forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

I'm covered in bruises from trying to get up onto my bed and I'm very damp, but almost all my teachers have asked for everyone's pronouns so everything is okay
I also figured out how to close my window this morning, so that was a relief

@HighPockets group

Had a dream last night that Dom posted a long, well-written comment about the US pulling out of Afghanistan on here but it was formatted like a Tik Tok comment with semi-relevant emojis every other word

@larcenistarsonist group

I had a dream once where the Kool-Aid Hell Gang crawled out of the Mariana Trench and turned into demon mermaid creatures and that is something that refuses to leave my brain.

@spacebluelily language

also the Spiderman: No Way Home trailer finally dropped and a;sjkdfhvdkjbhjsdhgcdv I'm so happyyyy

it's prettttty interesting ngl

"be careful what you wish for, Parker"
Strange sounds evil there wtf


also the Spiderman: No Way Home trailer finally dropped and a;sjkdfhvdkjbhjsdhgcdv I'm so happyyyy

it's prettttty interesting ngl

"be careful what you wish for, Parker"
Strange sounds evil there wtf

khsdfgjbh i know I can't wait

@spacebluelily language

also the Spiderman: No Way Home trailer finally dropped and a;sjkdfhvdkjbhjsdhgcdv I'm so happyyyy

it's prettttty interesting ngl

"be careful what you wish for, Parker"
Strange sounds evil there wtf

khsdfgjbh i know I can't wait

neither can i
i already started counting the days we have left til the movie drops

@Pickles group

The outlets in my room are shit and my laptop's battery is shit and I can't charge it and it's dead but I need it several hours ago

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Had a dream last night that Dom posted a long, well-written comment about the US pulling out of Afghanistan on here but it was formatted like a Tik Tok comment with semi-relevant emojis every other word

Dude I wish
Did have a convo/argument with an Old White Republican about it. He accused me of a bunch of stuff and told me I needed to separate my religion from politics even though my entire argument w Afghanistan was that as cool as Christianity is we shouldn’t let it dictate military policy and that the City on a Hill sermon given to the pilgrims is bull used to propagate nationalism under the guise of piety and as cool as America is we really have no business messing w other countries and also it kills millions of people many our own and also it’s not like we’re the amazing heroes we want to be bc Murcia has def done some shitty things
He didn’t listen which. ya know. big shock

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

we had a lady w Covid come though the thru and I’m like Dude? do you not care about anyone? this has the potential possibility of infecting half the town? but you had to get the beefy 5 layer ig :/
Also shoutout to the lady who said it was discrimination that we have better specials on the app. Bc she can’t afford an iPhone. Like okay lady you’re a white boomer but go off ig you’re not the only poor person but fr just get an older one? Or just chill?
A secondary shoutout to the asshole who “prank called” us and didn’t answer till he got my friend Eryn and made sexual comments. Ye. On the bright side he answered next time I picked up and I got to shout at him. (Makâf vâin asânu kânskyl which loosely translates to “Go to hell, dumb dog”)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I went to a souvenir shop on the boardwalk today and was pleasantly surprised to see they had a bunch of pride pins and stickers, unfortunately since I’m not out I couldn’t get any of the pins that said ‘queer’ on them but I settled for a a love is love pin

@larcenistarsonist group

speaking of gay class we had our first GSA meeting today and I dragged my new best friend along with me and she actually really liked it and I'm the president of it and much yes-

@Mojack group

Cranefly story to explain my current name:

  • went outside. it’s the first time ive been outside in weeks
  • finally touch grass just like they’ve been telling me to on Twitter
  • detect craneflies on the ground
  • attempt to pick them up several times
  • finally succeed
  • hold this cranefly. I think she was a female and I named her Rowan because there’s a rowan tree literally a few feet behind us
  • she was very chill. craneflies are actually very chill. they’re also known as mosquito eaters. much to my sadness, this is false. it is impossible for craneflies to kill other insects.
  • she fell off of my hand several times (and each time I picked her back up)
  • eventually I sat down somewhere and at first I thought she’d died in my hands since you know, once they become adults craneflies don’t live very long, and she wasn’t reacting to anything I’d do
  • then I touched her and she revealed to me that she was alive, and eventually I set her back down and she was free from her torment.
  • go back inside, look up craneflies.
  • learn how long they live (only a few days)
  • mfw I realize I may have just wasted 10-15 minutes off of some innocent insect’s short life

like she could’ve been trying to do important things like find food or lay eggs (or maybe she was on her deathbed) and she keeps on getting picked up by a giant creature no matter how hard she tries to escape.