forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Who knew I could have this much anxiety over deserty empty-ass nEvADa

My state Georgia looking hella thicc rn. There might be a chance that i'll actually not be ashamed of living here.


Who knew I could have this much anxiety over deserty empty-ass nEvADa

My state Georgia looking hella thicc rn. There might be a chance that i'll actually not be ashamed of living here.

Yeah, Nevada's too slow. Now I'm just stalking Georgia.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Who knew I could have this much anxiety over deserty empty-ass nEvADa

My state Georgia looking hella thicc rn. There might be a chance that i'll actually not be ashamed of living here.

Yeah, Nevada's too slow. Now I'm just stalking Georgia.

Bro, did y'all hear when Trump said that Georgia is run by Democrats when it's a fucking Republican state? That shit cracked me up.


Fun fact: Back in my parents' days, kids would do that. Not as an insult but like if someone got into trouble? Idk I find it really strange lmao

@Katastrophic group

biting thumbs, the fig (some cherubs on the Sistine Chapel actually are doing this sign), and the modern middle finger are all excellent ways of expressing oneself.

@Katastrophic group

Also why i find this shakespear scene hilarious:
ABRAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON: (aside to GREGORY) Is the law of our side if I say “ay”?
GREGORY: (aside to SAMPSON) No.
SAMPSON: No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir. (1.1.39–42)

Literally the guy is flipping him off, but saying "I'm doing the finger, but not at you. Nope, that's against the law. I'm just flipping off the air around you." Which is just a mood.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Also why i find this shakespear scene hilarious:
ABRAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON: (aside to GREGORY) Is the law of our side if I say “ay”?
GREGORY: (aside to SAMPSON) No.
SAMPSON: No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir. (1.1.39–42)

Literally the guy is flipping him off, but saying "I'm doing the finger, but not at you. Nope, that's against the law. I'm just flipping off the air around you." Which is just a mood.

It's hilarious

@Katastrophic group

Also why i find this shakespear scene hilarious:
ABRAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON: (aside to GREGORY) Is the law of our side if I say “ay”?
GREGORY: (aside to SAMPSON) No.
SAMPSON: No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir. (1.1.39–42)

Literally the guy is flipping him off, but saying "I'm doing the finger, but not at you. Nope, that's against the law. I'm just flipping off the air around you." Which is just a mood.

It's hilarious

We had to act it out in our class as a modern interpretation, and some guys who were known for trouble did this scene. Luckily the teacher was chill and didn't send them to the office for flipping off everyone in the room.


My dad won't let me go to a friking eco club meeting because there's boys??? Like what?? This isn't the 1700s.


Who knew I could have this much anxiety over deserty empty-ass nEvADa

My state Georgia looking hella thicc rn. There might be a chance that i'll actually not be ashamed of living here.

Yeah, Nevada's too slow. Now I'm just stalking Georgia.

Bro, did y'all hear when Trump said that Georgia is run by Democrats when it's a fucking Republican state? That shit cracked me up.

He's delusional, but what's new. This state is red, Trump signs at every corner, even across my house. The only reason we're getting closer to turning blue is mostly because of Atlanta and other major cities.

@saor_illust school

not a vent but i'm lurking in the server and they keep mentioning florida gate every now and then and i dont know what the fuck that is google won't give me a thing
would any of you per chance happen to know it?

i keep seeing stuff like this


also I just hate how school forces us through 4 years of math in high school, the time when we’re supposed to be learning to get ready for life. It prOblEm sOlvIng skiLLs

I don’t care, we learnt that years ago, and not really, because whenever we made mistake when we were little we were basically told we were stupid and told the answer, so we can never make choices for our self.

The math we should be learning should be a review of things that are important, and accounting so we can learn about budgeting.

And then we only have one class a semester for all of out high school years, to learn sex Ed. Job stuff, health, nutrition, mental health and other things.

The school system is fucked up.

and don’t get me started on bullying