forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I’m still salty @ nevada for being the only state license plate we couldn’t find on vacation a few years back
we even found hawaii and five different provinces of Canada
such a dumb place

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what the fuck has navada every fuckin acomplished stg

Being run by the mafia iirc.

wait, what?


I've been having depresso dreams about Unus Annus ending.
There were few things that got me through 2020, and that was definitely one of them. I'll never be able to go back and watch Mark and Eef being stupid together. And I gotta be ok with that. Memento Mori.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Yo I had the weirdest dream about Sanders Sides last night
Pretty sure I was Virgil and also Jyn was there and she had 2 characters who were constantly running from an avalanche but one of them ended up dying
That part was way more complicated lmao

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Guys guys
My brother got VR for his birthday and he's gonna let me play soon
He thought he was gonna have to buy it himself but our parents got it for 'him'
'him' is in quotes because I'm gonna benefit from this just as much as he will



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It's going to be okay, but you have to stay strong and you have to stay alive, okay?
We need you. Your family and friends need you too.
Do I have to remind you how much you mean to all of us? How much you've changed so many of our lives.
Hang on silly muffin.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

It's going to be okay, but you have to stay strong and you have to stay alive, okay?
We need you. Your family and friends need you too.
Do I have to remind you how much you mean to all of us? How much you've changed so many of our lives.
Hang on silly muffin.

Ella we love youu

I'm sorry I'm bad at this


I’m so glad I have you guys… <3
thank you for being here, for letting me release all my vague nonsensical ramblings, I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have y’all-

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I can't eat or drink anything after midnight for surgery tomorrow morning so I have to drink water now which I dislike doing


Happy vent time!! ^^

So I recently(like last month I think?) got very into this thing called Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware. Very much recommend it, it's hilarious. Lots of swearing though so if that's not your thing then maybe don't? And quite a bit of blood and guns, a couple of scenes with zombies I think? But the graphics look like this so… not super realistic(no triggering imagery in the spoiler btw!! :) )

Anyways it's basically a skit that's Half Life in VR but with extra "AI" that are played by different people. They've kinda become comfort characters, along with the Linked Universe AU heroes. Like if I'm having a bad day, sometimes I'll just come up with scenarios with them in my head, or pretend they're just vibing with me(obviously I don't actually like outwardly show that I'm doing this lmao). My friend and I talk about it a lot, she's actually the person who got me into it, and we actually have some headcanons and even kind of a next-gen thing that we plan on writing solely for our own amusement(the characters' names though… Crystal Methany BenreyBenreyBenreyBenrey and Coke Aine Coolatta… dsalkvnav).

I guess this just means a LOT to me? And I honestly really want to share it with more people and talk about it with more people, but I don't really know how to do that. Like, I can't just burst in and say "HEY HAVE YOU HEARD OF THIS OBSCURE THING??? NO????? LET ME RANT ABOUT IT" and that's actually kind of frustrating. So uhh, check it out if you don't trigger at blood or guns? It's extremely funny. And bc I wanted to include it but didn't know where exactly to say it, one of the VAs is actually trans!


Mmmmm not my mother coming into my space and messing with my flow when I was just recovering from like my second mental breakdown of the day. She wasn’t even being mean I was just like “ack no my brain didn’t plan for this” and then she tried to talk to me about how much time I’d spent on my phone today and like true- but also like ma’am I was depressed as hell today.
We love parents who don’t have mental issues and are just like “why didn’t you just go on a walk then or go hang out with your friends instead of being upset lol”