forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Bro you gotta use like,,, psychological warfare on them. Give me like two hours and I'll get on the phone with my friend who's like the best with that stuff and I'll tell you what she says to do. Can't do it rn because I'm in school

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Thanks guys. I just saw one of the guys and threatened his life. And well. he tried to touch me and i pushed him down and stomped on his hand.

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an ad on the radio just said "the current state of politics is chaotic"
like we been knew
it's very evident
we didn't need a podcast creator to tell us that

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I've tried, but my mom stops me saying it's nothing and that i'll be fine. I tried telling my Therapist but she only cares about if i'm hurting myself.
So i swear if another dude touches me. I'll punch and kick him.

Good. Good luck. If they’re old enough the Adam’s apple is sensitive.


So, we had our trunk-or-treat canceled, so instead the school decided to do a trick-or-treat during the lunches. Anyways, I signed up for the first of three lunches and decided to wear something kind of nice (White dress shirt, vest, and low heel) But the thing is, I live in the Devil's Armpit, so I was hot pretty fast. I was waiting for the next group and they didn't show up. Well basically, none of the other groups showed up, so I was totally alone, in a painful outfit and makeup that I was forced to wear pouring down my face. Pretty sure I was marked absent in 2 classes, so my mom will be pissed. My glasses are covered in makeup, so I cant wear them (Because of vest and shirt being unable to clean them) I ran out of water and have a killer headache too. But, I stole a bunch of candy, so that makes it a little better, but not much.

@Katastrophic group

I tried telling my parents, but they say "I'm asking for it when I wear half of what I own."

So are these dudes wearing cups? If not then they're just asking to be punched there ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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If they make inappropriate jokes to you look them in the eye and sarcastically exaggerate how funny you found it.

"Wow. Haha. So funny. You're literally the funniest person ever. I can't stop laughing at that hilarious joke you made. I am physically unable to breathe because I keep on laughing. I'm rolling on the ground because of how hard I'm laughing. Please call 911 because I really can't stop laughing. Haha."

Make sure to say it in a monotone voice so they really get the message.

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I have a female body (a rather feminine female body, at that), and I don't get touched by boys at my school but I get stared at in places that make me uncomfortable and I've been the center of quite a few sexual jokes. My biggest problem is the old men who check me out and catcall & whistle at me. Very thankful to say I've never been touched, I'm so sorry that's happening to you.


Yeah, I suffer from the plague known as feminine curves, But I am lucky enough to be friends with some really amazing people.
At the school's fall festival freshman year the band goes and plays so we were all there and about half way through the night Two of my Guy friends just kinda flanked me for a while, and I found out later that one of them over heard some dude talking about what he was going to do to me so they made sure I wasn't alone and he couldn't get close.
And after that I started paying attention to it more and sometimes one of them would just 'randomly' escort me places and shoot glares at an individual or two.
So basically I had a body guard for the entirety of my on campus high school career. they graduated last year though so when we go back to school I am on my own.


I have two more or these stupid collage application essays to do, two flipping more.
I wouldn't be on a time crunch but my brain was like you know what would be fun not starting your application until 5 days before it needs to done and submitted.
I feel less bad about procrastinating though because my friend who is applying to the same college started like a month ago and has to rewrite all of his essays because he did them wrong and he found out the same day I started. So we're on the same time schedual right now even if he started his application first.


I know that most of these aren't my fault, but today has just been a crappy day and it isn't even 10:00 am yet. I basically kept getting denied thing, after thing today. I attempted a couple of scholarships, didn't get, then found out I didn't do great on my AP test, didn't get a job, didn't get accepted into a photo thing, and some of my stories didn't get accepted. And I know that it isn't that big of a deal, because I'm doing more than I was last year, but I'm still really sad

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I literally just read this on Facebook….

"You don't want to die, you just want to stop hurting." The lows can be low, but the highs will always be higher. The flowers cannot bloom without a little rain. Trust that you are here for a reason. ~Andrea Russett


idk why but i feel like im gonna cry every time someone uses the slightest bit of negative wording or tone when talking to me

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bro that one moment when you have the voices in your head telling you to k*ll yourself but their voice is just the song achilles come down by gang of youth, not cool bro

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it's a good fucking song
which is why I'm angy that the voices are trying to go "reed jump off the roof" in the song and it's just ugh