forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Hey, uh, I have a modest proposal. What if…okay this might sound crazy but hear me out…what if we didn't lump sex workers in with drug dealers, r*pists, and serial killers? Just food for thought, I might be totally crazy


A private Covid facility is refusing service to Candace Owens for spreading misinformation. She is pissed. I am laughing my ass off because yes, that's called karma and, just like you, it's a bitch

@Pickles group

Some bastard just flung a ton of ranch on my shoe and then in the most flippant fucking voice goes "my bad"
Yeah dude, no fucking shit
Now I have to clean my shoes and hope the dry in time for me to wear them to class. Little rat dick. Men are disgusting.

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to my parents for almost naming me Fiona.

Do you realize how many Shrek-related comments I would have to deal with being a child born in 2006?

Thank the holy cup of mac n cheese that I was named marijuana instead.

@Pickles group

I love how old people's mental health advice is like "you know the symptoms of depression? The things that are happening because of your depression? Just stop doing those"
Thanks karen but if I could stop worrying and get out bed and exercise and eat healthy, I probably wouldn't need help on how handle my anxiety and depression

@ElderGod-kirky group

my grandfather, who most definitely is depressed, tried challenging my sister's depression by saying "do you sometimes wake up and just feel like crying? yeah, me too. just go outside and you'll be fine"

he's a d!ck

@The-Magician group

I'd like to be rude to my parents for almost naming me Fiona.

Do you realize how many Shrek-related comments I would have to deal with being a child born in 2006?

Thank the holy cup of mac n cheese that I was named marijuana instead.

Yoooo I was almost named Fiona too?!?!

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to my parents for almost naming me Fiona.

Do you realize how many Shrek-related comments I would have to deal with being a child born in 2006?

Thank the holy cup of mac n cheese that I was named marijuana instead.

Yoooo I was almost named Fiona too?!?!

Yooooooo that's whack my guy!??!?!?!
Instead of naming me that, we ended up naming my cat Fiona.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

my grandfather, who most definitely is depressed, tried challenging my sister's depression by saying "do you sometimes wake up and just feel like crying? yeah, me too. just go outside and you'll be fine"

he's a d!ck

Bruh I love depressed adults having no sympathy for younger folks w depression