forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ElderGod-kirky group

my company: we don't have plastic because material is down. your orders will be filled when they can be. first come first serve

customers: okay but what if we order MORE plastic than usual and ask for exceptions? will that get it to us faster?

@Pickles group

In order to not think about the good situation, I'm walking half an hour to get ice cream for dinner. Probably gonna get a burger too
Also I just realized I still have leftovers and now I feel dumb

@Pickles group

Google maps needs a lot of work on their walking directions. It has not once told me when to turn and I've used it five times today

@Pickles group

Why was I ever sad? I have a fucking cherry slushie and I've seen so many squirrels and blm and stop line 3 signs
And this is your irregularly scheduled reminder to visit and that we can't drink oil


dear Biden: fuck. you. we all want peace but not like this. you are leaving people to die at the hands of the taliban, after being told for months that this would happen and ignoring everyone who told you. fuck. you. people are dying and even more are going to, and you aren't doing enough. there is no working with the taliban. afghanistan has fallen. you did not plan for this, stop saying you did because it is bullshit. trump was awful, but he wouldn't have done this to friends and allies. fuck you. fuck politics. fuck the taliban. and fuck you again because you should have planned for this and you didn't. all further deaths are on your head for this

(not endorsing trump. just saying that he would have handled this situation a little bit better. trump is still a piece of shit)

@tungsten fastfood

Actually Trump did do this. They created an agreement that Biden followed.

Before the Trump administration, there were a little over 15,000 troops in Afghanistan. Biden just removed around 3,000 under an agreement from the Trump administration to finish that. In fact, Biden actually promised to bring his troops home in his political promises, and he's acted upon it.

Personally, I think this was the right move. As Biden said in his speech, which in no offense Ice, I don't think you watched, he stated that American troops need to be home. We've given the most support we can give Afghanistan to be a stable country, and why we were there in the first place has been done. We funneled over a trillion dollars into that country and in its support in order to properly prepare it to be a fully functioning country of democracy after the terrorist attacks of 2001. Right now we need to focus inwards on our own infrastructure, and we can't do that while supporting a satellite country. If you want to be pissed off at someone, it should be the UN or other allies. America has done the best it can, and there was never a good time we could have pulled out. When Afghanistan leaders ran and their soldiers laid their arms down, that was the sign that Biden had to leave. This Taliban takeover is not his fault. It's the country's fault for not wanting to defend itself despite having the resources to do so. About twenty one years worth of resources.

@tungsten fastfood

I don't like misinformation being spread. This is a very controversial topic, but this isn't the business of the American people anymore. This is the Middle Eastern issue of Civil rights.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I completely agree. As much as I dislike Biden, I can only support “Sending our boys home” bc why should American soldiers die over stuff that isn’t our business. America is rooted in this belief that we’re the saviors of the universe when we’re really not? In fact it would be so much better for Americans and probably other countries if we minded our own business instead of trying to run other countries.

@Katastrophic group

people always want to help, but there's a reason the rules on a plane are "put your own mask on first."

the US isn't exactly a shining beacon of prosperity at the moment


I know we want our boys out, and that's not what I'm upset about. What I'm upset about is that we're leaving behind thousands of allies to die, when the administration has been told for months that this is what would happen. Last night I was just mad and speaking in that anger, so I didn't word things very well and I apologize for it. Yes, what happens in Afghanistan isn't up to us. But if we can prevent thousands of deaths that will happen because of our involvement, we should. And the fact that we aren't is what's driving me to tears. Because these people are going to due because they helped us, and we are doing nothing to get them out. We are taking 2,000 out of, if I remember correctly and I will check my numbers later if I remember, like 40,000. Yes, get our boys out, get them home. But Britain and France are doing the same thing and you know what? They're getting their allies out. So why aren't we? That's what pisses me off

@The-Magician group

It is frustrating, but it’s all to do with how much money and resources the country has to spend on an operation like that. It’s just incredibly unfortunate that the Afghan army did nothing to even fight back


We got thousands of people out when we pulled out of Vietnam. We pushed planes and helicopters off of carriers in order to make room for people. Why aren't we making the same kind of effort now? If we could do it in the seventies, we could do it now


Alright so I watched the speech. He does make some excellent points, and overall I do agree. I do still stick to what I said, that we aren't moving fast enough to get out our allies, and that the future deaths of those who worked with us, that weren't able to get out, is the government's fault for not getting them out sooner. We're the United States, we could have gotten them out earlier if we really tried

Additionally, he seems to believe that somehow we'll be able to negotiate with the Taliban about human rights in the future? Uhhhhhh. No. The Taliban only negotiate if it's in their best interests. They will run Afghanistan as they see fit, and People (mostly women and children) will suffer for it, and none of the other nations will be able to stop it unless you go in with guns. The Taliban is not an organization that will ever lead to good government. No, nation building is not our job, and I agree with that. But it is willful ignorance to believe or at least pretend to believe that the Taliban can be negotiated with in terms of human rights

@tungsten fastfood

I'm glad you watched it. I do agree with you now that you've made your argument much less radicalized. We do need to move them out much faster and get women and children to safety to where they can keep living their lives comfortably.
And just your whole second para is perfect, I 100% agree.

@Pickles group

crocky, why does caroline have the worst luck? I feel so bad for her


I'm glad you watched it. I do agree with you now that you've made your argument much less radicalized. We do need to move them out much faster and get women and children to safety to where they can keep living their lives comfortably.
And just your whole second para is perfect, I 100% agree.

👍 I just was not expressing myself well, plus didn't have the whole argument, is all. Thanks for your patience with me :)
Thanks! The taliban infuriates me, just like ISIS and any other of these groups. Islam itself is not a bad religion and nowhere near all Muslims are like that, only a small percentage, but it makes the entire religion look bad in many Westerner's eyes and that pisses me off

@Pickles group

@ tvd, not exactly comfortable with allll this talk of the union soldiers being the bad guys. We couldn't have set this in the north?

@Pickles group

Am I gonna die if all I ever eat is salad and carrots? Probably, but I don't know how getting food that's not at the salad bar works and I'm too scared to find out

@HighPockets group

@ tvd, not exactly comfortable with allll this talk of the union soldiers being the bad guys. We couldn't have set this in the north?

Jasper Hale intensifies