forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Pickles group

They have not spoken to me since I said "good riddance"
Pickles what the fuck is that?? "Good riddance"??? You've never said that in your whole life why the hell did you say it now

@ElderGod-kirky group

shout-out to my former commercial art teacher now that i reminded of him

thanks for sucking the enjoyment out if a hobby i loved, for the sake of your own view of perfection and high standards
thanks for calling students that couldn't keep up names and accusing them of feeling a certain way without actually knowing how they feel
thanks for drilling into my head that everything has to be realistic, because now i can't draw anything without trying to make it realistic when i don't want it to be

:) thanks :)

@Katastrophic group

i once broke a microwave by opening the door to put food inside, it just turned off after i shut the door. My best food fail by far tho was an exploding cake

@Katastrophic group

I'm beginning to understand your username lmao

im actually a very good baker, it was just once i exploded a cake and added pancake mix to brownies… and set fire to popcorn… and that time i blackened a tray of sandwiches in 3 minutes…
ill be honest its a like 70% chance for my food to turn out and otherwise it is indeed a catastrophic failure lol

@larcenistarsonist group

I'm at a McDonald's r now and the sign under the McDonalds sign says "the ice cream machine works and you can too. Now hiring" and so naturally I asked for an ice cream and they said it was broken-

@ElderGod-kirky group

it's a sign

speaking of, I'm at borger king and this old man stared directly at me as i walked by, then muttered under his breath, and went back to staring when i sat back down. now I'm curious as to what he said