forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Heh I live in byu town too
Remember when they were like "ok gay people can hold hands" then when all the gay students felt safe being out they did and uno reverse on the queers
Remember when they covered up countless SA reports
I do
I hate byu with a passion

@ElderGod-kirky group

i looked it up and briefly looked over the news articles google had previewed and saw something about the head(?) having an iron fist instead of an open hand in regards to something and i already didn't like it


Christian colleges are kinda culty, ngl
I toured one and me, my mom, and my sibling all got super creepy vibes. I think my dad was overly charmed by the donuts they gave us because he didn't feel the cult vibes at all. But he's also the biggest jesus stan out of us, so
Hey, at least she's not trying to convince you to go to BYU. Could always be worse

the phrase "jesus stan" has sent me

@HighPockets group

Just woke up after a dream where one of my teeth was loose and so I spent a minute feeling around my mouth just to make sure they weren't and wow…I hated that!

@Pickles group

Apparently I don't have econ today and my professor came in and looked at us like we were dumbasses. Sir I woke up at 6:30, it is now 11 and I don't want to be here but I am, so teach me about the fucking economy, I'm not here so you can look at me like I'm stupid for not checking the syllabus a billion times to figure out if there's class

@ElderGod-kirky group

of fucking course
today's day of work was great :)
had my "boss" Randy fucking blame me for a part miscount :)) in front of multiple people :))) and then demand that he and I are going to recount my boxes first thing in the morning :))))

so guess who was a petty productive with her last hour of work without anyone else to solve the issue?

and guess what
it wasn't my fault
crazy right? how could the newbie not be the blame for a miscount?? i must be delusional

so here's the gist of my findings: i did a recount, made sure the scale was calculating the piece weight right. then i made sure my heaviest box (which happened to have the least amount of parts of the two) had the right amount of parts in it (it did). then i checked to make sure they weren't soaking ass wet because Randy insists they need done like yesterday while they just got out of their bath (they were dry). after that, i went to my other box, which was supposed to have more parts but it weighed less. weird, right?

well, sages and gentlemen, that would be because there was a number already written on the box from where my other "boss", Randy's wife, had left off on. when boxing the parts, i used that number to figure out how much more i needed to put in in order to get 1500, since the scale was reset when i went to do it. wanna guess how that went when I did my petty check?

it only has 1000

they were also drenched, so i put them in front of the fan, as well as the third double-checked box that had been done today

@larcenistarsonist group

currently playing mhoj2 and my sib just threw their switch lite as me bc they can't beat me when I'm Stain-

and what makes it worse but also so much better is that they're an Iida Main-

@larcenistarsonist group

Oh when I was seven I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and there was the bratty blueberry girl who was saying that she had a record for longest time someone chewed a single piece of gum and she stuck it behind her ear when she ate so I stuck a piece of gum behind my ear and forgot about it for a solid week and a half

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh when I was seven I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and there was the bratty blueberry girl who was saying that she had a record for longest time someone chewed a single piece of gum and she stuck it behind her ear when she ate so I stuck a piece of gum behind my ear and forgot about it for a solid week and a half



Just came to the realization that something that happened to me at work was like, kinda misogynistic? I was helping this older guy find stuff, and my coworker comes back from break. Now, I'm a short young woman, and I look like, young, okay? I look between 17 and 19. Which I am. My coworker? 5'11" 20 yr old guy, super fit, looks like,,, exactly his age. Basically, we look pretty close in age. He's clearly a year or two older, but it's not, like, a massive gap, y'know? It's not "he's in his thirties and clearly way more mature" also he's a literal child so like, I'm more mature?? but whatever so anyways, my coworker waves when he sees me, but doesn't come over. the old guy i was talking to goes "is that your manager?" like?? Why would he be my manager?? he's clearly too young to be a manager, considering his facial hair is basically peach fluff still?? like, idk. maybe it wasn't because i'm a young woman but tbh it kinda feels like it?? like, who's gonna assume that someone who's obviously like, barely 20, is the manager of an entire fucking department?? idk