlines for you. Skillshare is also a great site if you can afford it, you can get a discount from tons of youtube channels and it has things like interactive projects and homework.

Thank you! That really helps. I think my main interest in going to college for art is studying animation.


Why does getting over a migraine kind of feels like a hangover?

Because it is! In a way. A migraine hangover is called a postdrome. It's the last stage of a migraine and has similar symptoms to a hangover.


Why does getting over a migraine kind of feels like a hangover?

Because it is! In a way. A migraine hangover is called a postdrome. It's the last stage of a migraine and has similar symptoms to a hangover.

Welp, instead of doing my photo assignment, I will be reading up on this. Thank you very much

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I'm having a terrible fucking day and I'm this close to ripping my hair out of my goddamn skull
I want to jump off a fucking cliff

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Dun dun dun
time to have a mental breakdown becuase my therapist brought up a memory that was blocked off for one hell of a good reason

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I've been doing this shit on and off for years, since I was a literal child (fifth grade). I'm so over it.

I agree with Dom. Don't, guys.